Hello my dears!

So first things first, I am so sorry I have been so silent recently! My laptop and desktop crashed and I finally could afford a new laptop after moving to a new state. However, my internet is shit so everyone now and again I'll go days without internet. Because of the coronavirus going around and being laid off work, however, I have a crap ton of free time. If the internet gets back up and running I intend to update or work on rewriting a few shitty stories of mine. I'll list those momentarily. I do miss you readers and I am really sorry for the delay, truly.

So those who are liking my Hobbit story, don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter and whenever I have it typed up I'll be able to update that chapter. I am really pleased with it so far so I don't see myself rewriting it.

My akatsuki feline story... holy crap, I am disappointed in it and I don't know why anyone told me how garbage it was. It is going to be rewritten and completely changed. Seriously. It's crap. Don't read it unless you want to cringe.

My naruto husky story.. I believe I'll rework it at some point. As of right now it's on hiatus because I have no idea where I was going with it.

My dragon ball z story will be reworked at some point, but again, I don't know for sure.

Sometimes I get too ambitious and I have so many moments where I get sidetracked that I have to swap what I'm doing. My attention span is absolute garbage, I swear. Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to get things pushed out in two days when our internet provider decides to come out to fix the internet. I hope it won't be yet another month without wifi like in February.

I love you guys, stay safe out there!