In case nobody noticed, I'm writing this alongside the manga, as I don't have access to the anime (no data or patience). That said, translations are a little iffy between all of them so sometimes I'm taking guesses (like with bakudo, which you'll probably notice). Please tell me if something seems off or wrong, and I'll look it over to see what I can do.
I hope the fight scenes here make sense and aren't terrible. I'm using creative thinking to figure things out and guess at what movements are taking place between manga panels, as well as making assumptions on what the characters are likely to do or how they'll act.
Thanks everyone who's favoriting and following, and especially those few reviewers; gruntsbreeder, Aihi8 and Nariel Helyanwe, it means a lot.
And, side note, the fact that Ichigo's a SI isn't that much of a thing. Not right now, at least. Don't expect to see too much of anything in direct relation to that until around the time that Ichigo's hollow starts becoming an issue, because that's the only real idea I've got around that. I have a few other ideas as well, but nothing concrete yet, so don't read too much into subtext about that sort of thing.
Glaring down the delinquent highschoolers, Ichigo feels a twitch in her left eye as she shifts her bag to rest over her shoulder, not bothering to lift the foot she'd planted on one of their backs, sending a baleful stare into the wiggling figure beneath her until he stills, like prey before a predator.
Behind her stands the spirit of a little girl, and in front of her, a damaged memorial.
Kurosaki Ichigo, age 15, doesn't look like the kind of person one wants to run into in a situation like this. At 181cm and with the figure and fashion sense of a boy, her sour features and sharp, hawk-like amber gaze, it isn't so surprising that half the town is sure she's some kind of dangerous criminal. (Not that her tendency for violence helps that impression very much). Really, the only hint of femininity she displays is her hair, which is bright orange, with choppy bangs and the rest usually tied into a high ponytail, the strands reaching her mid-back at the longest point.
(Many have tried to yank her hair, both in and out of fights.
Many have received broken or sprained fingers and wrists, depending on the situation.)
When she lifts her eyes completely to look over the rest, she sees that they're surprisingly still lingering, maybe for their friend. Ichigo finally lifts her foot and kicks the guy in the ribs, sending him rolling on ahead.
"Don't run," she warns them all, and they freeze in place. "I've got a few questions for you." She sees their lips move as they talk between themselves, but she isn't really listening to what they're saying. Lifting a hand, Ichigo points at the fallen memorial, the vase toppled over, spilling water and the few flowers inside onto the cement, the picture frame similarly toppled over. "Question one! Tell me what that is!" Her hand then swings around to point at the nearest upright guy.
"A-An offering to the kid who died here recently?" They offer uncertainly, looking uncertain and terrified.
"Correct!" She snaps, launching out with a kick that hits him in the solar plexus, causing him to choke on a scream and topple backwards. "Question two!" She turns furious eyes on the next guy, who is less than a foot away and looks terrified, hurriedly skittering back away from her and to his downed friends, neither of whom have gotten back up. "Why is it knocked over?"
"'C-Cause we knocked it over while we were skateboarding?" The first one she'd knocked down offers in a high tone, his eyes wide and teary as they look upon her. Mentally expanding her awareness, she takes note of where the little girl's ghost is before responding.
"I see. Now, can you tell me why you haven't apologized to her?!" She demands, launching a thumb over her shoulder towards the spirit as her awareness overtakes the girl, bringing her into view for the boys, who shriek like babies, babble apologies and run away like she's going to launch them into a wood chipper if they don't disappear immediately.
With a roll of her eyes, Ichigo turns to the little girl's spirit, who floats ever so slightly off the fence she's sitting on as she watches the proceedings with a tiny smile, blood covering the right side of her face from beneath her bangs from the head wound they're hiding from view, her hair tied into two pigtails.
"Thanks for chasing them away, nee-san," the girl thanks, and Ichigo offers her a twitch of the lips, turning on her heel and waving a hand up to wave over her shoulder.
"It wasn't any problem, thanks for cooperating at the end there. I'll bring you some new flowers and another vase tomorrow," she promises, heading the girl call out from behind her.
"Thanks, but don't worry about it too much, I can spend my time quietly now."
"Just hurry up and pass on, before something bad happens," she calls back before continuing on her way towards home. She's late, but it wasn't really her fault, as she'd had detention before she'd left school and come across those delinquents. She doesn't imagine that the bastard goat-chin will care though, so she's going to have to act fast when she opens the door.
Approaching the door to her house, she opens it, already dropping into a crouch as she calls out an, "I'm home!"
"You're late!" As expected, there's her dead-beat dad, still dressed in his clinic uniform and launching at her with a leg outstretched as though to hit her in the head with a roundhouse kick. She's already managed to dodge it, at least, and dodges to the side to avoid the axe-kick his move morphs into, grabbing onto his ankle and then straightening to a stand, keeping hold of his leg and hoisting that into the equivalent of a splits.
She's able to press her leg against her body and do the splits, but she knows for a fact that he can't, and his squeak as she hoists the leg a little higher before releasing him and pushing him backwards the the ground, Ichigo rolls her eyes and walks completely into the house.
He recovers relatively quickly, at least enough to stand with his legs spread ever so slightly to account for the muscle strain she must have given him, both hands planted on his hips and face irritated.
"Do you know what time it is, you delinquent child of mine! You know dinner is every night at seven!"
"You shouldn't just attack me at whatever opportunity you get, you-"
"I won't hear any excuses! Any who disrupts the harmony of the home must be punished, and only payment of blood is acceptable!" She makes a point to ignore him and dodge what attacks she can, taking off her shoes and tossing them towards their area and then making her way into the kitchen ahead of him.
Catching sight of Karin and Yuzu sitting at the table, Ichigo offers them an apologetic look.
"Sorry I'm late, Yuzu-"
"Ah, Ichi-nee, you have another spirit," Yuzu points out with the serving spoon she's holding. Ichigo spins in place with a jolt to see the spirit of a middle-aged business man lurking just behind her, having probably been in her blind spot before now. With a snarl of annoyance, Ichigo lashes out with a fist, trying to drive away the spirit.
Her hand flies through him due to her high emotions and happens to hit her father in the face, sending him to the ground, not that she cares as she begins to rant.
"I drive them off again and again, but they keep comin' back," she complains before turning her attention to the man. "Just because I can see you doesn't mean I can pass you on, and your unfinished business changes nothing!"
"Bragging that you can see spirits again, Ichigo?!" Her father howls from the ground, thrashing about like a toddler throwing a tantrum, to her disgust.
"You can see them, touch them when you're calm enough, talk to them and you're a special A-level spirit medium. Your troubles are four-fold, Ichi-nee. Must be tough having high specs, huh?" Karin teases blandly around the chopsticks she's holding between her teeth.
"I'm actually kind of envious," Yuzu comments to Karin as, in the background, Ichigo continues to tell the spirit and her father to buzz off, with little success on either front. "I can only see a blur. I wish I could see them clearly."
"Not me. I don't believe in them, so it doesn't really matter to me."
"Huh? But you can see them, can't you?" Yuzu questions. "I thought only Daddy couldn't see them."
"Stupid, whether you can see them or not, as long as you don't believe in them, it's the same as them not existing," Karin scoffs before getting a proverbial light bulb moment. "Forget about that, I thought of a new project, listen. We can have Ichigo act like a psychic, since everyone knows she probably sees ghosts anyways-"
"Karin stop trying to make money off of me!" Ichigo yelps, looking back over her shoulder.
"An opening!"
She feels a heavy impact from behind, one hand being grabbed and twisted up from behind as she's placed into a suppression hold, one of his legs landing on the back of her neck and one on her actual back. With a snarl, Ichigo rotates her shoulder, ignoring the resulting pop, and twists her hips, freeing her arm and then launching her father backwards at the resulting force of her getting to her feet.
"Forget it. Yuzu, I'll come back down for leftovers later, sorry. I'm going to my room."
"Ah, Ichi-nee!" Ignoring the call and the loud conversation from below, Ichigo closes her room door- she doesn't slam it, because that would likely knock down the little "15" sign Yuzu had made her, and she doesn't want to break the ceramic on accident.
Sitting down at her desk and dropping her bag atop it, ignoring the continuously lurking spirit behind her, Ichigo pries it open and begins to pull out her homework with a scowl. There's a soft sound from nearby that calls for her attention, something just below her actual range of hearing, and she looks up in surprise and curiosity to see a black butterfly flutter its way through her wall.
"What? Where'd that-?"
Her words trail into nothing as, from the wall above her bed, a short, black-haired woman (girl? Woman?) walks through her wall, dressed in a black shihakusho, a sword sheathed around her waist. She floats for an instant before tapping down onto the wood of her floor, her sandals clicking slightly.
"... It is near…!"
"Hey, what the hell are you?" Ichigo questions irritably, staring down the shorter girl who ignores her completely. She's dressed in all black, and she's pretty confident about being in Ichigo's room while she's inside of it, disregarding the fact that she'd somehow come through the wall. "Hey!"
Sick and tired of being ignored, Ichigo lashes out without thinking, a kick planting into the girl's back with an irritable growl.
"Stop ignoring me! The hell do you mean, it is near?"
"Y-you can see- you kicked-?" The girl's apparently too baffled to get up or speak coherently, causing Ichigo to roll her eyes.
"What else could have done it? Now what the hell are-" her door bursts open with a bang, and her father flies in out of nowhere with a drop kick.
"Be quiet! Stop making such a ruckus, the entire house can hear you!"
"A ruckus?! How can I not make a ruckus?!" Ichigo demands furiously, lashing out and elbowing her father in the jaw. A bit of blood spurts out from her lips in response, as he'd likely bitten his tongue, not that she really cares. "Something just walked through the wall, you can't see her?!"
"Eh?" He pauses, loosening from his fighting pose to scratch at his cheek. "See who? There's nothing there."
"I get it that she's short, but-"
"It's no use," the stranger denies, having gotten up and collected her cool in the time that Ichigo'd been chewing out the bastard. "It's not possible for ordinary men to see me. I'm a shinigami."
"A shini-" her father does something in the corner of her eye, and Ichigo lashes out with a kick into his sternum, sending him careening backwards and then she slams the door closed behind him, clicking down the lock. She turns back to the girl. "You're a shinigami, not just some jumped up ghost?" She questions with narrowed, slightly skeptical eyes.
"Yes. I'm a shinigami, from the Seireitei- Soul Society. I'm hunting for a hollow, an evil spirit, and wound up here," the girl confirms in a tone that implies that she's "dumbing down" her explanation. Ichigo doesn't bother reacting to the insult, crossing her arms and shifting her hips and legs to continue to stare down the girl. "What? You see ghosts and don't believe in shinigami?" The girl questions defensively from where she'd taken a seat on the ground during her explanation.
"I've never seen any sign of shinigami anywhere, and I've been seeing ghosts for ages. The bastard didn't see you, so I can admit you're human, but I doubt that you're an actual shinigami."
"Oh?" Her tone is sugary-sweet, and Ichigo uncrosses her arms warily, staring down at the shorter girl as she shows signs of being incredibly irritated. "What nonsense." The girl spins in a sharp circle towards Ichigo, one hand lashing out to point at Ichigo with a shout. "Bakudo number one: Sai!"
Ichigo's arms are yanked behind her to cross at her wrists above her tailbone, shoulders wrenching back, and her ankles snap together simultaneously, knocking her down to the ground as her balance changes completely. Ichigo yelps and swears reflexively, held on the ground as she valiantly resists the urge to wiggle around like some kind of worm to escape.
"What the hell?" She demands as she hears the shorter girl walk closer, snickering under her breath just before she stomps on Ichigo's hip with one sandalled foot.
"You cannot move. This is called Bakudo, and it's an advanced incantation only shinigami can use," the girl explains smugly, and Ichigo angles her head to try and see the girl, though with her shoulder partially in the way, as she's on her side, it's a little difficult. "Even though I look so young, I'm almost ten times older than you are, and you dare imply that I'm a little brat? Usually, I'd kill people like you, but the law states that one cannot kill humans they have not been ordered to kill."
Her foot kicks lightly against Ichigo's back, rolling her almost entirely onto her stomach, and Ichigo hears a sound like what she'd expect a sword being unsheathed to sound like. Involuntarily, she freezes.
"I will have to be content with just sealing your movements, so give thanks, you little brat, and…" Ichigo sees a flash of metal before the hilt of the girl's sword comes down in one swift movement, hitting onto the spirit who'd also been bound by her spell.
"N-No, I… I don't want to go to hell-!"
"Do not fear," the girl says in a blandly serious tone. "The place you are headed to is not hell. It is soul society, and unlike hell, it is a beautiful place." A rift opens up beneath he and Ichigo, and while Ichigo stays in place above it as though it hadn't existed, the man falls through, a few more of those black swallowtails flutter out and then vanish into nothingness.
"W-what the hell? Where'd he go? Soul Society you said?"
"Yes. That was what's called a soul burial- also known as "going to heaven". Doing that is one of the duties of a shinigami. Asking if you believe me or not is useless at this point, right? But I will kindly explain everything with illustrations even a brat like you can understand." She reaches into her shihakusho with a deadly serious expression. "So shut up and listen. In this world, there are two types of spirits."
The girl (woman?) sits down in seiza, pulling out a sketchbook and drawing on it.
"One is called Plus and is the most common spirit." The drawing is that of a rabbit head, surrounded by hearts and tiny dots. "You can say that the "ghosts" you usually see are these." She then points to another image, of an angry looking bear head surrounded by lightning. "And the other is called Hollows, and these attack living beings and dead ones alike, and eat their souls. These are what you call "evil spirits". Do you have any questions so far?"
"Why are you drawing all of this out? Your drawings suck." With an irritated snarl, the girl crawls forward and draws on her face.
"Invalid question. I'm going to continue." She leans back on her legs to sketch out some more things, but Ichigo ignores them this time, rubbing her face against the ground and her shoulder to hopefully wipe off the marker definitely on her face. "One is to guide Pluses to soul society using soul burial as you have seen, and the second is to extinguish hollows. My current mission is the latter."
"There's a hollow thing around here?" Ichigo's mind rolls around on the last few minutes frantically. "You said it's nearby, so why are you here?!"
"Well… I don't know why, but I can't sense it anywhere nearby."
"The hell does that mean?!" Her heart leaps into her throat, though, as there's a loud, rattling howl from nearby.
"It's as though there's some great pressure blocking all of my senses," the girl muses.
"Hey! Hey, shinigami, are you deaf?! Didn't you hear that howl just now?!"
"Huh? Howl? When did-?" She cuts herself off as the echoes of the howl reverberate through the room, and she turns with a shocked look on her face. Ichigo scowls and begins to strain her limbs, uneasy about the is a of being restrained when there's such a clear threat nearby. The shinigami looks at her searchingly.
She doesn't want to be trapped if something happens, so she continues to test out the invisible bindings, feeling absolutely no give.
As though to mock her, downstairs, Ichigo hears a scream of pain and terror. With a cold, very still feeling spreading through her bones, everything going silent except for the echoes of that scream in her head, Ichigo feels like she can't even move to breathe.
That's Yuzu's voice.
The shinigami runs to the door and Ichigo is still frozen solid, unable to speak, until the black-clad figure opens up her bedroom door. Like a rush of something invisible, not substantial enough for Ichigo to feel it, the girl's hair and clothes get blown back and an oppressive feeling fill the air.
She steps out, and Ichigo can hear the sound of something dragging.
"Ichi…. You… okay?"
Her little sister comes into view in the doorway, on the ground, an injury leaking blood above one eye and body trembling.
"Good… it hasn't come here." Ichigo can't look at anything other than Karin, feeling like her entire body is stone, her ears somehow hearing only her little sister's voice. "It happened so suddenly… Blood started pouring out of Daddy's back, and he fell… and we were attacked by something huge… I thought that I had.. To warn you…"
Karin goes limp on the ground, but continue to speak.
"I wonder what it is… I could see it a little. It looked like they couldn't. Ichi, before it sees you… hurry and get away." The shinigami crouches next to her sister's figure as she goes completely limp and her eyes close, and Ichigo feels something worse than terror filling up in her heart at the sight of a shinigami above her sister's still form, all of her anger and negative emotions falling away into an empty pit.
That. Is. It.
"She is just unconscious, her soul is still- what are you doing?!" Ichigo doesn't know what she's doing. She doesn't feel like she's in control of her body right now. She just knows that laying here on the ground is not an option. "Stop! You can't just get free of that! If you force it, your soul will-"
And then she's free, and her hand lashes out to grab the bat she always keeps near her door, her legs moving before she can really think twice about it. She's in control now, but everything feels so far away, so distant. Avoiding her sister's body on the ground, Ichigo launches herself down the stairs until she gets to the door to the living room, spotting the shattered drywall before anything else.
Trashed bowls, crumpled table. Splintered furniture, a gaping hole in the wall. The bastard off to one side, apparently unconscious, blood spattered over his back and the wall, pooling just slightly on the ground.
In the hole in the wall, there's some kind of monster. Bone white all over, covered in black markings, with a terrible mask, fin on its back and a gaping mouth. She can't tell if the eye markings on the mask are actually it's eyes, but if the glow is any indication, they probably are. At first she can see only one arm, her entire mind silent as she takes everything in and tries not to explode from overload, but then the other arm comes into focus, holding onto the limp figure of her little sister like a child does a toy.
She's running before she can really register it, and she manages to avoid the attack it makes towards her with one of its hands, slamming the bat onto the wrist with as much force as she can. The bat splinters into pieces, and the monster doesn't seem to notice, swiping her out of the way and slamming her into the ground.
One hand wrapped around the shattered bat, Ichigo is dazed for a moment before she manages to open her eyes and witness the monster lifting the hand still holding onto Yuzu, as though to smush her like a bug.
From this position, she can clearly see the gaping hole in it's chest, perfectly circular.
And then it's knocked aside, that shinigami flying in from the side and slicing into it's forearm with her unsheathed blade. Ichigo gets the feeling of being looked over and then the monster shrieks in agony, the hand rearing back and releasing it's prisoner, sending Yuzu flying through the air.
Panicking, emotions rushing full force to the surface once more as everything seems to get louder and speed up around her even though she knows it's all the same, Ichigo tosses aside the shattered, useless weapon and reaches up, body providing a stopped for Yuzu's own.
Her little sister's limp figure hits her in the chest with enough force that Ichigo almost falls, but she manages to catch her completely. Looking her sister over and pressing one hand to her neck while the other braces her close, Ichigo feels a pulse and something releases her heart from it's vice like grip.
"Do not lose focus, boy!" The shinigami snaps, and Ichigo doesn't waste any time to feel annoyed about someone mistaking her gender again, because the shinigami is still speaking. Ichigo wants to take Yuzu inside, out of the line of fire, but with that monster (hollow?) still right across from them, she doesn't want to risk moving out from behind the cover the shinigami is so thoughtfully providing with her own body. "None of your family members have had their souls eaten!"
"If hollows attack people for their souls, then why did it attack my family?!" Ichigo demands, curiosity rearing its head even now.
"... Hollows wander searching for souls with high spiritual concentration. For that, random humans are sometimes attacked. And… I have never seen or heard of a human that can see shinigami, and break out of bakudo on their own, or a human with such high spiritual concentration as you… so it was probably targeting you."
"... My fault?" It's like that black hole is back, familiar in its intensity (my fault? my fault again?) swallowing up everything in her chest as this shinigami tells her that it's her fault her family might just die tonight.
"I didn't mean-" The hollow lashes out as the shinigami turns reflexively, as though this isn't the middle of a fight, and gets swatted aside into a wall with a crunch that would have had Ichigo wince if she wasn't locking eyes with something that can definitely kill her and her sister still in her lap without even trying. She hears a scramble from the shinigami's direction and as the monster reels back to stand solidly on its hind legs, Ichigo deposits her sister to the side, not once looking away from the monster before her.
Pushing to a stand, watching as it follows her movements, she steps back and away from her sister's unconscious body, moving her out of the line of fire, and then it lunges with a speed she could have dodged, but dodging isn't what she wants to do right now.
She's going to try and jump on its head, maybe pry-
The shinigami appears between it and she, and it's teeth close down around her torso with a spray of blood and a sickening sound. The hollow jerks backwards immediately upon receiving a stab to it's head from the shinigami, and paces backwards down the street, shaking it's head like a dog.
"I am… I am no longer able to fight the hollow. Now, all of us can only wait… and it will come back to make us food." Ichigo feels a helpless anger growing in her chest again, looking away from the collapsed and injured figure of the shinigami until she's looking at her sister. Vaguely, she's kind of hoping that if it eats her, it will go away from her sisters, wander off and forget about them.
But they can see spirits, the both of them. And eventually, something will come for them, as well. And she can't just leave her sister's to fend for themselves, so as she straightens out her posture and looks back at the monster down the road, Ichigo knows she's going to continue to try to fight it.
She isn't sure if it's got a spine, but a broken neck just might be distracting enough so she could force it away, at least?
"Do you want to save your family?" The shinigami asks, hauling herself up to sit against the wall. Ichigo's head swings around instantly to look at the girl, meeting her dark eyes with her own.
"Is there a way?! Tell me!"
"There is a way… No, to be exact, I should say there is only one way." She unsheathes her sword and braces it against her ground and her side, holding it up point first towards Ichigo with a serious expression. "You become a shinigami."
With an uneasy glance towards where the hollow continues to lurk, still upset about it's head wound, Ichigo feels like this needs to hurry up, but she can't just rush into this.
"Pierce the middle of your chest with this zanpakuto and I will insert half of my shinigami power into you through it. That way, you will have the power to fight the hollow, if on;y temporarily. The percentage of success if not high, if it fails, you will die. However, there is no other way-"
"Yeah," Ichigo walks closer and kneels down so the point is resting above her heart more easily, reaching down towards the hilt with one of her hands. "Yeah, alright, shinigami. Let's do this."
"It is not "shinigami". It is Kuchiki Rukia."
"I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. Let's not die, right?" Ichigo offers as she hears Yuzu saying something from behind her, but she can't give her sister attention right now. The hollow is starting to approach now. It isn't moving quickly, probably assuming they're easy pickings now, but she can't be distracted right now.
The monster roared from a distance, beginning to speed up as Kuchiki Rukia braced the sword hilt against her chest before Ichigo yanked on the hilt.
She'd been expecting some resistance, and some help from the shinigami, but all Kuchiki seemed to be doing was holding onto the hilt, and Ichigo was the one doing all of the work, bolstering up all of her emotions and resolution and driving the sword through her chest with all the strength she can manage.
It's startling how difficult it is to do, but she does it without hesitation or pause, and then some sort of pressure she hadn't noticed releases. Everything seems to go colourless and quiet, Ichigo's eyes locking onto the rushing hollow. Her brain moves at such a rate that everything seems slow or still, but Ichigo knows for certain that it hasn't actually done so, and Ichigo hefts the weight in her hands. A glance down reveals a sword, with a thick metal blade as long as her body and as wide as her head, looking like a mix between a knife and a katana.
She doesn't think on it too long, the hollow is reaching for them now, and her hand jerks up and around, slicing through the thick arm of the hollow with enough ease that she stumbles, though she ends up a few feet away from where she'd been standing in that instant of movement.
Pushing down the incredulity, Ichigo turns in place, ignoring Kuchiki's expression and muttered words as she turns her attention to the hollow more completely. Hauling her sword up over her shoulder, taking care to notice that she's placing the flat of the blade against her shoulder, and then rushing forward towards the hollow as it turns towards her.
The hollow rushes towards her again, head and shoulders pushed low for easier access to her to bite or attack, but that gives her a free shot at the hollow. Stepping to the side just in time to avoid the attack, Ichigo swings down with force at its neck and head at an angle, slicing through both in one movement.
She stumbles as the hollow disintegrates once she's sliced through that, not expecting the sudden disappearance of something around her blade, and she almost drops the weapon before she recovers with a stumble, lifting it almost subconsciously to fit into the sheath on her back before moving towards Yuzu and the shinigami, who're both unconscious.
There's also her body on the ground, blood staining it's chest and the ground around it, but she's going to ignore that for the moment.
Picking up Yuzu and holding onto her like she's a toddler, Ichigo shifts her arm a little experimentally, vaguely relieved that she can't feel her muscles straining like they normally would be, and then she looks over at Kuchiki. She's only just a little taller than her little sisters, and she's pretty lean, so…
"She did save my life, and the lives of my family."
With a sigh, Ichigo turns to walk back into the house, depositing Yuzu onto the kitchen counter gently before turning back to go and collect Rukia, lifting her into a princess carry and taking her inside, pausing when something brushes against the back of my awareness.
Turning, Ichigo looks over the ends of the road to try and find whatever's looking at her, but can't see anything. Twitching uneasily, she hoists the injured shinigami a little more securely into her arms and takes her inside to also rest her on a counter, turning back immediately to grab her body from the ground, pulling herself easily into the house and laying her body on the floor before turning towards the clinic, where the door is swinging ever so slightly from its hinges,
Time for some mass emergency care.