Day: ?

Time: ?

Location: ?

Threat Level: 100!

The sirens were blaring, if I had known any better I could have sworn that I could have heard them from my home. Yet, I did know better, and more importantly than the alarms going off was making sure we knew where he was. This has to work! We will get out of this! That's the thought that was running through my head, before I could think any more the earpiece I was wearing went off. "Good. Now get running!"

"This is our only chance!" I grimaced at hearing the second voice, but the former was of some comfort to hear. At that note I began running through the halls of the casino making sure to use any and all shadows that I could to hide. I made it about ten feet when from behind me and in my earpiece another voice rang out.

"Stay calm!" I let out a brief sigh as her voice reached my ears. "You can get away now!"

I crept up to the nearest corner and peeked around it to see if our new friends were in occupying the room. Nothing moved and I couldn't hear any footsteps"We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end."

As soon as the next voice rang in my head, another sound could be heard. It almost sounded like they mentioned something about not having us confirmed. Which made me raise my eyebrow. The girl following behind piped up as soon as the transmission was over. "Hm…? What was that…?"

"I don't know but it sounds like trouble!" I bolted across the room as the words left my mouth. I knew we would make it, but that didn't stop me from worrying about him.

"Don't worry about us. Just concentrate on getting away!" I cracked the door opened just enough for me to see the room that lay beyond it. There I saw three men in black suits that began talking about where the intruder was, it was then that they ran down the hallway. Looked like the distraction was working! "But I have to say, showing yourself above that crowd earlier was an excellent move. Nice work as always Joker"

"I bet Skull wouldn't pull it off that smoothly." I couldn't help but grin at that last comment. Despite the situation we were in, everyone could still find a time to make a good joke!

Before Skull could respond however the smaller girl that was with me grabbed my coat's arm and very nervously blurted out, "Just run! Get out of there!"

"You better haul ass!" I growled into the mic, which I quickly followed with by opening the door and rolling behind a few boxes that were stacked in the corner. The shadow completely hiding me. I waved for the redhead to follow me.

"Ok, the enemy's focus is on him." The area before us was a long hallway with a cart or two of coins here or there. That made running for the door a lot easier than it had taken to get the damn briefcase! "Looks like the rest of us can slip away."

"Everyone remember where we are meeting up?" A fourth female voice rang through, it had a softer pitch than the rest of the members on the team. Embarrassingly, I nodded my head in agreement. I rubbed the back of my head in that exact moment. I began hoping my partner wouldn't notice, and those hopes were quickly dashed against the stones as I heard a light chuckle from behind me. Yet before I could reply, her voice got a bit more serious!

"No worries, I can guide you all." I bursted from my hiding spot I made a mad dash for the first cart, sliding in behind it. I quickly checked the area around me, once I knew the coast was clear, I signalled for the girl to move up with me. After a few moments I heard her slid to a stop behind me.

"Take em down Joker!" I told me right then that Joker had run into a bit of an issue. At that moment I know that I had to stay back and wait for a bit. A futuristic computer sound resonated next to me.

"Comparing power levels…" I turned to see a light blue ring of words and a screen floating around my partner. I took a glance at the power levels, I snickered quietly when the numbers finally appeared. Joker was so much stronger than his opponent. "No threat. Get 'em, Joker! Everyone else, head to positions! Use Route B!"

"Area is clear," I rolled out from behind the bin and started to ran as far as I could. This was the plan, as long as we could get out before anything bad happened, we would be fine! "You guys should book here quick, just incase!"

I looked back behind me to make sure the redhead was right on my tail. Seeing that she was right where I hoped she would be… well I would have sighed if it hadn't been for my short breaths. Looking ahead of me, I could see that the door, or Position B was closing fast. An evil smile grew on my face, one that I had grown accustom to having on my face. "OK, pull out before their backup gets here."

"Good. You defeated them with ease!" I new Joker wouldn't have a problem against the weaklings here. I mean after what we just went through… I'd hope they'd be easier.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp from behind me. I stopped on my right foot and spun around to look at my partner. "More of them!? Be careful!"

After a few moments I noticed that her game face had worked its way onto her face, even through the mask I could tell. "Joker, behind you! Go through that door! You should be able to get out that way! Hurry!"

"Dude, can he even hear us!?" Another voice, this one belonging to a boy rang over the comms. Yet, it also rang out from down the hallway we had just came from. I began counting the people that came around the corner to make sure we did have any unwanted guest on their tail. As everyone rounded the corner I counted four boys and three girls. The whole gang minus Joker was here.

"Don't worry, I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go, Joker!" I waved over to everyone from over the girl's head, which was easy since I was so much taller than her.

"Tch! We got away from a bunch of those guys in black," A boy with his hair bleached and a skull mask on stopped running right next to me. I knew it was the last voice to be heard over the comms. "But there're still loads more of 'em…"

"It really doesn't help with how much we pissed 'em off." I shrugged in frustration, nothing seemed to be going our way now, and it was stress inducing to a ridiculous point! Why did there need to be this many guards on our way out! I felt like there should have been more on the way in! "But I get what you mean we need a swift exit soon or else it's not gonna be pretty for us!"

"Up ahead!" All eyes immediately turned back to the smallest girl in the group as her voice was one of shock with a serious undertone. "Stop! This is bad! Hide, Joker!"

I tapped her shoulder, when she looked up at me I pointed to the door. She nodded in agreement, I took the lead and started to move for the door. After a few moments everyone else all began jogging towards the end of the hallway. "You'll never get away if you just keep fighting. Hide in the shadows, and sneak past when you see an opening!"

Finally making to the door my hands went for two places as soon as the metal frame was within my grasp. My left on the middle of the door and my right searching for the handle. I jiggled the handle a few times, it moved very loosely. Yet the door wasn't budging. "Shit, its locked!"

"Seriously!" A light haired girl in a red cat mask got frustrated just as the words exited my mouth. "Oh, does anyone else know how to pick a lock besides Joker!?"

"No, but I have a pretty good idea at how loose the lock is." I took a few light steps back and turned toward the blonde guy in the group. "Skull give me a hand with this!"

"You got it!" After patting my shoulder we both jumped in place a few times before we both slammed one of our feet forward. We went into as dead of a sprint as we could at the door being that we were five feet from it. I placed my right shoulder forward bracing myself for the impact. I had just enough time to think that it was going to hurt, and let me tell ya… It did. Me and Skull both slammed our bodies into the door, and with a resounding thud, the pain sprouted all the way through my arm. Yet, I was finally able to tell that I had finally stumbled through the door.

"Son of a bitch!" I started to rub my arm, as I started it that I heard my partner quickly exclaim something to Joker.

"Now's your chance! Run for the stairs!" We all knew he was almost home free, but we were definitely better off than him. After a minute or two of making sure no one was following or going to stumble across us, my partner spoke up again. "Something wrong? The exit should be just ahead."

We all heard a male's voice come in through the comms. It belonged to Joker, we knew that much. "Through there?"

We gathered around the screen that the redhead was projecting so we could watch what was unfolding around us. "Nnh…! That's just how it is. After that commotion, the bottom floor's-"

"-completely closed off." I looked up at another girl in the group, she had medium length brown hair and a sort of half of a knight's face plate for a mask.

"Hey, can you make it!?" We all were starting to get visibly worried. Everything was coming down to this moment… and we were starting to get very worried. My attention turned back to the screen just in time to see Joker jump up onto a stone railing and bolt across it to get close to a giant stain glass window. I couldn't help it as Joker smirked towards the men in black that were after him and JUMP OUT THE WINDOW

"I can't believe you just did that!" My jaw dropped as he gracefully turned through the air. I heard a disapproving hhmph followed by the smaller girl jokingly insult Joker.

"What a show off." I had to hold in my laughter for that one. The way he moved was all perfectly flashy enough to call him a show off. The girl in the red mask rolled her eyes and followed up the show off comment with one of her own.

"You're so reckless, you know that?"

Joker landed on the ground into a roll as though to not hurt himself… and that's when it happened… As Joker stood up, first one bright light appeared, then another and another… suddenly there were many lights one him. And like that our worry turned to fear… "Enemies, here!? These readings… It can't be!"

All of us started to freak out, we couldn't make sense of what was going on. All of our worry and fear for our friend showing through. I clenched my fist as all I could do was watch the scene play out before me. "How the hell did they pull this off!?"

"What's wrong!"

"What happened!?"

"An Ambush!?"

"Joker can you handle this!?"

"Joker!" Immediately all the people who had just appeared before Joker started to chase after him. He started to run as fast as he could to a nearby ladder on the side of the building. Making the jump, Joker started to quickly ascend the ladder. As this was happening, I felt a new pressure on my right arm. I gave a quick glance to see my partner had gripped my sleeve tightly, worried for our friend. Yet that worry was validated when Joker nearly got to the top of the ladder. There was S.W.A.T. team members waiting for him, all of them pointing a gun in his face. Then the closest one raised their gun and smacked Joker in the face with the butt of his gun. Knocking our leader to the ground.

As He was quickly swarmed by cops we all had to look away… Our friend had been arrested… It was at that moment… I thought back to the events that had led to me being here now… The day I met Joker… The day I met Akira Kurusu.


Day: April 11th

Time: Early Morning

Location: ?

"Hisoka!" I groaned as the sound of my name being screamed by a feminine voice. I slowly began to roll onto my right side, which if my eyes were open yet would have given me a pretty good view of my bedroom. "Hisoka Gekido! If you don't get up now you are going to be late!"

"Okay!" I replied to the voice, which belonged to my aunt. My eyes slowly fluttered open and scanned my room. It was small, but there was enough room to live comfortably with it fully furnished.

My bed rest in the, from the door facing in, the top right corner of my room. With a window towards my back. Right in my face was my white colored desk, it was made of heavy plastic and metal supports that could and have survived hell itself. The pleather chair was pushed up all the way so the arms were under it and it's back was against the side of the desk.

I could see my dresser on the other side of the wall, it had a few pictures in their frames across the top. I couldn't make them out from here, but I knew what was in them. Trying not to think about they were, I noticed two out of the four drawers were open slightly. Most likely due to me wearing some clothes from them currently. That added onto the clothes from my closet that currently littered the front of the just mentioned closet told the of the struggle of a teenage life.

Sighing heavily, I knew what was going to come next was not going to be pleasant. I slowly got myself into a now very familiar position so that I can get up. I threw my arms above my head and brought my knees to my chest. Then I threw my legs out and tried to thrust my upper body upward. I had to rock back and forth a few times until I was in a sitting position. "I swear if I don't have abs by the end of this year."

I sighed looking to the source of my issue, my arms were covered in scars and there were a few stitches remaining in both arms. Luckily I had gotten a good portion of my strength back. Though that was after a few months of physical therapy. Though trying to put too much pressure on my arms caused pain to shoot through the entire length of them.

Looking at my arms, I couldn't help but think back to the accident that left me in this state. I remember being the back seat of my parents' car, having a serious talk. We were coming up to an intersection, the light turned and we started to move through forward. That's when I looked up just in time to a large truck come barreling towards us. I yelled for my parents to watch out and through my arms up to protect myself.

I shook myself out of the flash back and focused on finishing my routine. I mindlessly grabbed my school uniform and walked to the bathroom across the hall. After brushing my teeth and putting my deodorant on, I looked in the mirror. I stood out due to my hair style. Almost all of my black hair was short, except for one side of my bangs which hung past my chin. I had a single scar that ran across my cheek, that was not due to the accident. That scar was from a time when I fell off my bike when I was learning how to ride. Final, my green eyes seemed duller than they used too... I guess that was product of the accident.

Returning to my room I scanned for anything I was missing for my day, I found my bag on the floor next to my desk with all my completed homework and books in it. Grabbing the straps I was able to use my own momentum to care the bag off the ground and up onto my shoulder. I quickly spun on my right foot towards the door. Yet, before I started to walk forward, I caught sight of something on my desk. Turning to look at it, my eyes fell upon that of my old camera. I felt a twang of sadness ring out from my chest. Sighing heavily I turned my attention back to the door of my room when I heard from down below. "I'm headed out Hisoka! Remember to wrap you stitches before you leave. I'm also leaving your umbrella by the door!"

"Ok, have a good day at work!" I looked back towards the camera, staring at it for a few moments I reached forward and closed my hand around the bandage wrap that was right next to the camera. I made it harder on myself by not doing so before I put my uniform on, but I rolled up my sleeves and wrapped my arms up to my elbows and my hands as I began walking down the stairs towards the door to the outside world. I looked to the right and saw the kitchen and the front door of the house. My aunt forgot to mention that she had also made breakfast. After quickly eating the oatmeal that she had made I made my way to the door and leaned to the left a little and closed my hand around the handle of my umbrella the moment I felt it touch the palm of my hand.

I reached into my pocket and gripped a small wire in my fingers. Feeling my way along the wire I found my way to the earbud at the end. Pulling the small sound output device into my palm, I pulled it out, bringing it up to so I could see which ear it went into. As the wire snaked out of my pocket the first earbuds twin came out and swung round until it slammed into my chest. After a few moments of searching for the identifying mark on the plastic piece in my hand, I placed the earbud into my right ear.

Opening the door to the outside, the first thing that caught my attention was just how grim it looked out side. Especially in the crowded streets of Yongen-Jaya. Sighing heavily I took my first step to the outside world. I placed my left hand back onto the headphone wire in search of the small port that had buttons to control the music as I placed my umbrella over my right shoulder. The music started in my ear and I began the mindless trek to school. I call it mindless, but there were a lot of dumb steps. Mostly involving moving to a second train line. Yet it helped me to think, about anything really. Thing on my mind that day was how I was the fact that I had to go in for a check-up in the few days. I would finally be getting the last of my stitches removed and they were going to update me "that."

I was getting worried, mostly due to the fact I felt like they were going to tell us the same thing again. "It'd be easier to end it, it will be painless. There are no guarantees that they will ever wake." Yet me and my aunt would say to keep it going. We still had the money to pay for the treatment, I didn't want to think about it at all. In the end it was another headache and pain in my life. Before I knew it I was already at the train station. I took a deep breath, finally ready to face the rest of the day.


New Location: Aoyama-Itchome

New Time: Morning

?: ?

"Thank you Aunt Mitsu." I whispered under my breath, extending the word "thank" to put enficess on it. I popped open the umbrella and stepped out onto the street. Smiling to myself that I didn't have to worry about getting wet. That feeling was short lived as car rushed by me and stopped at a store right in front of me. Of course it was also kinda my fault for walking so close to the side walk. I flicked some of the rainwater that now made its home in my school uniform.

Then I realized that I recognized the license plate of the car. I felt something grip my my heart and squeeze. I realized what it was, it was anger, I was angry because it was that bastard. The reason I left early that day and the reason my parents' car got hit in that exact intersection. I very quietly cursed the bastard under my breath. "Kamoshida."

I stopped walking and closed my eyes. I started to breath in deeply, I couldn't let my anger get the better of me. That's what got me in trouble in the first place with Kamoshida. The world around my went quiet as I focused on my breaths. I was so focused on my breathing that I didn't notice someone run past me until I opened my eyes again and saw a familiar blonde haired vulgar boy just ahead of me. I sighed and started to move forward. I truly had every intention to just walk past him, it would only cause me more problems if I got involved with him now. That was until I heard him say something to another person. I finally noticed that next to the blonde as a frizzy haired guy in glasses.

"...What do you want?" I stopped in my tracks just behind them. "You plannin' on rattin' me out to Kamoshida?"

If it was someone at our school, Shujin Academy, well they wouldn't have reacted the way they did next. "Kamoshida?" I could hear the genuine confusion in his voice. I sighed heavily, I realizing in a single moment that there wasn't anyone at school that didn't know Kamoshida. Meaning only one thing, this guy was a transfer.

"Huh?" Now it was the blonde's turn to be confused as he kicked the ground in front of him. "In that car just now. It was Kamoshida."

I noticed a sudden mood change on his face said that he was now focusing on his anger towards Kamoshida. "He does whatever the hell he wants. Who does he think he is - the king of the castle? Don't you agree?"

"Which castle?" Oh the poor transfer… he had no idea what was going on.

"No, I mean…" Now the blonde had lost all his angry and replaced it with confusion. "Wait. You don't know Kamoshida? Are you for real? You're from Shujin right?"

I had to interrupt at this point. "Yo, Sakamoto is it?"

The frizzy hair and blonde boy now both turned to look at me. With both sets of eyes on me I could feel two very different emotions coming from each of them. The frizzy hair was honestly curious about what was going on. The blonde was frustrated that I was there. "Yeah, and who's askin'?"

"Gekido." I said my last name like it was just a matter of fact. Which… well it was. Still I looked back to frizzy hair. "I haven't seen you around, you a new transfer student? It's the only reason you wouldn't know who Kamoshida is."

"Yeah," The transfer turned toward me and I got a good look at the front of his uniform. I could see the two placed right on the collar. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet another second year." I dipped my head slightly in respect for the transfer student. Though me saying that got the attention of Sakamoto.

"A second year, huh..." Sakamoto adjusted his shoulder as he was saying this, probably due to the bag that was on his shoulder. "We're in the same grade then, and you too Gekido?"

"Yeah," I knew that we were going to have to get going now. We had already wasted enough time. We were going to be late just by walking to school… "Well, we are going to be late."

"Hang on," Sakamoto looked out at the rain for a moment. "The rain ain't to bad and I know a shortcut."

As he turned to walk away, I was going to tell him I would just walk the rest of the way by myself. Due to the fact of the rumors around him I didn't really want to get caught hanging out with him. I didn't need to add that to my list of things to deal with. Before I could protest though, I was hit with a sudden wave of pain shooting through my head. As soon as that happened I figured it would be better to get to school sooner if I was gonna have a headache. After recovering I heard Sakamoto exclaim his own discomfort. "Uuuugh, my head hurts. Dammit…. I wanna go home."

"You aren't the only one." I continued to rub my head with my free hand. I started following Sakamoto towards an alleyway that was near by. The new transfer student was close behind me. Well, if this was bad at least I'd have a witness.

Entering the alley, we immediately took a right turn I noticed right away that there was fork in the road right at the end of the alley. I almost didn't notice when the transfer student stopped walking. The only reason I noticed is because I looked back just to make sure he was still there. He was, but he was looking at a puddle of water we had walked through a few moments again. "Hey, you okay?"

He turned back to me and nodded. "Yeah, just thought I heard something that's all."

I was going to push further but that was when I heard a confused and disgruntled sound coming Sakamoto just up ahead. I motioned for us to move up, looking left I saw Sakamoto there frozen in place. I started to move up closer to him when I finally noticed what he was looking at. "Hey what's wrong- The hell!?"

In front of us was not the school we were promised to make it too, but an old medieval European castle. I know that there was nothing like this in Tokyo other wise I would have gone right after school before to check it out. It was a few moments before I noticed that the transfer student was right next to us. We were completely silent, that was when Sakamoto broke the silence. He turned back toward the alley. "We didn't come the wrong way though. Yeah this should be right."

That was when I noticed words on the side of the castle. "Shujin Academy." "Well it has the school's name and is in the same location."

"It wasn't like this when I was here yesterday." The frizzy haired student not only looked like he was confused, but I noticed something else in his eyes. I could tell he was a little bit excited.

"What's going on here?" Sakamoto turned to both of us as he finished the question with a more complacent look now that he was able to at least take in the site of what was happening. "Guess we'll just have to go and ask."

"Might as well," I finally closed my umbrella and rubbed my shoulder, which was starting to get sore from holding it up. There really wasn't any other option here. So all of us began walking up the steps of the castle. We had no idea what to expect at all. Though I won't lie, just like the transfer, I was a little excited too.


New Location: Shujin? Front Entry

As we entered the door for a moment, I thought we had actually entered into the school, but it almost shifted into a castle look. Which while unnerving was also making my head spin a bit. I had a bad feeling about this, but something in my gut told me that we were in the right place too. Sakamoto was actually able to sum up my feelings on the subject in about two sentences. "Th-that's weird… Where'd the school go?"

"Where are we?" I almost thought I had heard a slight bit of panic in the transfer's voice, but looking at him, he was very calm about the whole thing. Or at least he was on the outside.

"This SHOULD be the school…" The blonde had a face of worry on as well. That didn't make me feel any better, and what he said next didn't help either. "I think…"

Pulling out his phone, frustration started to grow on Sakamoto's face. "Out of service? Where'd we end up…?"

"I don't know, but I don't like this…" I rubbed my arms as a chill started to crawl up my spine.

"The sign was for the school right?" Sakamoto's eyes began looking about the place. Both me and the transfer responded to the question in unison.

"Yeah." The transfer twirled some of his hair in between two fingers and I placed my left hand on my head and started to scratch my hair, it was a nervous habit. Sakamoto quickly turned back to us and stomped his foot.

"Right!? You guys saw it too!"

"It was kinda hard to miss." I readjusted how I was standing leaning more on my left foot than my right. I was very uncomfortable now, my excitement was gone and had been replaced with worry and anxiety. Suddenly I straightened up as a sound reached my ears. All three of us quickly turned and what we saw, well it was a very tall person in a full suite of armor and a human face mask carrying a sword and shield. I was still worried but seeing someone else actually calmed me down a bit. I wasn't the only one as Sakamoto started to rub his head, calming down with the action too.

"Geez, you freaked me out…" The armored individual didn't show any indication that he heard what he had said. This prompted Sakamoto to continue. "Who're you? You a student?"

Still no response, now I was right back to being worried again… If it was, way wouldn't they have said anything. I thought I heard something else, but I was too focused on the guy in front of us. Sakamoto started walking close to the armored individual. The transfer student also calmed down, as indicated by his hands returning to his pant's pockets. "Man, your costume's impressive… Is that armor real?"

Still nothing, this started to upset Sakamoto who was crossing his arms now. His face distorted in frustration. "C'mon, don't just stand there. Say somethin'."

"Sakamoto, I don't think that's a good idea." I reached out toward him as though I could grab him when he was ten feet away from me and move him. "I wouldn't want to make him mad if that armor is real."

"So, we still need answered from him!" Sakamoto stomped his foot again and turned his head to look back at me. Which was a bad idea, because the sound I thought I heard early showed up. Another guy wearing the same armor and carrying the same weapons showed up. This snapped the blonde with us out of his anger and put me and the transfer into a slight panic. "...H-hey, what's going on?"

"What is this?" The transfer looked from me to Sakamoto and back a few times. I wish I had an answer that didn't end in the word ambush, but I didn't.

"I think we just got ambushed!" I quickly lowered myself into a defensive position. I wanted to be ready if they started to charge us! Sakamoto turned back towards we a panicked look similar to the ones we now wore.

"Dude, I don't know!" One of the, guards I'm guessing stepped towards Sakamoto gripping his sword even harder, I figured that meant he was going to use it soon. And I figured knighting us wasn't on the to do list today! Sakamoto got into a defensive stance with me just before the second guard took a step closer to us. "...This shit's real. C-calm down! Time out, man!"

"Let's get the hell out of here!" I knew we didn't want to be here any more, it wasn't safe. So I just suggested the first thing that I thought would work for us!

"Agreed!" Sakamoto looked from me to the transfer waiting for his response. Which came right after.

"Got it." I took a few steps then waited for them to get past me. Yet I looked back to see that they hadn't moved yet. A fact that Sakamoto made very clear.

"Stop standin' around and run!" They finally started to run, but just as we started to move as a group, two more guards showed up and surrounded us! "Ugh, what's with these guys!?"

Just as Sakamoto finished his sentence the guard closest to him slammed his shield into his back. I yelped in fear as he yelped in pain. "Sakamoto!"

"Owww…" He quickly looked at me. "I'm alright, but these guys don't screw around. Y-you're gonna break my bones, dammit! The hell do you think you're-"

Sakamoto was cut off as the guard stepped on his back. Then the rest of the guards started to swarm us. I quickly turned and suddenly the world went dark...