Chapter 1
Disclaimer ~ I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Harry Potter
Harry was at the park again. Over the summer, it had become his place to think. He would sit on the swing or under one of the nearby trees. People watching was becoming a hobby to him. He would watch a mother of three wrangle her two oldest children into behaving before they could go play on the playground. He would watch a man sit on the bench and read a book. He would watch a girl his age comfort her crying little brother after he scrapes his knee.
Sometimes, the children of the park would notice him and invite him to play. Today was one of those days. Emily, the daughter of the man who owns a coffee shop nearby, had spotted him on the swing and asked him to play tag with them.
The first few times he was asked to play with the kids he went up to their parents and introduced himself properly before asking permission to play the game. Now, he sought out permission out of habit. The parents were wary at first, as they had every right to be, but after a couple weeks they decided Harry was harmless to their kids. Some had even approached him and asked if he'd be willing to babysit for them. It was nice, and Harry enjoyed playing with the kids. Something about their innocence to the harshness of the world helped heal the wounds from Cedric's death a little.
Emily's mother, Janet, nodded to Harry once she noticed his look. With her permission given, Harry allowed himself to be pulled away by the enthusiastic seven year old. He was careful of the kids, not going to fast and letting them tag him often.
They hadn't been playing long when one of the kids, Andrew, noticed something. The children soon crowded around to see what it was, James and Daniel dragging Harry over too.
On the ground was a green lizard. Orange eyes watched them warily. Poor thing looked like it had been attacked by some other animal. It was injured and trying to retreat from the crowding children in fear, but it was backed into a corner and couldn't run due to its injuries.
"Kids back up. You're scaring it by being too close," Harry said gently, nudging a few of the closer kids back a few steps. The rest listened to his instructions and backed up as well. Harry knelt down in front of the lizard and slowly, gently, picked it up. The little guy was terrified and tried to bite his finger but Harry didn't react.
"It's alright little one. I won't hurt you," Harry said to it softly. He studied the wound closely. Definitely attacked by an animal. Most likely some type of bird based on the wounds. They looked quite similar to wounds Harry saw on the mice Hedwig would hunt.
"Will it be okay Harry?" Kim asked. She was only four and looked close to tears. Harry smiled at her.
"Of course it will. I'll take it home with me and bandage it's injuries. In a few days the wound should be all better," Harry explained. That made all the children happy and several of them let out cheers. Harry was then ordered by the child army to leave and take care of the poor baby lizard immediately. Harry chuckled but listened to them. He bid his farewells to the children and updated the parents on what the commotion was about.
"Oh the poor thing," Janet cooed. "Take care of the little fella. I'll keep an eye on the kids and tell the others," she said. Others referring to the other parents of the kids. Most days, three or four of the parents gathered in the park to watch over all the children while the rest of the parents worked, ran errands, or enjoyed a day to themselves.
"I will," Harry promised, nodding farewell. The little lizard was cupped in his hands and held close to his chest as Harry quickly made his way back to the Dursleys. Hopefully he could sneak the little guy to his room where he had some first aid items stashed.
Chapter one is completed! Out of all of the Arcobaleno, I think figuring out the backstory for Reborn and Viper were the hardest.
Let's see...I now have four colors down if we include Green for Verde (don't worry, I'm going to update him next) and that leaves me five more to get started. Lal, Colonello, Viper, Skull, and the bonus one. The bonus being Fem!Harry becomes the Sky Arcobaleno because she is bonded to one of the elements when they were cursed. Luche gets a gray pacifier.
I'm glad you guys are all liking my fics! Until four days ago I had never gotten this much traffic at a time. It's really nice.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me or leave them in a review. If I don't contact you directly with the answer then I will leave the answer in the AN.
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