Chapter Five

"Remember what I told you."

"I know."

"It's very important that this goes the way we want it."

"I know."

"If there's a question you don't want to answer tell the judge."

"I know."

"You have nothing to fear. We are all right there with you. No one is going to hurt you."

"I know."

Inukimi stared her human granddaughter in the eye through the full length mirror she stood in front of. She could not help the sad smile that crossed her face. Rin looked calm and collected as she ran her small hands over the dark green pencil skirt she wore after tucking in her yellow button down blouse. She had her hair up in a clean bun on top of her head.

She was a pretty little thing. Inukimi remembered when she had first met the girl. All of her front teeth but one on the bottom was missing… poor thing had the worst lisp.


Inukimi's first reaction was repulsion. She had never favored human children. Not to mention humans just gave off this stench, a foul odor that was near impossible to remove from your clothing. They were all so noisy and filthy, especially the children. Chaos was the only word she could think of that described the upbringing of a human child. She had not raised Sesshomaru in such a way. He was always such a quiet and clean child. He never spoke out of turn ever and his idea of playtime was solving a puzzles. Even when she and his father separated he was always so calm and in control. So she had a hard time believing the email he sent her announcing the adoption of a human female.

She had cancelled the rest of her day and went straight to her son's house in the suburbs. There she was greeted by an anxious Jaken and a surly Sesshomaru… as always.

"You should have called first."

"Why, so you could sneak away before I got here? You send me news like that and expected a friendly phone call?" Her tone was soft but she did nothing to hide the snide tone. Inukimi crossed her arms over her chest and lifted a silver brow. "Where is she?"

Sesshomaru stared across at his mother. His face was a cold mask of indifference, and just a hint of annoyance. He did not move, or speak. He only stared into his mother's equally piercing gaze. Jaken, who had been forgotten, watched with anxious eyes. The last time a staring match like this happened between the two of them, Inukimi had found out Sesshomaru was speaking to his father again, disowning him for his treachery.

Inukimi raised her head as she began to gently sniff the air. The most prominent was Sesshomaru's masculine, earthy scent. It clouded nearly the entire house, a common custom performed by yokai parents. To cover the scent of their young with their own so predators would find them and try to take them. Inukimi had done this up until Sesshomaru left for college, and even then she covered his belongings with her yoki… Just in case.

She kept niffing, and finally she caught a whiff apples and sweet wildflowers, with a hint of soured human flesh. She wrinkled her nose as she fought the urge to sneeze. She took her eyes from Sesshomaru to scan her surroundings, listening intently. Just up the she could hear the faint chattering of a child, and the smooth bell-like voice of a woman. A delighted laughter could be heard, ringing down the hall to her sensitive ears. Her eyes came back to the loutish gaze of her son. She pursed her lips.

"Well I am already here, and I do not intend to leave without meeting her."

Sesshomaru continued his menacing stare, clearly not budging. Inukimi simply waited, completely unaffected by his behavior. She eventually dropped her arms to her hips and levelled him with a stare that she had given him several times before, many years ago.

"Follow me," he said and turned to go up the stairs. Behind his back Inukimi slightly smirked before following after her son. They went up the stairs and down the hall. It took them no time to reach the already ajar door.

From inside you could hear the woman's voice, louder now say, "All right, the next ingredient we need for the cake is sugar! Is this the sugar?" Clearly it was audio, most likely from a television.

A tiny voice, spoke up. "No! That's salt Chef Marie!"

Sesshomaru hesitated at the door. A sight that Inukimi was shocked to see. Sesshomaru never hesitated, he always made sure actions that were never questioned. Finally he pushed it open and Inukimi's jaw dropped when she saw what was with.



Those were the first two words she thought of. The entire room, as huge as it was, was filled with pink frilly things all over. Standing in front of a mega sized TV mounted on the wall was a tiny human female. Dark hair hung passed her waist, and long bangs hid her eyes – that started unblinking at the TV – from view. She wore rainbow striped stockings with a lime green t-shirt with a butterfly in the center. Around her tiny hips was a purple tutu that hung to her knees. In one hand a juice box was held up to her mouth and the other held a doll by the hair.

"Rin, what have I said about standing so close to the television?"

Immediately the little girl whirled around her hair kept her face mostly hidden, but the wide smile that stretched across her face could be seen miles away, Inukimi was certain. With no hesitation the little girl ran… rather uncoordinatedly toward the doorway where she stood with her son. Inukimi cringed and took an uneasy step backward. It's not that she feared the child of course, but as the girl got closer she could see how completely messy the tiny child was. All over her chin was what looked like smeared chocolate. Her hands were coated in some type of stickiness.

Sesshomaru took multiple steps forward, entering the room and scooping thee girl up in his arms. Inukimi nearly blanched when she saw the child's grubby hands tangle themselves in Sesshomaru's flawless silver tresses and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The girl then gave him a wet and messy kiss on the chin, smearing some of the chocolate on him as well. Pure shock had Inukimi frozen and watching, nearly dumbfounded.

"You need a bath," Sesshomaru quietly told the girl.

Her smile fell and she took one of those dirty hands to swipe her bangs from her face. Finally Inukimi could see a pair of brown orbs sparkling with defiance. The little face scowled deeply and she began to wiggle and writhe until Sesshomaru released her. Once her feet were firmly planted on the ground she threw the toy off to the side and screamed running on the opposite side of the room and hid behind the pile of stuffed animals in the corner.

"No bath! No bath today, no bath tonight! No bath ever!" She sang from behind the fluffy barricade. She was hardly visible in the overwhelming sea of greens, pinks, reds, blues, and purples.

"This discussion is growing old. You will take a bath. You stink."

"You stink, Sesshy-sama." Rin retorted in her small voice.

Inukimi's eyes widened a fraction. Sesshomaru was not one or games and he definitely did not like being talked back to. She'd had enough arguments with him herself to know that for a fact. And name calling… That was just not done.

What amazed her more was that herson did not seem even slightly affected by what the human child said. His body language was completely relaxed and he even slid his hands comfortably in his pockets and stared at the pile of stuffed animals with a calm, apathetic gaze.

"Very well. I suppose I should go take a bath, because that is the mature thing to do…" When that did not make the little girl move he added, "Then I suppose I shall go to the carnival by myself, as well. I wanted to bring you along but I cannot."

He turned on his heal, and just when he did, like a volcano, the stuffed animals flew into the air as the tiny girl jumped from her crouched position and began jumping on her toes erratically.

"Ooh! Rin wants to go to the carnival!"

Without turning to face her he spoke in a dull tone. "You cannot go. Only people with proper hygiene are admitted."

Rin ran over to him and stood directly in front of him and began pulling on his pants leg while continuing to hop up and down. "But Rin loves carnivals!"

"But Rin does not like baths."

"But I want to go to the carnival!" She wailed as tears filled her eyes.

"Then you must decide. Either to take a bath and go with me, or to stay filthy and sit in the house by yourself."

She stopped jumping and looked up at him. A few tears slid down her cheeks and hung in her eyes as her forehead gathered and a wrinkled appeared above her tiny nose and she sucked on her bottom lip. Clearly she was deep in thought. "Will Jaken be here?" She asked hopefully.


Her face fell to despair and she lowered her head. Inukimi watched her son as he watched the little girl below him with a stony gaze. Seconds idly ticked by as no one moved or spoke. Finally a tiny sigh of exasperation funneled out of Rin's mouth and she walked around Sesshomaru.

"Fine. I'll take a bath." She shuffled her feet over to a door along the wall and opened it. Inukimi could tell from the fresh scent of the room that it was a bathroom.

"Would you like some help?" Sesshomaru asked turning to face her.

"No. I can do it. I'm four!" she held up four fingers before going inside the bathroom. After several seconds went by a light came on. Tiny bare feet could be heard going across the tile and then a strong steady stream of water ran and splashed.

Sesshomaru then turned to face his mother. Inukimi met his gold hardened gaze with her silver calm one. "Very interesting," she stated obviously. "My son… the nursemaid."She chuckled slightly.

Sesshomaru did not let the jab get under his skin. Instead he walked out of the room and stood across from her. "You've seen her, you may leave."

"Hardly. You did not even introduce me."

"Is it necessary?"

Inukimi's eyebrows lifted. Feeling more than insulted she lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. "It does," she replied haughtily. "I cancelled my entire day to come here."

"No one asked you to show up."

"Then what were you expecting when you told me Sesshomaru, that I would just ignore it and move about life?" The look on his face responded with a wordless, 'yes'. "And why is that?"

"You hate humans, Mother. It is not a secret."

Her nostrils flared slightly. How could he be so… glib about the situation? They both knew that the situation went deeper than what he was making it. "I do not hate them, they just… annoy me. Moreover, last time we spoke you were not so fond of them either. Or have you finally decided to be like your father, truly?"

"Do not bring him into this," Sesshomaru growled warningly.

Inukimi felt something close to blinding rage surge through her. The way that Sesshomaru bristled she knew he felt it. She narrowed her eyes at him in a cold menacing glare – one that he adopted from her – and placed a delicate hand on her hip. "You always defend him."

Sesshomaru's jaw tensed, his eyes hardened, and his shoulders bunched with tension. Though his face remained calm, she knew her son. She knew he was upset. He was always upset when she brought his father up. Though his face was calm she could feel the aggravation radiating off of him, clashing in midair against her own frustration.

"I am not defending him, I –!" He stopped once he realized his voice started climbing.

"Has he met her?" She asked, hating herself for asking. She should not care what he does, but she doesn't. She only cares about Sesshomaru.

"It does not matter." Her son replied.

"It matters to me," she answered in a low voice, void of any emotion, but Sesshomaru could read it in her eyes. She knew he could. Because like she knew her son, he knew her just as well.

"No. She has only met Inuyasha and his family."

"Inuyasha? I did not know you spoke to him."

"They have a son Rin's age, and his mate is a human female. She has been useful assistance with Rin."

There was a long silence and neither of them spoke or made eye contact. Inukimi was at a lost. After years of snubbing him, at this moment in his presence she realized how much she missed her son. She noted the differences in him from the last time they spoke. He seemed less angry and more patient.

"I do not want Rin exposed to bad influences. She has been through enough. Unless you mean to be a positive role model in her life you may not meet her and you can stay away."

Innukimi nodded slowly in understanding. She did not agree with the idea of her son adopting a human female, but she could see he was content. She missed her son terribly, and if accepting this human child would make him accept her back in his life then so be it.

"Well… I have always wanted grandchildren. While your approach is a bit unorthodox and it may take some time for me to get used to it, I can accept it… Now, may I please meet my granddaughter?"

There was a long pause between the two of them. Finally Sesshomaru walked back in Rin's room. Inukimi followed after him and they paused outside of the bathroom door that sat ajar. Before Sesshomaru opened it her turned to her and spoke in their native tongue.

"Be nice."

Inukimi cracked a smile at her son. He only turned away from her and pushed the door open. "Rin, there's someone I want you to meet…"

End flashback

It took three meetings for the demoness to fall in love with the little human female, and Inukimi was eternally grateful for the girl for bringing her closer to her estranged son. Long ago she had promised that she would do everything to protect the new bond formed between the three of them. Now, more than ten years later, her oath is being put to the test.

Outside the courthouse was complete frenzy. Despite her best efforts to keep it all private the media had found out about the custody suit, and like the vultures they were pounced on the entire Taisho family. They scrutinized every aspect of their lives, from Inukimi's divorce from her ex-husband to Sesshomaru's many trysts with several yokai females. They had even dragged Inuyasha and his human mate into the mess. The worst of it however was all the chaos it had caused for Rin.

They followed her everywhere, even school. Several times security had to escort them off the school premises. One reporter as even arrested for sneaking into Rin's gym class. After a week of it, Sesshomaru pulled her out, signing her up for homeschool until things died down. It was a lot, even Inukimi felt overwhelmed, but like the champion she was, Rin never once lost her composure.

Even now, as they walked up the stairs, surrounded by the vultures, Rin had a small confident smile on her face as she walked in front Inukimi, hand securely clasped in Sesshomaru's who lead her with a calm expression. She could only imagine how they looked on camera. Two stony faced, silver haired daiyokai's walking confidently into the city courthouse, escorting a happy looking teenage girl. It was not conventional, but they did not care. Unfortunately everyone else did.

Naturally everyone was rooting for the stupid woman. The media had painted Sesshomaru out as a monster, a money-grubbing, arrogant, sociopath. While Inukimi could hardly disagree with them on that she could however argue that he was unfeeling toward the girl. If Sesshomaru felt anything for anyone other than himself it was Rin.

The defense was just as bad as the media. The Okinawa whore eagerly played into the role of the grieving parent. It seems that everyone had chosen to ignore the fact of how she lost Rin in the first place. They only saw things superficially. Rin was human Sesshomaru was not, therefore he was not fit to parent. But some drug addicted floosy who could not even keep track of her child…she was…


Once inside the courthouse lobby they were greeted with the unwelcoming sight of Harumi Okinawa, standing next to a taller man who looked a lot older than her. Also, a hanyo woman – Inukimi noted with distaste, she matched the man in height and she was lean, wearing gray pant suit and blue button down. Her chestnut brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail and her silver eyes glittered with zeal.

"It looks like Okinawa upgraded her legal team," Sesshomaru voiced in a low whisper.

"So it seems…" Inukimi's eyes lingered on the hanyo female for a second longer before she turned to face her son.

He eyed her suspiciously before stating, "You know her."

A somber smile graced her lips as she looked back at the woman. "My son is so perceptive, not even his own mother can keep secrets from him…" Sesshomaru waited patiently for her to explain herself. "Her name is Junko Noto. Twenty years ago she was an intern at my firm… Her father was monkey yokai. He abandoned her mother when he found out she was pregnant. She's very intelligent. I thought she would be my replacement."

"So then she's good."

Inukimi snorted. "She's more than good. Come on."

Without even sparing another look, the family entered the courtroom where Inuyasha and Kagome were waiting. Kagome embraced Rin warmly. "Hey. Shippo says hello. He hates that he had to go to school. If his attendance was not so bad I would have let him come."

"It's okay, I would rather he had not." Rin answered. She took a step back and looked between all of the surrounding adults faces. All of them looked concerned. Even Sesshomaru, whose face was usually passive, had a deep scowl contorting his elegant features. "I just want this thing to be over. Lady says that more than likely we will win this case, and I believe her so it's best to just get this over with so we can all move on to more important things… Like my awesome sweet sixteen less than two months away! B-T-dubb, did everyone RSVP?"

She was trying to lighten the mood, and they all appreciated it.

"B-T-dubb?" Inuyasha inqured.

"Yeah. Itshort for B-T-W…" Rin explained, only perplexing the hanyo further.

Rin giggled at Inuyasha's lost expression and Kagome piped in, placing a gentle hand on Inuyasha's arm. "It means by the way, Yash. It's text talk."

"Oh… Tesxt talk, right." He grumbled.

"Let's take our seats, it's almost nine," Inukimi stated.

Inuyasha and Kagome went and sat in the front row pews behind the defense table. Inukimi was already at said table setting up. Sesshomaru took that moment to pull Rin aside. "What's up?" She asked casually, offering him her sweetest smile.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

Her smile fell and she lowered her head briefly before looking back up at him with a somber gaze. "Not scared… just worried. I don't want to go live with that woman. I don't care if she's my mom. I've never…" she broke off searching for words. She looked back up at him. "I like having you as my dad."

Sesshomaru allowed a tiny smirk to escape him and he brought ne hand up to cup Rin's cheek. In that moment he thought back to all the times he had made this same gesture. Even when she was small. The change was startling. She grew so fast, it seemed like only yesterday he had been having staring contests with a wide eyed mute, and now he was conversing with a pretty and intelligent young woman, who had turned out better than he initially thought.

Rin placed her hand on top of Sesshomaru's and squeezed it lovingly. Despite what anyone thought, she knew he loved her. He never said it, but he did not have to. He showed her, by taking care of her for all these years, and never once hurting her or betraying her. Even now, when her biological mother wants to take her, he fights to keep her. It was touching.

Sesshomaru suddenly pulled his hand back as his eyes lifted and narrowed in an acidic glare. Startled by his abrupt change in demeanor, Rin swallowed before turning to face whoever it was that had raised her foster father's ire. She watched as he met the steel eyed glare of Harumi Okinawa's attorney Junko Noto.

The look she gave Sesshomaru was not the normal passive and cold looks Sesshomaru gave out. Hers was filled with some type of strong negative emotion that made Rin's skin crawl. It was almost like she hated Sesshomaru, but why would she hate him so much? Did they know each other already?

She would have to ask him later. Her thoughts were sidetracked when another hanyo female entered the courtroom. Her black hair hung loose, framing her beautiful face. She wore a high collared navy dress with a fitted skirt that stopped at the knee. Though it was modest it still hugged her in all the right ways, especially emphasizing her hips and backside. Teamed with her signature red stiletto heels, though she did not mean to Rin was sure, Kagura looked hot. Then again, Kagura always looked hot. It was like her thing. She was exceedingly beautiful with a body that Rin could only pray would come to her once she grew into full womanhood, though she doubted it. She was six inches too short and had a chest flatter than a plank.

"Kagura!" She beamed throwing her arms open.

Junko Noto frowned before turning to look at the statuesque woman as she walked passed her, giving her a cold glare. She looked at Sesshomaru once more, but his eyes were now on Kagura.

Kagura hugged Rin warmly. "Hey, I am glad I made it. I was worried I would be late."

"I'm so happy you came," Rin confessed sincerely as she held the woman about her torso. When she finally let go she said, "I'll save a seat. You can sit beside me!"

"That sounds great."

Rin quickly walked off, leaving her father and his secretary staring at each other. Sesshomaru was the first to break the silence.

"What are you doing here?" He did not sound upset, but he also did not sound thrilled.

Kagura blushed and looked down as she sucked on her cherry red bottom lip. "Jaken told me. I hope you don't mind, sir. I just… I couldn't miss this. It's Rin's big day! Well… It's you and Rin's big day. I – I just wanted to come and show my support." Her eyes met his finally. They were filled with so much… emotion, naturally a result of her human heritage. "Mr. Taisho, I have worked for you a very long time. I know how important Rin is to you. She's important to me too. I had to be here."

"Its fine, Kagura. Rin was happy to see you. That's all that matters."

"Is she the only one?" Kagura asked, piercing Sesshomaru with such a tender look that he felt his gut clench uncomfortably.

He did nothing to hide his frown as he stared down at her. Immediately Kagura's eyes widened in fear. "I- I didn't mean… I only meant…"

"It's nothing. We should sit down. Things will start soon."

Kagura nodded and watched as Sesshomaru walked away. She took her seat beside Rin with Kagome and Inuyasha on the other side of her. Kagura checked her watch. It was nine exactly when the judge entered the room and everyone stood.


Later that afternoon…

When Shiori got the text from Rin she and Shippo decided it was for the best to skip the rest of school. Dressed in their uniforms with backpacks on their backs they left the school to meet their friend. A few blocks away from the school was a botanical garden that they always had their lunch at. Toward the back there was a small enclosure where a small group of tulips grew. Rin occupied the lone stone bench that sat there.

She sat with her hands clenching the edge. Her body was hunched over and her long hair veiled her face. She looked smaller than usual in her oversized T-shirt that almost hid her denim shorts. Her orange high top sneakers were planted firmly on the ground with the toes facing in. She had not heard their approach and let shaky sigh followed by a long sniff.

She was crying. Shiori immediately went to sit beside her and hugged her. Shippo went and took the other seat beside her. He did not hold her, but he did put a comforting hand on her knee and patted it gently. A long silence drew out where Rin just cried in her best friends arms.

"I leave in a week," Rin said finally pulling away from Shiori.

"I don't understand, what happened?" Shiori asked gently.

Rin sniffed and used both hands to push the hair from her face. "The judge doesn't think my needs as a human are being met. His exact words were 'Human children belong with human parents.'"

"What?" Shiori asked in disbelief. "He said that? That is so racist! I cannot believe that he said that!"

"I'm not," Shippo stated, making both girls look at him. He met their eyes with a sympathetic look. "People are really narrow-minded about mixing the races. Hanyo's are still heavily frowned upon in some areas, especially with older people."

"Yeah, but you would think they would use their common sense." Shiori argued. "Rin has been with Sesshomaru her entire life. She doesn't even know that woman!"

Shippo shrugged but it was Rin who spoke. "It doesn't really matter now. It's done." Her tone was low and tired.

It grew quiet again until Shippo asked, "So what are you going to do?"

Rin snorted. "I have to go. Social services are going to pick me up and drop me off in a week..." She stopped and shook her head as fresh tears filled her eyes. They began to slide down her cheeks and she did nothing to stop them. "I'm not going to make it easy for them," she suddenly declared with a hard look in her eyes as she stared forward at the bed of pink tulips in front of them. "If she thinks that it's going to be some Kumbaya, mother-daughter love fest then she has another thing coming. I'm going to make her life so miserable, she'll be begging Sesshomaru-sama to take me back."

Shippo and Shiori exchanged an anxious glance over Rin's head. "Don't do anything stupid, Rin, like join a gang or doing drugs," Shippo told her.

"Yeah, that only hurts you. Plus, your dad will kill you." Shiori added.

Rin chuckled darkly. "Calm down, guys. I'm not a dummy. I'm just going to ignore them. Treat them like they're not even there, and when I do acknowledge them… it will not be friendly."

Shiori and Shippo exchange another anxious look. Desperate to change the mood, Shippo jumped to his feet. "Hey, I'm hungry. Let's go get some food before my stomach collapses."

Shiori rose as well. "Yeah! And then we can go to the arcade. Does that sound cool, Rin?"

Rin looked up at her best friends. She really was not in the mood to be in an arcade or around people for that matter. The last thing she wanted to do was leave this place. She also realized that this may be one of the last times she'll be able to hang out with Shiori and Shippo freely.

She stood up as well and nodded. "That sounds good. But you guys better change your clothes before we go. The last thing we need is a truancy officer busting in to ruin everything."

"Agreed. We can go by our houses first." Shiori held Rin's hand and Shippo draped his arm casually over her shoulder. As much as she wanted to dwell in her anger, Rin was happy to have the comfort of her closest friends.

Silently she vowed that no matter what happens she would never let them go. Ever.

A/N: I know, I should be beaten with a wet stick for how long its been since I updated. I am not going to offer an excuse about being busy, instead I am just going to do better. I would like to update at least once a week but my schedule does not permit it. What I can do is make sure I update every 2 weeks! If I update sooner than that great, but never any later. I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading!