A/N: Yes I'm finishing this damn thing…
Warning: Ok boys and girls… next chapter we go to M and to – yes, you guessed it – godless sodomitic goodness.
Disclaimer: No officer these characters do not belong to me, they just came here in the middle of the storm asking for shelter.
"And a nicer plot"
Yes, Kaworu, and a nicer plot.
Contrary to some of the most subtle philosophical schools – the most notable being the elusive "common sense" – people do change. It is actually quite easy to notice once it has occurred. The problem is seeing it at the precise moment in which it happens.
Looking at Shinji, Kaworu allowed these thoughts to swirl in his mind.
I actually missed it. I turn my back for a second and there you are, completely different. When did you become like this? Where was this strength of yours hidden?
Dark hair and dark eyes, Shinji's expression and posture were indeed different from his normal meeker disposition. He stood there looking a few meters away from their plot of soil, following the dark figure that now walked away with a large suitcase in hand.
To think that your father's name made you shiver a few weeks ago.
At the same time, the young teenaged angel was surprising himself as he remained motionless looking at the younger boy. He wasn't sure what he could do, or what he should do. Interrupting didn't seem like an option. Even the idea of perhaps distracting Shinji to protect his emotions seemed unnecessary.
And this is why I love him… because no one can stop him from being this strong.
The stood there, for how many moments it took for the walking figure to disappear behind a small hill, continuing in the direction of the NERV HQ building.
"That's the way to Terminal DOGMA. Why is my father going there?" Shinji's voice sounded neutral and detached.
Kaworu didn't expect Shinji to even acknowledge his father, let alone share his thoughts on him.
"I just don't understand why he keeps going to all these places. Nothing happens but he's always running around, working and meeting people."
"Maybe there's another mission coming."
The silver haired boy didn't believe himself. Should there be any suspicious development he would have picked up on it in one of his weekly system hacks. Going through NERV's files was as simple as opening a file when you had eternity on your side – all the algorithms were solved in seconds.
"There isn't."
Suddenly Shinji's voice sounded completely different. There was a power, a control in each word. The young boy turned his blue eyes to the pair of red ones standing next to him.
"If there aren't any angels left, I don't want another mission."
"You're right Kaworu. Somethings were only made for war. And if this war is over, I don't want to pilot the EVA anymore. I guess I need to tell my father this. I know how he will probably react…"
There was a pause. Inside Shinji a swirl of thoughts and emotions raged between those of shame, regret and disappointment – old friends – and those of frustration, anger and, strangest of all, hope. It was a new combination, it made him feel uneasy about his reactions, as though he couldn't take his darkness so seriously. Something new was beginning to rise in his chest, beyond the will to survive, beyond the fear of loss.
Kaworu's hand was on his without him realizing. Their eyes met, and, as was slowly becoming a new habit, Shinji didn't look away.
I don't have to run away… I don't want to.
The emotions melted into a warm dark red pulse that coursed in the young teenager's body. He looked at his red-eyed boyfriend…
Yes that's what we are.
… And kissed him gently.
"Kaworu-kun, you're blushing."
It was hard to know which of the two boys was more surprised. They chuckled.
I guess I also missed myself changing.
"Yes, Shinji?"
Warm dark and red, a mixture of bravery and the slow pulsating novelty of lust.
"Could I come over to your place tonight?"
But in terms of changing, you take the gold, Shinji.
"Of course." the grey haired regained his composure, smiling calmly.
As Kaworu's blush faded from his skin, Shinji's face began to redden, realizing what he had just asked.
"I mean, not that you have to say yes, I just w-wanted…"
He was interrupted by his cell phone, and scrambled for it like a last chance to exit the conversation he had just gotten himself into.
"Mochi-mochi? Ah Misato-san, yes I'm in the fields. What did you want to say?"
A few seconds of silence before Shinji gasped.
"Asuka what!?"
In a place in which time and space didn't really cooperate with each other, a figure (yes, that one) watched as the scenes unfurled.
His hand on her body.
The corpse of the doctor.
Third Impact
"I don't think so."
The figure smirked and with a flick of will disappeared into another dimension: our own.
Ritsuko was blinded as the doors of her cell opened for the first time in days.
"It's time"
The dark voice coming from the slowly gave way to the Gendo's shadow as he approached her.
"Maybe for you. I'm done with this Gendo. I've been done with this for a long time."
"I don't think you have a choice."
There was a gun in his hand, pointed at her, and a suitcase hanging from his other arm. Ritsuko knew Gendo had no idea she had one of her own. But she also knew that, unlike her, Gendo had intensive military training and a trigger response which would eliminate her should she make any moves.
"You don't need me for this. You have everything that you need in the suitcase and that little doll of yours."
"What I don't need is to explain myself to you."
She heard the frustration, it promised her a chance.
Just a little bit more.
"Where is she Gendo? Is that why you're here? You need me to find her again? Bandage her, make her forget who she is again?"
She got closer with each question. Sharing intimacy with a person taught you things you wish you didn't know sometimes. Gendo was, for a better expression, a masochist at heart – treat him badly enough and he would give himself up to you.
"Or maybe you're just too afraid to talk with your wife so you need her memories erased."
My chance!
Gendo did not understand until it was too late what Ristuko was aiming for: the suitcase. Before he could react the woman had pried the item from his hand and retreated. She took out her gun and pointed it at what she had just stolen.
"One move Gendo!" She panted, feeling the adrenaline running through her veins "Look at me the wrong way Gendo and I swear I will empty the ammo into this sorry excuse of a specimen! And then it won't matter how many times you kill me, she will never come back!"
"Don't! Please just let it go."
Contrasting to his despair, the man's voice seemed to gain a surprising sadness, almost sweet. He stood still as Ritsuko made her way to the door. She looked at the sunken man one last time.
"I swear… if I'd known you could make that face I'd have ended this much sooner!"
And with those word she threw the suitcase back into the cell and let the doors slide shut and ran as fast as she could.
Unbeknownst to her another male figure watched the whole event unfold. He had a gun in his hand but quickly hid it away.
I guess this part of the story didn't require my help after all.
And with those words and a smirk on his face the figure wasn't there anymore.
Kaworu watched as Shinji ran off to the facility's medical ward.
So you've finally decided to rejoin us.
"Fifth child."
A voice startled him from behind. He turned to find Ayanami's equally red eyes staring into his.
"Perhaps. But not at the moment."
Everything was different about her, from the face to the way she moved, to the very obvious high density AT-Field enshrining her figure. Kaworu quickly reverted into his angel mentality preparing to unleash his power.
"There's no need for that fifth child."
"Who are you?"
"Myself of course."
There was a calm smile in Ayanami's face as she approached the teenage albino. She looked down with a nostalgic sweetness as if picking through her memories.
"Though who that is can of course be a bit difficult at the moment"
"You have awakened."
"Yes. And no worries, I'm not here to fight or initiate anything."
"Then why?"
"I need you to promise to take care of Shinji."
That sentence seemed to come from many different voices at the same time. The female pilot stood close to the confused angel. Her face suddenly seemed to settle in an expression of motherly warmth.
"You'll take care of my son, won't you?"
"I do. I will protect him."
"I'm not sure he needs that from you. But he does need you to love him."
"I already do."
"I know."
She smiled and took his face in her hands. Kaworu shuddered, realizing who it was touching him now.
"Are you happy little Tabris?"
"I know you are. I'm glad to know our kind can feel that. Maybe there's a chance for something new."
"I will fight for that chance."
"And now you don't have to do it alone little one."
She looked to where Shinji had just disappeared and sighed.
"But I need to go now."
"You don't."
"We're not all lucky like you. Some of us have parts written out for them."
And with that she started to make her way to Terminal Dogma leaving the teenage boy in his speechless state.
"Don't worry little rebel. Father's in his heaven, so we're safe."
"For now…"
"That's up to you."