Sasagawa Ryohei loved his little sister to the EXTREME. Why wouldn't he? After all, she was adorable.

She was a quiet, shy little thing, who preferred to read books than to interact with other children. She was EXTREMELY smart –she can count and subtract without counting on her fingers, and that's really cool- and intelligent, and she can talk using big words that made his head ache. She liked people watching rather than interacting with them, and she really liked the color pink. She doesn't ask for much –not even for dolls and sweets like other girls do- nor does she throw any temper tantrum when she's angry. And she rarely smiles.

But that's okay. Because when she does smile, it makes him feel like the happiest and luckiest big brother in this world. Her smile is EXTREMELY beautiful.

And even if she sometimes watches the world with dark eyes –as if the weight of the world is on her tiny shoulders; or looks at the advanced machines and such with quizzical eyes; or when her eyes glaze over when she stares at someone; or wheen she asks silly questions about Ninjas and chatorahe never understood what it actually means… during those times, he tells himself that it's okay. Even if his imouto is a little strange, she is the best, cutest and the most adorable imouto in this world.


A six year old Sasagawa Ryohei glanced at his little sister, who stared at him with her wide brown eyes.

"Did you understand how I just told you how to subtract two numbers using carries?" She asked as she pointed at the notebooks sprawled on the desk on which she had just explained him the concept of subtraction using carries.

"Ah," Ryohei smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his silvery white hair. "I'm EXTREMELY sorry, imouto! I wasn't paying attention!"

"Oh Onii-chan…." Kyoko sighed fondly and then gave him a small smile –and he almost forgot to breathe as he inwardly squealed over the fact that his imouto was so EXTREMELY adorable when she smiles!- and then scooted closer to him as she tapped the notebook and said, "Here. I'll explain it to you again."

Ryohei tried –he really did- to understand what she was saying, but he –like always- got distracted by her sweet voice and thought resolutely that his imouto was too precious and adorable he was really lucky to have her as his little sister.

He would always protect this EXTREMELY precious little imouto of his, after all, it is a big brother's duty to protect his younger sister!

This world is strange. She mused as she eyed the vehicle called car as it passed by her on the road. This car is a convenient mode of transportation for normal civilians, but for a ninja it would be just a metallic death trap on wheels. She could recite a hundred ways this metallic contraption can be used as a death trap for those sitting inside it –and she hasn't even counted the use of any jutsus for achieving this! Even if this vehicle is a deadly hazard even by Ninja standards, she shouldn't be worried about it since there aren't any ninjas in this world.

There was no chakra in this world; no shinobi; no Bijuu; no Hidden Villages; nothing…. It's as if the things she knew are just figments of her imagination.

But she would never believe that. How could she believe that everything she remembers from her life as Haruno Sakura was a figment of her imagination? That Haruno Sakura never existed? That there had never been a boy with bright smile like sunshine and a heart of gold; that she never fell in love with a boy who had gone so deep into darkness that it took their everything to bring him back? That she was fond of a boy whose social skills were worse than a teapot –which is close to none- but who always smiled at her –even if it turned out horribly fake; that there never was a creepy faced Captain of her Team who could be scarily creepy one moment and would magically grow beautiful plants in the next? How could she even think that her silver haired, always late, porn loving, sadistic sensei never existed; that she imagined having a sake loving, buxom blonde teacher –the Godaime Hokage, the Slug sanin- who loved her like a mother loved her daughter? How could she even think that she imagined befriending Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Gai-Sensei, Anko, Yugao and so, so many others!

And if she had really imagined everything, then fine! As long as she believed it was all real, then it doesn't matter what anyone says!

She won't question the beautiful memories of her life as Sakura Haruno just because other people don't believe her.

No one would believe that she was once Haruno Sakura, and this isn't her first chance at life.

But that's okay. She is now Sasagawa Kyoko- a five year old civilian with loving parents and an EXTREME older brother- and even if Ryohei is no Naruto or Sasuke (or even Sai), it doesn't matter because Onii-chan is Onii-chan.

She won't have him any other way.

(Also, the fact that he somehow reminds her of Rock Lee from her previous life, helps her a bit –if only a little.

After all, Sasagawa Ryohei deserves a class of his own.)

Kyoko had understood quite early during her childhood that this world is very different from her previous one. The lack of shinobi, chakra, and dangerous jutsus being thrown around -as if they were confetti- was quite obvious. And so was the unfamiliar landscape, tall buildings, advanced technology and the different constellations in the sky.

Life here is peaceful. There is a lack of conflict around here –which is so unlike the shinobi world where one doesn't can't live without some form of violence or conflict. It's somewhat… unsettling. But not bad. She guessed she could live with a lack of constant fighting- because Kami knows she had had enough of fighting with what she had been through in the Fourth shinobi war.

However, even in this peaceful world, there are still some people who crave violence –there are always people like that in the world- and she only needed to pick up a newspaper to find news about some sort of robbery, or kidnapping , or murder. But compared to the bloodbath that these incidents usually ended with in her previous life, the violence level in this world is downright tame.

After all, children here weren't taught a hundred different ways to kill a person with just a pencil. Huh, now to think of it, her previous world really had some pretty sketchy morals.

The schools here taught different things- ranging from language, to Maths, to History and Geography, to painting and cooking and so, so many things that had nothing to do with "How to assassinate a person with minor bloodshed" or "How to infiltrate and enemy camp without alerting the enemy" and such things…. Honestly, this world really was a fresh breathe of air for her.

And she guess she really needed it after the shit show -that she had the most unfortunate opportunity to have a front seat of- in her previous life- what with the Fourth shinobi War that ended with Kaguya sealed, and Sasuke and Naruto's life-threatening battle, and her discovery of her terminal illness-

So, yeah… her previous life wasn't all sunshine and daisies, but it's okay because she ended up making precious bonds and memories that will stay with her forever.

Sasagawa Akira ran her fingers through her five year old daughter's orange hair for the umpteenth time that morning. "You have packed your bento, right?" She asked, worryingly. "Your water bottle? What about your color pencils? Or your note-book? What about your handkerchief?" She then gasped, "Oh no, what if you lose it or something? I should have given you an extra handkerchief!"

"Kaa-san," Kyoko sighed exasperatedly. "You don't need to worry so much. I have enough handkerchiefs."

Her mother shot her a frigid glare, "One can never have enough handkerchiefs!"

Kyoko said dryly, "I think three counts as enough, Kaa-san."

Her father –Sasagawa Satoshi-snickered at her smart ass reply, and shot her a thumbs up pose- only to clear his throat distractedly when his wife glared at him. he then ruffled her brother's hair and cheered, "Let's get going, ne Kyoko, Ruohei?"

Ryohei beamed, while Kyoko just smiled at her father.

"Sweetie, are you sure you will be fine?" Akira asked her daughter as she gave her a concerned glanced.

Kyoko placed her tiny hand over her mother's larger one and squeezed it in reassurance. "It's just Elementary School. I will be fine, Kaa-san," She replied to her mother. "And even if I have any problem, I'm sure Onii-chan won't mind helping me out." She then turned towards her older brother, and smiled brightly at him. "Right, Onii-chan?"

"Of course!" Ryohei exclaimed. "Don't worry Kaa-san, I will EXTREMELY protect Kyoko-chan!"

Satoshi patted his son's back and cheered, "That's my EXTREME son!"

Kyoko choked out a laugh as Akira rounded up on her husband with a frigid glare and scolded him about his loud tone, while her father just grinned sheepishly and put up with her scolding –with Ryo-nii's unhelpful EXTREME cheering in the background.

Oh, what a lovely family she has.

"Hello, my name is Sasagawa Kyoko. Nice to meet you all!" Kyoko smiled brightly at the adorable kids –so, so innocent and cute- of her grade as she bowed in greeting.

"Hello Kyoko-chan!" the teacher –a woman in her early twenties- smiled at the cute orange haired child before her. "Well, why don't you sit next to Hana-chan?" the teacher pointed at a raven haired girl sitting around the middle of the classroom, who just mumbled something about "another monkey.."?

Shrugging, Kyoko walked towards the seat assigned to her, smiling or nodding at the cute children she passed by –some of whom answered with a loud holler, or with a wave, really… kids are so cute!- and placed her bag on the desk as soon as she reached her seat. After sitting down, she turned towards her deskmate and smiled brightly, "Hello, I am Sasagawa Kyoko!"

The raven haired girl said dryly. "Yes, I heard earlier when you introduced yourself, little monkey."

How blunt.

Kyoko didn't even flinch. Instead, her smile widened. It was as if she was with Ino again –minus the blonde hair, girl talk and fangirling tendencies. The confidence, bluntness and sassy quips were the similar though.

"You know Hana-chan," Kyoko chirped. "I have a feeling that you and I are going to be the best of buddies."

Hana ignored the foreboding shiver that went down her spine. After all, what could this pint sized little monkey like Sasagawa Kyoko could do?

Kyoko had a new fun hobby these days. It is called 'pester Hana-chan until she snaps'. It started innocently enough- with flowers and red ribbons and sunflower shaped hair clips-




"Ne, ne, Hana-chan!" Kyoko chirped as she drew beautiful daisies and cosmos with a nostalgic look on her face. Hana glanced at her from the corner of her eyes. Kyoko stared back at her with a bright smile, and pointed at her drawing of the two flowers and asked, "Choose one- Cosmos or Daisy?"

"Why?" the raven haired five year old asked warily.

"No reason." She answered with a shrug. "Come on, choose one, Hana-chan!"

Her deskmate eyed the drawing of the two flowers warily and then answered reluctantly. "Cosmos."

If possible, Kyoko's smile brightened even more.




Hana let out an annoyed sigh as she pushed back another strand of her hair behind her ear. Ugh, it's getting really long….. maybe she should get it cut…?

"Here…." A purple ribbon was shoved in her hands. Bewildered, Hana stared up at her deskmate –the little monkey by the name of Sasagawa Kyoko who was way too cheerful for her own good- who smiled at her and said, "Tie your hair with this ribbon. I'm sure you'll look really cute with it!"

"Also, it matches with my red ribbon!" Kyoko beamed at her as she pointed at the red ribbon she had put on her hair.

Hana just grunted at her and turned away from her. She didn't need anything from the annoying little monkey who follows her like a –particularly cheerful- puppy.

Kyoko's expression faltered for a second when Hana turned away from her, but she regained her composure and kept her usual smile –though her smile dimmed a bit- as she placed the purple ribbon at the corner of her seat and sat back down as if nothing had happened. Hana just gave the ribbon a cursory glance and tried –and failed spectacularly- to forget about it.

(The next day, the sun shone brightly, the sky was blue, and Hana was wearing a purple ribbon in her hair –with puffed cheeks and ears turning red with embarrassment- all the while Kyoko giggled in the background.

How adorable…..!)




"Happy Birthday, little monkey." Hana flushed a deep red in embarrassment as she shoved a small packet in Kyoko's hands as soon as she saw the sweet, cheerful girl.

Kyoko beamed at her as she accepted her gift. "Thank you, Hana-chan!"

(The next day, the teacher stared at Kyoko in bewilderment as she glomped Hana while squealing happily, gushing about the 'cutest gift ever!' and 'thank you SO much, Hana-chan!' much to the raven haired girl's chagrin.

Though she had to admit the sunflower shaped hair pins Kyoko wore that day looked really cute on her.)




-and ended with orange paint, pink glitter, and a Sasuke-worthy grumpy scowl from Hana –she was Naruto's teammate for years, and had to deal with his antics –pranks and all- on a daily basis. Enough said.




"You're late, herbivore!" Kyoya-sempai hissed as he cornered Hana, who had arrived to the Elementary school late that day.

Hana gave him an annoyed look. "Get out of my way, monkey."

His eye twitched. "Herbivores shouldn't mess with carnivores." He warned her with a growl.

"Why, you-"


Hana stared, flabbergasted, as a bucket of orange paint was dumped on the –self-proclaimed- prefect of Namimori Middle School. The Demon of Namimori sputtered in confusion as the fact finally settled that someone dared to prank him.

"What the-?" Hibari Kyoya was cut off when a familiar voice exclaimed-

"Sorry, Kyoya-sempai!" Kyoko chirped as she threw the bucket in her hand –it was still dripping with orange paint, seriously, way to be subtle….. NOT- in a corner –and it was sent flying and cracked into the opposite wall, creating a bucket-sized dent, making the self-proclaimed prefect of Namimori twitch in irritation. "I kinda need to borrow Hana-chan from you… class is starting after all!" Saying this, the girl waved at the young Hibari cheerfully, and grabbed Hana's hand and dragged her back with her-

-only to halt halfway through the corridor.

"Oh, and before I forget-" Kyoko pulled out a plastic bottle from her pocket –where the hell had she even kept that?!- and turned around and walked back towards Kyoya and dumped the contents of the bottle on him head first –which turned out to be….. Pink Glitter?

Um, what?

"I should make use of use it too rather than letting it go to waste, right?"

Giggling cheerfully, Kyoko then grabbed Hana's hand and dragged her away, leaving behind a seething Hibari Kyoya drenched in orange paint and pink glitter.

"Kyoko!" Hana hissed, as her eyes widened in panic. "That was Hibari-sempai!"

"So?" Kyoko asked in a clueless tone.

"Are you suicidal?" She hissed at her. "You know that Hibari won't forgive you for this, right?"

Kyoko shot her a quizzical look and asked mischievously, "Who said I want him to forgive me?"




Oh, Kakashi-sensei would be so proud!

She thought this world didn't have chakra. She thought this was a normal world, with no supernatural powers that defied physics on a normal basis- and that means she also was a normal person.

Turns out, she was so wrong.

So very, very wrong.




"Onii-chan…" Kyoko whimpered, her vision blurring with tears that fell down her cheeks as she watched her brother being beaten within an inch of his life by some Middle Schoolers who had a grudge against him.

"K-Kyoko-chan…." Her brother groaned in pain as he tried to dodge the hits –but failed. He just clutched his wrist –that had definitely fractured due to a very pointed kick- and hissed out, "Give Kyoko-chan back!"

A sob escaped her lips as she watched her brother getting beaten up so ruthlessly –by a bunch of pre-teens no less. This is so, so wrong. How could children be so cruel as to viciously beat someone else for no apparent reason? She could understand if she was back in her previous world –after all, fight is what shinobi were meant to do- but why does someone of this world need violence? Especially children?

None of them had to be trained from birth to be a shinobi, none of them were forced to fight for the sake of their home, none of them had to lose their friends for petty missions and grudges, none of them had to be backstabbed by a friend, none of them had to fight a war their ancestors that had long since coming and had been kept festering and ignoring for long…

So why do they seek conflict when they should be living happily ever after Why can't they just live peacefully, goddammit!

A pained yell snapped her out of her thoughts, and her eyes widened in horror when she saw her brother's forehead bleeding heavily. Her brown eyes stared at the crimson blood that gushed down his wound.

"Tch, pathetic." Another boy scoffed as he kicked Ryohei one last time and then he and his buddied walked away, leaving behind a bleeding Ryohei and a panicking Kyoko.

"Onii-chan!" Kyoko screamed as she stumbled towards her brother –who was now unconscious. Whimpering, she eyed his bleeding forehead tearfully and from her experience as a medic in her previous life, she knew it was a very deep cut, and if it had been a little lower, then Ryohei would've lost his left eye.



She knew she was hyperventilating, but she couldn't help it. She might've been a renowned medic and a top Join in her previous life, but she wasn't that person anymore. She wasn't Sakura Haruno anymore –she didn't have chakra. She was just a six year old who had never had to fight like Sakura had, who hadn't had to study medicine books for hours, who had to endure Tsunade-Shishou's Spartan lessons for the sake of getting stronger…..

She was just a weak, little girl who still needed someone to protect her…..

(It was as like she was back in Forest of Death and had been cruelly bitch-slapped by life after facing Orochimaru –except she was six, and Naruto and Sasuke are not here anymore, and her brother was bleeding- and OhGodIdon'tknowwhattodo-_)

Tearing off a bit of fabric from her skirt, she pressed it against his wound, but to no avail. At this rate, her brother will suffer from blood loss –and to top it off with these injuries…. She just knew his eight year old body will take a long time to heal- and without chakra there's no way his body would speed up the healing process.

Dammit, dammit, dammit! It all came back to chakra. She hadn't even realized that she had been so dependent on chakra in her previous life –until now, that is. It hadn't been a problem back then, since there was abundant chakra in her previous world –whether it be in a living body or nature- and hence there was no need to be not dependent on it. But now… now that she doesn't have chakra with her, she felt herself missing it's presence so much…

If only….. if only she had her chakra with her, then she could've healed him…..

She squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered. Please…. She just wanted her brother to get better… was that too much to ask?

Something inside her snapped at her resolve, and suddenly, a rush of energy escaped from her very core. There was something in this energy that lit up her from inside-chasing a way all the dark thoughts- and made her feel warm. She could sense everything around her for some reason –was it how Chakra-hypersensitive people felt?- and it was as if her whole world –that had been dark and desolate till now- was alive and burning.

The energy inside her sang, and danced and burnedand for some reason, she was reminded of Naruto's blinding smiles and mischievous personality- as it eagerly ran through her body.

Without thinking much over it, she held out her hand –and with the aid of her previous memories as Sakura- she quickly grabbed control of the energy and willed it to show itself on the surface. Her hand lit up with yellow energy that seemed more like ambers –and holy shit, her hand is on fire?!- as the fire eagerly followed her command.

This… isn't chakra. She just instinctively knew it. It was warm, soothing and yellow and so much like healing chakra –except that healing chakra is a light green in colour- and for some reason, she just knew that she got what she had wanted. With this, she can heal her brother.

Just to be sure, Kyoko bit into her thumb –making it bleed, and then coxed the yellow fire to heal it. The fire licked her wounds eagerly, and soon the soothing warmth was gone, leaving behind pale, flawless skin.

Smiling through her tears, Kyoko stared at her unconscious brother who was bleeding heavily, and took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, Onii-chan…." She whispered as she placed a glowing yellow hand over her brother, and soon, his whole body lit up in yellow. Her once brown eyes flashed golden as she said with conviction "I will definitely heal you."

And soon enough, she kept her promise as she healed her brother's wound on his forehead, leaving behind only a pale scar.


