Reviews for The Ramen Rivalry
emowoods205 chapter 5 . 5/1/2017
ight I'm ok with this there super duper cute and lovey dovey now after one year of anonymous friendship and hot drugged sex
cary99 chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
Love the chapter
keltieful chapter 14 . 10/20/2014
Who knew such an epic love story could be labeled The Ramen Rivalry? And include ramen cameos... Your wit has once again left me speachless. ;)

You know, I never thought anyone would do anything as dorky and cliche as quote Shakespeare to their significant other. It seems like the ultimate chick flick moment rather than something Sasuke and Naruto would do. I kinda liked it. In a sick sort of way. A bit cheesy. (I'm allergic to dairy)

I really adored the fact that Naruto wasn't too girly. He was all manly and masculine and not some girly boy that people write too much of. It's always refreshing and enlightening to have someone write him to look and act like Kishi's Naruto. I did particularly like his Lit major. I can't find a fault in a Lit major.
Sasuke was written without a single flaw. He was charming and witty, funny and cute all whist maintaining his cold, aloof bastard shell. It is really hard to write a convincing Sasuke and it's always a pleasure to read a really well written, likable Sasuke. His interactions with Sai were particularly humorous and were a great way to make him more '3D'.
I cannot give enough props for Itachi. He was just so funny. I swear, the best scenes had some level of Itachi's influence. He's just that awesome. I loved the whole stalking scenarios. Particularly stalking Sasuke as he was simultaneously stalking them. Cute and funny. The big brother relationship between Itachi and Sasuke was pretty much what I'd imagined if their family hadn't died / the way they did. His relationship with Naruto was just as amazing. Maybe even more so. I really liked the adoptive brother feel that was going on.

Even though you didn't employ many characters, each one felt fully fleshed out and realistic. The interactions and limited background were written that well. I really commend you on that. It made the whole story more believable and had me really invested in the outcome.

I could say more but I'd just be babbling on your greatness and perfection. I guess, I just really loved reading this.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/15/2014
jj chapter 14 . 1/6/2014
Rcristhela chapter 10 . 7/15/2013
Me be hater on how you ended this chapter
mudshake chapter 13 . 6/10/2013
can't sign in..having problems with signing in with my fb account that's why i can't click the favorite was better if sasuke suffered a bit!how dare he said those things to cute little naru-chan!
the Moon our Witness chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
wrf Sasuke! getting hit on by a guy with more than 8 piercing is something you should hope for! ;D
ydhhffgfghhg chapter 4 . 6/25/2012
Where did u learn that whatever it is with the wagon and all it was funny
PshhAnonymous chapter 14 . 5/11/2012
This was so interesting! Imma do the Romeo and Juliet part to someone xD Yup, imma fail! And the end was so sweet and awesome
noname00 chapter 14 . 2/8/2012
I loved it
Here's Your Cheese Omelette chapter 5 . 2/8/2012
Deidara Luv3r chapter 14 . 12/29/2011
aww everyone got there happily ever after but sai who didn't get into itachis pants loved the story
Deidara Luv3r chapter 13 . 12/29/2011
aw i sense a cheese romantic sasu coming on
Deidara Luv3r chapter 12 . 12/29/2011
sasuke is such a drama queen i bet sai would be proud now i want to stalk some one
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