Amalthea: Ok this story popped into my head when I read Barajou No Kiss at a friend's recommendation, Needless to say...I'm hooked on this new manga and it inspired this! So please enjoy! KON HIT IT!
KON: Amalthea does not own Bleach, HP or any songs that appear! All she owns is the idea based on Barajou No Kiss, family ties and Pairing! Please vote in her Poll and READ+REVIEW her stories! Fanart is welcomed! Now On to the Story!
Anis yawned and sat up with a smile as she stretched then stood to get dressed; she was soon ready and made her way to the private dining room where her and her father usually ate in the morning. She then found a note waiting for her on the table and her father nowhere in sight, she read the note and grinned as she had a pretty good idea what her father was up to. She then headed for the meeting room where she opened the door to a pitch black room, she stepped inside as the door suddenly shut by itself behind her and she jumped as the lights suddenly turned on as she heard "Happy Birthday, Anis!"
Anis grinned happily as her father walked over and hugged her, she then noticed Sirius and Remus standing behind him and yelped happily as she threw quick hugs at them. Sirius smirked and said "I'm happy for you pup! You certainly have a good dad in Aizen-san here..."
"Thanks, Padfoot. You have no idea what that means to me..."
Padfoot just ruffled her hair gently as Remus wished her a happy birthday; the espada then also gave her birthday wishes along with Gin and Tousen. Anis was extremely happy as they then got her to sit down as Aizen said "So...Presents or breakfast first?"
Anis's stomach then growled loudly causing her to blush as Aizen laughed and said "Breakfast it is then..."
Two hours later...
Anis smiled as she opened her presents and Sirius grinned at how much happier his pup was now that she was away from the Dursleys' influence, Remus was smiling too as she noticed their Present to her left and gently grabbed it. She opened the gift wrapped box and blinked in confusion at the six Vials of a potion she couldn't identify and a large book underneath them, Sirius laughed and said "Take the book out, Kiddo..."
Anis nodded and gently removed the book as she then noticed the title, she started laughing and said "Thank you Sirius!"
Aizen looked a little confused then read the title as he asked in slight confusion "What's an Animagus?"
Anis giggled and said "It's someone who can turn into one or possibly more than one form of an animal that fits their personality."
Aizen blinked then chuckled as he said "Ahh ok, I understand now but what are the vials for?"
Sirius then spoke up "They have Animagus reveal potion inside them, we already got the Spirit Marauders' Court their vials so these six are for Anis, you and her four protectors..."
Just then Tousen came running in and said "Aizen-sama, we have a big problem!"
Aizen looked at Tousen in surprise as he asked what was going on, Tousen then told him that Yamamoto was almost ready to make his move against Ichigo and the others who supported Ichigo. Aizen swore then apologized to Anis for this coming up on her birthday, Anis nodded in understanding as Grimmjow and Ulquiorra offered to take her to the human world for some ice cream so that Aizen could get work done. Aizen thought about it then nodded as he said "Alright but be CAREFUL."
He then kissed Anis's forehead and hugged her before hurrying after Tousen, Sirius and Remus then hugged Anis as they told that they should head back to Sirius's place before Dumbledore noticed they were gone. Anis nodded with a smile and hugged them as she whispered to them "Stay safe!"
Gin then took them home as Ulquiorra suggested she get dressed in a casual everyday outfit for going to the human world, Anis nodded and smiled as she headed to her room to change...
Ten minutes later...
Anis finished dressing and looked at her outfit in the mirror; she wore a simple tube top that was a light red, black denim vest and black Capri pants with black/red sneakers and a matching purse with Midnight hiding in it, finishing the look. She then heard a knock on the door and she smiled, she opened the door to Grimmjow and Ulquiorra in their gigais and they quickly told Gin they were leaving. Gin nodded and said "Be careful and stay together."
Anis nodded as Ulquiorra opened the portal to the human world and they left Los Noches, they came out in a small but dark alley near the ice cream shop and then headed down the block to the ice cream store. Anis giggled as they arrived and got their treat, Grimmjow ordered a triple berry shake while Ulquiorra got the Rocky Road ice cream and Anis got Mint Chocolate chip. They sat down in the little courtyard in front of the shop and just talked about general stuff as Anis happily licked at her ice cream cone, Ulquiorra and Anis then chuckled as Grimmjow drank all of his smoothie in one go and was now complaining of an ice cream headache. Anis then gently massaged his temples as Grimmjow said "Berry goodness has betrayed me..."
That got Anis laughing softly as Grimmjow then laid his head down and moaned "Damn it...Why must smoothies taste that damn good?"
Ulquiorra then said "Do you hear that?"
Anis and Grimmjow paused and listened as they heard the sounds of a fight, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow stood up with Anis and they head towards the sounds to find a handsome Ginger headed teenage male fighting a large gang with blank eyes. Anis gasped softly and said "They have the same looks as the others who attacked before when they were controlled by the Spirit leeches!"
Ulquiorra then said "That's the Deputy Shingami..."
Anis looked worried when one of the controlled gang members noticed the three and half broke off their attack on Ichigo to attack their small group, Anis paled as Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and she went back to back then she quickly pulled out the blue and black cards as she kissed them giving the two Arrancar access to their guardian forms. The two Arrancar then growled and began to fight off the controlled humans when Anis noticed Ichigo was in trouble and Midnight said as she popped her head out of the purse "Princess, the Red card! Hurry and Kiss it!"
Anis nodded as she pulled her Red Spirit Rose card and gently kissed it...
Ichigo was starting to tire when he felt a large power boost fill him suddenly, his clothes changed into something Similar to his Bankai outfit only it was with shoes similar to Toushiro's guardian form, no sleeves, and was trimmed in silver. He felt his ears change and he grew a striped Tiger tail while his hands and feet developed sharp looking claws, Ichigo growled and lunged into battle as he could now see the leeches that were latched on to the humans and began shred them. Ichigo and the other two soon killed all the leeches as Anis suddenly felt a bit drained, Ulquiorra caught her as their transformations wore off causing Ichigo to sigh at how tried he was suddenly then turned to the three people who had helped him out.
Ulquiorra easily lifted Anis who was feeling rather weak and tired suddenly as Ichigo came over and thanked them for helping him, Grimmjow told him it was no problem as Ichigo then asked "Do you guys know why I suddenly transformed like that?"
Ulquiorra nodded and said "We do but it's too dangerous to talk in the open like this..."
"We can talk at my place, my sisters aren't home and Dad works in the clinic at this time so we would be undisturbed for a while."
Grimmjow and Ulquiorra looked at each other then nodded, Ichigo then lead them to a modest house with a medical clinic attached to it. He opened the door and let them in as he looked around then said "All clear! We'll go to my room."
Ichigo quickly led the way and he allowed Ulquiorra to lay Anis down on the bed while they sat on the floor, Ichigo then asked what was going on and Ulquiorra explained Anis was the Spirit Princess and the crown heir to the throne, he then explained that Ichigo was one of Four protectors for the princess and that him and Grimmjow were two of the others. Ichigo then asked "So who's the fourth protector for her?"
Ulquiorra then said "All I know is his name which Toushiro Hitsugaya..."
Ichigo raised an eyebrow at that then said "So you said that it's always two high level Hollow and two high ranking Shingami?"
Ulquiorra nodded and Ichigo then asked "What level are you two?"
Grimmjow chuckled and said "We're arrancar."
Ichigo was surprised and said "That's where I've seen you before! We've actually fought against each other!"
Ulquiorra nodded when they suddenly heard someone coming up the stairs at a rapid pace, Ichigo groaned as his dad barged in with a loud "ICHIGO!"
Ichigo then threw his dad out the window to the two Arrancars' amusement as they heard "Ow...My spine..."
Ichigo just groaned and said "Sorry about that... we're still training him..."
That got a laugh out of Grimmjow and a small smile from Ulquiorra when they heard Anis waking up, she groaned softly as she sat up while Midnight crawled out of her purse and said "Princess, Are you alright?"
Anis smiled and nodded as she said "It was just me using too much energy...sorry to worry all of you..."
Ulquiorra looked at her and said "Are you sure you're ok?"
Anis nodded and Ichigo gave her a smile as he said "Good to see you're awake...Thank you for your help."
Anis blushed lightly and said "It was no was obvious that you were in quite a pickle there..."
Grimmjow then sighed and said "We should return to Los Noches soon. Ichigo...we can tell you right now to not trust Yamamoto. There was a reason Aizen and the others turned traitor but we can't tell you it yet."
Ichigo nodded and Grimmjow quickly opened a Portal as Anis, he and Ulquiorra walked through and left Ichigo alone in his room with nothing but his thoughts about the warning, Ichigo then sighed and got ready to do some meditation to clear his mind...
Later that night….
Aizen sighed as he cradled his head in his hands at the headache he had from planning almost all day how to help Ichigo and the ones he loved and cared about escape Yamamoto and his loyal lackeys in Soul Society and hearing about what happened with his daughter in the human world. Aizen then heard a knock on the door as he called for them to come in and looked up to see a smiling Anis holding a hot cup of tea and a small snack for him, Aizen smiled as his little girl came over and placed the items on his desk before asking "You OK, Papa?"
"I'm fine my little princess, just stressed trying to figure all of this out..."
"Talk to me papa, maybe I can help you figure things out or at least give you some ideas.."
Aizen chuckled but accepted her help as they began to talk, unaware of how soon they would have to move to protect those targeted and fight for the future for everyone involved...