AN: I maticore do not own harry potter nor the other cross over sources initially starting with the fate series .

(I am using the Fate series as I think that the way they handle some of the myth and legends is excellent and should intrigue people about these fantastic people of legend to look them up properly but for the sake of simplicity I shall be using the Fate lore as it is simpler to find.

I am currently running through the chapters with a beta reader each chapter with this message has just been updated after being beta read. beta reader :acolyte of the blood


The Chaldean Security Organization. An organization Created at the tip of the end of the earth in the hopes to prevent the calamity that destroyed the earth. How were they doing this you might ask? They were using science to emulate the holy grail of year past to allow them to summon servant, to help them in their quest to stop the temporal anomalies on the planet and hopefully fix the time stream.

It is during this time that a woman from ancient times was summoned. She was no great hero from the odyssey like Atlanta, nor was she a figurehead empowered by the love of her people like Jean de'arc, no this woman was the guardian of the Land of Shadows. Scathach, the mentor of Cu Chullan, when she arrive was surprised as she was technically still alive, but due to her exposure to her domain she could no longer truly be classified as among the living either.

Because of this she kept her distance and allowed the young to forge their own paths, only occasional offering advice for those who wished to head it. It was during one of the temporal incursions that her 'master' went on that she encountered an alternate version of her student that managed to wound her. Escaping to tend to her wounds she was confronted by another hero who challenged her to a duel.

She agreed on the condition that he helps her master. Once the time line stabilizes Scathach and the hero, who turned out to be Li Shuwen, who agreed to saves her master from an enemy servant before they dueled, fought, both agreeing to a single move. Both great heroes ended up lying on the ground, the light slowly fading their eyes, realizing that they have had their last battle.



Scathach was awoken with a rather sudden start. She was sure she had died. She had finally died! There she was, lying in the quiet awaiting her judgment.

"Scathach, Lady of the Land of Shadows so we meet at last." This caused her jump and try to summon one of her spears. "WHO IS THERE!"

"Ah so not entirely given up the will to live I see." The voice called from the darkness surrounding her.

"That would depend entirely on who I'm talking to.!" she called back.

"Well young one I am Gaia." As the voice said this a young woman appeared in her view.

"Okay, say I believe that, why do I have audience with the planet's sentience?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly.

"Ah an excellent question, you see you are what is known as an old soul. And have been reincarnated several times, only in this time line it stopped because of the Land of Shadows." at this Gaia looked up at her from her pacing to see if Scathach was following.

"That would explain why some of the warriors that passed through my gate had almost scary similarities" mumbled the warrior.

"Yes. This is known as an old soul, while they don't remember the abilities nor life from before it does make certain paths easier as they are familiar to them" said Gaia.

"Now," she said "the problem is that the grail allow for the usage of multiple timelines and dimensions, thus allowing us to help" she summed up with a smile leaving Scathach slightly lost.

"Okay question, why me?" This seem to startle the avatar a bit.

"Ooh did I not say?" On receiving a shaking of the head she sighed. "Well the person that we would help is… well for lack of a better term you" she said with a giggle. "Well to be more exact she is a reincarnation of you in a world with a completely different magic system but all that information will be given later."

"Okay so let me see if I have got this right. You want me to go and help a different version of me for… reasons" sighed Scathach knowing that the "reasons" were not forth coming.

"Pretty much, and you're right I am not telling you why the reasons as I have altered things enough by bringing you to her mind-scape and start unlocking the locked memories. And as I can tell you still wish to die the two of you shall merge with her as the primary mind."

This was pretty much dumped onto Scathach, the fact that Gaia had already taken the choice from her. At least she could help guide the child. Well before she...

"Did you make sure she could handle my power?" She asked worriedly, she didn't want a child to die from overload just because of an oversight. And the look she received for asking the question could only be described as "descriptive".

"Well that's me done here, oh since this is technically your mind-scape you can modify it. Piece of advice, you might want to start early and organize and defend it as in the world you are going there is the ability to read memories if not defended. That is the only help I am giving you. Ciao!"

And with a small wave she vanished leaving Scathach alone, in the mind-scape of a child with no idea what to do.


The night of Halloween, year 1981, Britain has been under attack by terrorists and an aura of suspicion has dropped over the country. The IRA is officially taking the blame for the attacks but unofficially within a small splinter of the British community there is a terrorist group attacking at will. This splinter community is a community of magic users, people whom have withdrawn from the greater community for fear of the witch hunts.

Within their isolation, different views and standpoints have arisen which allowed the rise of the terrorist leader, one Lord Voldemort. Now Voldemort could be called many things but in his early days he was definitely charismatic, being able to draw a large number of funds and supporters with naught but words. When he started his campaign he dropped all pretense of being civil and the charisma went with it.

Now he maintains control by fear and power. Which leads to today, Voldemort was not stupid he understood the power of information. Unfortunately he was arrogant, supremely arrogant, so when one of his supporters came to him with news of a "key to his downfall" he didn't hesitate and acted using all his resources.

First he confirmed that he had the location of the supposed key. Once done he used his most loyal to create a distraction... in her own special way. And then it was off to dispose of the threat.


Charlus and Dorea Potter were at the cottage where their fool of a son was staying. Don't get them wrong, they adored their son and daughter-in-law as well as their grandchildren, but by GOD were they blind. Charlus and Dorea, while they didn't hate dumbledore, they didn't trust him either, he was too wrapped up in his "greater good" for their tastes.

Which worried them to no end as James was the next best thing to infatuated with the man. So here they were watching their adorable grandchildren while the two were out who knows where when suddenly the door blows off the hinges. Charlus being the war veteran of the Grindelwald war that he was immediately sprang into action, launching curses that only a warmage of his callibre could muster. Meanwhile Dorea lifted the children and hurried them out of the room.

It wasn't long before there were several bodies on the floor surrounding Charlus, only for his gallant defence to be cut short by a blast of green light from outside the door. Slowly walking into the room came none other than Voldemort, surrounded by more of his men who then charged on to confront the matriarch who he knew was trapped by the wards they had erected earlier.

Dorea proved to be just as tough as her husband, but it was to be expected as she was raised a Black at the height of their power. Now that the defenders were out of the way he slowly moved to the crib to look in and what he saw confused him. Everyone had known the Potters had been with child, hard to hide it with as public a life as they had, what he had not expected was twins.

So here he stood looking down upon two children, a boy and a girl. The boy had black hair and brown eyes like his father, the girl had red hair and green eyes like her mother. Two children could not be more different. The boy was crying, the girl was stoic. He stood there thinking.

He knew one of them was the 'weapon' but which one. After some contemplation he chose the girl as she was showing the fortitude required to be a threat in the future, and with that he cast.

The second the spell left the wand everything went to hell. The energy hit her in the chest then almost immediately started dispersing in different directions it was all he could do to watch this impossibility happen. That's exactly what it was, impossible. As he was watching he saw the roof get blown off the room to his shock, he was so shocked that he never saw the beam that headed straight back at him till it was too late.

The little girl, a small girl by the name of Morgan Lilith Potter had done what no one else had done. Not only had she blocked and unblockable curse but she had killed the worst dark lord of the age. Understandably she was tired from the effort as her magic reserves has be virtually completely drained. Meanwhile her brother, whose magic was used to guard him from being hit by the worst of the falling debris, only had a cut on his head that was impregnated with a slight bit of the remnant of the killing curse's power, making it a curse scar.

It would be later on that evening when the children's parents and Dumbledore the self proclaimed leader of the light found them, whilst making sure that they were well Dumbledore proclaimed Morgan's brother Evan "the boy-who-lived" saying that the scar was a sign that he had defeated the Dark Lord. He also suggested that Morgan be sent somewhere safe as she might be targeted and used against Evan and his family as she was now a "Squib" from their examinations.

After some argument and debate the potters decided to trust Dumbledore as he was the "greatest light wizard of the century". When they did this they didn't realize that they were unintentionally kicking off the start of a legend reborn.