Author has written 3 stories for Vampire Knight, Bleach, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.
- Stephen King, The Gunslinger My name's Lottie, and I'm a 20 year old american asexual. If anyone ever wants to come and talk to me, you can do it here through my discord on request (just putting it up here seems risky,) or through tumblr! I'm totally down to talk, even though I'm awfully socialized. I've got all my favorite books in both favorites and follows because I really don't get the difference between the two, and the same follows for authors and stuff from what I've managed. The numbers are a little different though and I'm not sure what specifically is causing it. Maybe from when I first started ? Who knows.
Amnesiac 7-8 I'm going to rewrite Amnesiac. I'm leaving up the original but I'm probably not going to update it. I'll post updates when I make progress here on my profile. Amnesiac (2.0) 7-8 Working on solidifying the canon and fanon I was trying to establish but kept messing up. kurosaki 7-8 I'm working on it, I promise. Might edit what I have posted, though, in light of other fics I've been looking at that have inspired me. Hysteria 8-18 I have a solid like, 40% done of the next chapter, depending on where I end it. I'm still thinking about doing edits, though, on older chapters if only for consistency. |