AN: This is just a potential story that I will rewrite if liked enough. I do not own the properties of either fate nor the harry potter franchises.
In the world there are many mysteries. The Bermuda triangle, Big foot, UFO sightings. Out of all of these one of the most simple and horrifying and hard to understand is why a person would harm a child. A child that is a member of your family none the less.
Harming such a innocent soul has always caused a shock for those who found out but the one it harms the most is always the innocent. As people forget that the innocent would then have to react to protect themselves. On average the responses are that the child would lash out at their attackers and become a broken and distorted person that would require years of help to be put back together, or they would become a introverted and submissive avoiding conflict usually easily lead as they don't want to put up much of a fuss.
These responses have been well documented by child services and are usually noted quickly. However in one little girls case whenever someone noticed her erratic behaviour they where mysteriously "offered a new job" this had happened at least three times in the two years of her primary schooling until she was landed with a teacher who was absolutely certain that she was the devil incarnate.
The little girl in questions name is Iris Jeanne Potter. She was a Polite little girl with long black hair with deep purple eyes. She was short for her age as she was chronically underfed and dwarfed by her clothed as they used to be her cousins so most think that she is a boy. She is fine with that apart from the drowning in clothes part it makes her feel icky.
But today she is excited as she was told that she was allowed to go with her relatives on her first vacation. They had of course been on many, but they didn't want, that girl to ruin it for them. So here she was with them as they walked through the French city of Orleans and it just felt as if there was something familiar. A tug from her chest that she couldn't explain.
Trifas was getting out of hand for the grail. Not only did it have two potential groups of mages summoning in world ending servants. I mean seriously Achilles? Karna? Those two alone if they went all out would destroy the country. That was not including the mad Ruler.
The grail in its limited sentience queried both alaya and Gaia what would happen I such a wish were made. Neither were happy. And came to a agreement the current supervisor might not be enough. So they added more manna to the pool enough for another Ruler. And told the Grail to add subliminal message, Only interfere if it look like there is no other choice.
Accepting its orders searched for most acceptable ruler servant with combat capabilities. Two Found. Saint Martha, Jeanne de arc Alter. Searching for vessel for the subjects.
None found in current space time. Expanding search to alternate space times using second True magic. Searching, Searching Searching. Found Compatible Vessel For Jeanne.
Descendant of De' Arc Line via mothers side from Jeanne sister. Mental damage Via abuse primed and readied for 'alter' personality giving targeted rather than general hatred. Within a Historically significant to Mythos of the summoning.
Iris was looking at a pretty sword, it was a cross between a rapier and a longsword and the plaque below said:
The sword of saint Catherine wielded by the holy maiden of Or liens St Jeanne de arc in Frances time of need during the many battle that she lead to victory
She couldn't help but want to touch the blade, it just looked so pretty. By this point she hadn't noticed that the Dursleys had left the cathedral and thus her but luckily for a summoning pentagram appeared underneath her startling a shocked squeak from the girl.
Suddenly with a bright red flash of light that only she seemed to notice everything was gone and she was confronted with what looked with a tunnel of constantly shifting and changing colours. This was just to much for her to process so she summarily passed out.
Upon passing out she found herself lying on a field of grass. She just lay there enjoying the peace and the feeling of the wind and sun pressing up against her cheeks when she was disturbed.
"Hey Brat!" a voice called startling her out of her revalie. Jumping up and looking around "WHOSE THEIR!" she screamed her eyes darting around looking for the source of the voice. " Good your not entirely incompetent!" the voice said before a black smoke started to coalesce into a beautiful lady leaning against a tree, Iris really couldn't help but stare she truly was beautiful. " you do know I can hear what you are thinking, and thanks for the compliment" the lady smirked at her.
"ERM who are you?" Iris asked once she had worked up the courage. " I am Jeanne de arc"answered the woman smirking at the girls shocked face "but not the one you are used to I am all of her repressed emotions the anger at being prosecuted, the hate for being mocked for being a woman, the the guilt for not being able to fight. All brought to life by a mage who went insane after her death." explained Jeanne
"this place is your mind and the reason I am here is that you are my last descendant, through my sister, down to your mother and due to unique circumstances this gives us the ability to help each other." explained the woman with iris hanging off her every word now.
"First things first magic is real, very real and a piece of magic called kaleidoscope has summoned both you and me to another place far away from where you live. Still with me?" asked Jeanne to the little girl getting a nod, she might hate a lot of things but this little girl was just too innocent for her to vent her rage at. God if anything she was absolutely adorable. She couldn't
understand how that family could do that to her.
"Now in the place that you have been summoned to there is a ...tournament of sorts going on. But the contestants are summoned heroes from history and as you can tell from myth and legend these people are ridiculously strong." getting another nod Iris then said something that showed her intelligence "it sounds like the sort of thing that can get out of hand really easily."
Smiling at the girl with a twinkle in her golden draconic eyes "yes it can that is why they have a moderator to enforce the rules. But this time they are not sure if the moderator will be enough. So they are calling in a back up hidden moderator as 'extra muscle' and that would be me" again the child nodded in understanding.
"the problem is that you are the only 'vessel' suitable to hold my essence" explained Jeanne. This caused Iris to start. "will I get hurt?" " all you wounds will be healed by the summoning medium and as you will be joined with me you will likely gain all of my abilities." explained Jeanne to the small girl who sat there on the grass thinking before "Will I go back home?" this caused Jeanne to cringe.
"I don't know how to say this to you sweet but although once done the medium will send you back to the same point you where summoned from I should say that from your memories I saw that your 'relatives' abandoned you. They left you in that church honey" she said as softly and lovingly as she could. She really did like this kid but she had never been around children before and did not know how to handle them.
It was with a small forlorn sigh and a smile that looked as if she should have expected it little Iris just held out her hand and took Jeanne and hugged her. And held on for a few minutes. It was now that she was in contact with the girl that she was able to filter out something that had been annoying her. There was another magical signature within this mind scape.
She knew there was blocks until she arrived and blew them apart with her presence alone and she had made a note of the signature that was on them but this was different it was almost as if it was alive. A ghoul almost and it was in her mind scape. No wonder she was so fucked in the head. She had a guy in her head that would seriously screw with any little girls development.
Lightly she pinched a pressure point on the back of the girls neck knocking her out. She didn't have much time the grail only gave her the journey to explain this to her so that she didn't freak the fuck out. So the integration would begin soon.
Racing across the mind scape and summoning her sword she soon arrived in the little dark corner of the girls mind the corner where the thing was hiding. She found that it wasn't that small a corner It had been feeding off all of her negative emotions that was why they never reached the surface as this ...leach was using them to empower itself. Should be interesting reaction when she integrates with the girl with this much negative. But it all seems directed meaning she will be in much more control than she ever was. Thats good.
Facing the leach she took her blade and plunged it straight through its heart. Causing the wraith to be destroyed. But unknown to her the integration had begun. She would never know what damage had been done.