
Summary: "Nee-chan, why?" In her old life, she did everything to kill to survive. "Foolish Otouto" In her new life, she will do anything to protect the ones she love. "To test the limit of my abilities" Even if it meant having to suffer the consequences that wasn't for her to originally bear. "Protect Konoha. Protect everyone. Protect Sasuke for me, Itachi". Like her name, she will endure. Self Insert OC.

Author's Note: HAHAHAAHAHA just laughing at my lateness (and laziness).

Warning: typos, English ain't my first language, I'm not really following the anime/manga that much just the things that I can remember sooo…Slightly mental SI. Fluff first but lots of angst in the latter parts of the story ehuehue

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto


"Why are you doing a lot of things for him, Nee-chan?"

"It's because he's an orphan, Sasuke"

"I know that but…there are a lot of orphans there yet out of all of them you chose him"

"My, are you jealous, Sasuke?"

"N-no! Of course, not! J-just curious you know"

"Okay, okay…well then to answer your question. Who else is an orphan in your class, Sasuke?"

"There are a lot of them but I do not know most of their names"

"Well then…can you compare those orphaned children and Uzumaki-kun for me, in the Academy?"

"In the Academy, they always ignore him or pick on him. The senseis always teach the others first but when it comes to him it's as if they do not want to teach him at all. Well except for Iruka-sensei…but majority of them either ignore him or make his stance worse. And for the villagers, they have an unknown anger at him yet they are kind to the other orphans"

"Then, if you were in his place, Sasuke, what would you feel? Parentless. Unloved. Lonely. Unwanted. Confused why people are treating you like some piece of trash. Do…do you want to be in that place, Sasuke?"


"I understand, Nee-chan"

She wasn't completely sure if Sasuke understood what she was trying to say. Yet she just smiled at him and patted his head kindly.

"It's okay if you do not fully understand, Sasuke. In time you will but for now always remember, be kind to others and it will be returned. Though you cannot give anything to Uzumaki-kun physically, your kindness is enough to light up his darkened world. Kindness is a powerful thing too, Sasuke"

And love as well as kindness will ruin her


It has been a while since he has last spent time with Shinobu with their missions more than often times overlapping.

Itachi has greatly missed his time with his sister

He was afraid that he was spending less time with him and getting more distant. Her eyes were sometimes looked so out of it, not knowing what those eyes of hers were thinking or feeling.

"Nee-chan" but he let those thoughts go when for the first time in how many months, they got to bond like how they used to.

"Itachi-otouto" oh how he greatly missed the way she'd always pinch his nose in between her fingers, even if it was annoying most of the time. He would blame her for picking up her habit since he has developed a habit of poking Sasuke's forehead with his fingers. It had greatly annoyed Sasuke that both of his older siblings were poking and pinching his chubby face.

"How have you been? Is Shisui-kun guiding you well?" Shinobu didn't notice how her eyes sparkled when she mentioned the older teen's name.

Itachi smiled at this, "I am well, Nee-chan. And as for Shisui-nii, he is a great sensei when he is not goofing off…" Shinobu chuckles at this, "…I also found a different side of him when we are on missions"

"That's Shushin no Shisui for you"

"He, along with other people, has also recommended me to try the Jonin exam"

"Eh, the Jonin exam?"

Itachi nodded, "Although I don't think that I have that much experience yet since it has only been a year since I made Chunin. Maybe I'll accept it after a year or two"

"Alright then"


Shinobu's mind was elsewhere while Kakashi had briefed their Hokage on their recent mission. She really could not focus at all with the constant issues she had to bear as a shinobi and as a member of the Uchiha clan.

It was probably why when they were about to leave, the Hokage had told her to stay a little bit longer for discussion.

"How have you been, Shinobu?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen

When one would hear his name they would associate him to a number of names. The Sandaime. The Professor. God of Shinobi. Nidaime's student. Sensei of the Great Sannins and probably a lot more. But the one in front of her, who's eyes that usually held authority now stared at her in a soft manner. It was as if he wasn't any of those titles he is known for when he said those few words but felt familial, like a really old uncle or grandfather.

'Like Kagami-sou sofu' the departed Uchiha man's smiling face appeared inside her head. A soft nostalgic smile was present on her face before she answered, "I have been well, Hokage-sama"

The wrinkles on his face became prominent when his lips turned up ever so slightly. He swiveled his chair to the right before getting up from his seat to face the village on his window.

"Come here, child. Won't you spare some of your time with this old man?" his words caught Shinobu off guard. She wasn't particularly close to the Hokage but it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone who she wasn't always with and has wise words to say.

Without making a sound, she steps forward.

Standing beside the Hokage as they looked at the setting sun. It gave a weird gut feeling that this moment...conversation with him will bring something...good, probably worthwhile? She wasn't quite sure.

"Tell me Shinobu, how is your clan?" she tried all her might not to tense. 'Maybe it wouldn't be a good kind of conversation for me' the pain of her thumbnail digging on her forefinger distracted her from the sudden question of the old man beside her.

"Everything is well, Hokage-sama" dark blue eyes looked at old brown ones, trying to prove that everything was alright.

It surprised her that the Hiruzen gave her a sad look and smile before looking at the village once more.

"There are some things that by just looking at it, you already know what the circumstance is"

Confused, Shinobu asked "What do you mean, Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen could only sigh. Not answering for a few seconds as if he was trying to construct his words well. Probably because he was afraid that he would give out too much information from unwanted ears listening or that she would take it the wrong way.

"There are some people who are in pain..." he pointed his chest, "...they do not know where to redirect this unwanted feeling. While some have slowly healed, there are those who throw their anger towards the source..." the face of Naruto appeared inside her head, "...yet others direct them to how the source happened." the uchiwa crest on her back felt heavy for a moment, "Even if an incident happened because of an unforeseen accident or predicament, people will always want to point fingers and blame to ease the ugly feeling in one's heart...even if they are innocent"

The sky was red, red, red. A bit of black and orange mixing with it. But red nonetheless. It was as if it knew what Hiruzen was talking about.

"And it hurts me when people have to resort to this. But it is how we are...as a person, as a human being...and not as a shinobi."

The room seemed a lot more smaller, she could sense every little movement as she continued to stare at the Hokage's form, looking outside the window at the sky.

Hiruzen suddenly faced her, she slightly jumped at the movement. She was caught off guard when the serious look on his face suddenly disappeared and was replaced by the same grandfatherly smile that he gave her a few minutes ago.

"It seems like I've taken a lot of your time already, Shinobu. Thank you for listening to this old man's rambling. Though it was short, it was fun for me" he turned around, hands behind his back as he made way towards his seat to resume his duties.

"Hokage-sama!" Shinobu suddenly called out for him

She, herself, was surprised at her own outburst

Hiruzen looked behind his shoulder, curious why Shinobu had called his name

It felt like an hour for her, but in reality it was only a few seconds when she internally debated with herself to confide her dilemma. It was a first and the voices were back yet again...but she needed another person's opinion. Her conversation with her father resurfaced inside her mind.

"I'll choose both"

"It can be achieved if you believe in it"

"If...if you were to choose between two things that you both love...for the betterment of one yet the suffering of the other. What would you choose Hokage-sama?"

'What would you choose, Hokage-sama? The clan or the village?'

Dark blue eyes looked at Hiruzen's form. She knew it would cause a conflict within him since he was Hokage. Unlike her Otou-san, Hiruzen's title was obviously higher than his. And as the role of a Kage, they were to always see and do favors for the good of the village.

Her heart was beating fast, waiting anxiously for his answer. And as he gave his answer, she really could not understand him and her father's answer.

"If it could be achieved, I would choose both"


"Do you think I will do well, Kakashi-sempai?" the both of them walked together after their meeting with the Hokage after their mission

It is quiet for it is already night, only shinobis were awake at this hour. There footsteps were quiet despite being the only ones walking along the road, "I recommended it and Sandaime Hokage approved of it. You wouldn't be one if we did not believe in your abilities, Shinobu" he ruffles her hair which startles her

"Believe in your abilities. Believe in your leadership skills. Believe in yourself, Shinobu" this were his final words before they parted "Belive that you can be a good taicho" it echoed inside her head before she went her way to her home




"Today, I will be your taicho"

If anyone were to see her and the people surrounding her, it would be comical. A 14 year old girl, short and thin, was the squad leader of another assassination division separate to Team Ro. Her figure wasn't that all intimidating compared to her companions, who were bulkier and twice or thrice her size and height

Her companions, 3 shinobis and 2 kunoichis, flinch at the intense red eyes looking at them. It was obvious that she was an Uchiha, based on her looks and the dead giveaway of her eyes.

They did not know that their first mistake was that they looked at her red, red eyes – no matter how eerily beautiful it looked at her – and she has placed a trigger genjutsu that will activate once they turn their swords against her if ever the time would come that she has to face them. It was a precaution she had to take despite the changes that she could see

"Uchiha Shinobu but better known as Neko"


He has noticed the tense atmosphere between the Uchiha clan and the village more so lately and gave a twisted laugh at the thought that a civil war might happen between the two of them. Laughed more so when he had remembered how he stumbled along the conversation between an Uchiha boy and girl by the Hokage Mountain, watching the sunset together long ago.

"Do you love…our clan?" he stiffens hearing this question, his emotions are everywhere when he heard that voice

"I do"

"Do you?"

Here he is interested at the question the boy fired back

"I do too as well…" he clenches his hands tightly, nails digging painfully to his palm as he ignored the sticky substance slowly dripping from it, "…I also love the village"

Both children are silent, he was planning to leave them be. Honestly, his heart and consciousness could not take it anymore but the next question of the dark haired girl made him stop

"If something were to happen and you only had to choose one…would you choose our clan or the village?" and he really is curious to the girl's answer and not the boy's hesitant answer of, "I…I do not know"

"How about you Shinobu?"

Once upon a time he loved both of them and loved someone greater than just the village and his family but looked what it led him? His story ended up being a tragedy but he'll make it to a happy ending…not only for him but for everyone

"I love them both but…"

The girl's answer makes him perk in interest, it was the most interesting part that he has heard from her aside from seeing the two children in front of him at a distance.

'What could be greater than the village and the clan that you speak of?' he asks himself but he already knows it when an image of the girl's little brothers appeared inside his head.


"…I love my brothers more"

And despite her laughter and his smile, he could feel that there was something deeper and darker than meets the eye. He immediately leaves them on their own to the place where he stays, the gears on his mind start to turn as the two children's conversation repeated like a broken record.

He gives a twisted smile because he can use that love, that pure and strong love, against those who have wronged him. Memories that he always kept to his heart close were gone because nothing mattered anymore because…because…

Someone called out his name, painfully familiar, but he squished it, knowing that it wasn't real.

"Love is such a powerful thing"

And it was because of love and darkness that drove him apart and probably, he thought, as well as Shinobu in the future.

"You're such a genius, Obito"

Madara could only look at him


In the middle of the field, there stood Shinobu and Itachi. Both had the seal of reconciliation with their eyes closed. Little Sasuke was there, safely away from them with one of Shinobu's summons there to protect him

'How can a small, delicate butterfly protect me?' the black and yellow butterfly, gently flapped its wings on Sasuke's side

"Ne, Kiku" the summon, that was thrice the average size of a normal butterfly, ascended itself before landing on Sasuke's head, "What is it, Sasuke-sama?" a gentle feminine voice questioned

"Who do you think will win, Shinobu-nee or Itachi-nii?" onyx eyes looked at the butterfly on top of his head and could see some of its upper body, especially the long antennas slowly going up and down

"Of course Shinobu-sama will win!" Kiku said this proudly and Sasuke could imagine that if the butterfly were to be a human, she'd be puffing her chest in pride

He sweatdrop at this but his mind hasn't still made up, "I'm not really sure who will win…" a pout could be seen. "…they're both really strong and Sh-wooh!" his words were cut off when the fight has already begun.

Swords were out but Sasuke could see that when they fought, Shinobu was more graceful whenever she attacked or defended Itachi's advances

"It's like Nee-chan is dancing" his eyes sparkled, wanting to know the ways of the sword as well

It takes about 15 minutes before Shinobu takes a kunai and places it to Itachi's unprotected neck, her brother had fallen to the ground. Itachi just smiles at the dangerous weapon close to his neck and grabs the outstretched hand to help himself up before making the seal with Shinobu yet again

Sasuke runs, Kiku following behind him, as he jumps up and down in excitement when he reaches them. Blabbering and retelling what transpired a while ago as if they weren't there to experience it

"And Nee-chan was like whoosh but Itachi-nii blocked it like this and wham! And! And! I want to learn kenjutsu, Shinobu-nee!" eyes sparkled in excitement like a bunch of glitters were poured onto it

Shinobu chuckles at this, pinching his nose which he would grumble at the gesture

"Alright, alright I will" and Itachi just smiles at how Sasuke was being so adorable, "Maybe one lesson won't hurt you"



A cheeky smile appears on her face when Itachi's surprised face was a great contrast to Sasuke's excited on

"The first rule in kenjutsu is…to never, ever use it against your loved one"

Sasuke's excitement lessens but his interest stays, he nods in reply when his sister's serious eyes looks at him, assessing if he was really worth the art of swordsmanship

"Kenjutsu is not something you just learn in order to swing your sword aimlessly. It is used to protect your precious people, to use it with good intentions and honor it because it has aided you and it is a part of you…" she continues to lecture both Sasuke and Itachi, both interested that kenjutsu was more than just that and has its own honor of swordsmanship

Shinobu continues to tell this, the voices in her mind mocking her. Telling her that she was such a hypocrite when she had already broken those vows that Kakashi had told her when he first had taught her about swordsmanship

"You've tainted your hands already a long, long time ago, Shinobu"


The Silencing Seal was activated long before Shinobu noticed this.

"How Hokage-sama..." she wanted to shout and cry because all along she has thought about her clan's demise. Already accepting that this was their fate...this was how to plot should go. It was the only route for her brothers' safety.

And yet...yet…

Two people who held authority, who held the lives and betterment of their people, chose the opposite of what she expected them to choose.

'The clan…the village…' her form was shaking, crescent moon shapes were forming on her palm with how tightly she was clutching.

Hiruzen's form towered over her smaller form. He lifted his hand and softly placed it on top of dark blue locks. She became more tensed with the contact but relaxed in a matter of seconds

"We want the best interest on both parties" the warmth on her head disappeared

This got her confused


He chuckled

"There are some people who have noticed the tension and are trying to reconcile without anyone noticing. It would be a surprise to you but...your Fugaku also came to me"

Her eyes widen


Shinobu wasn't sure if this was mentioned in her past life or if it happened at all. She still couldn't believe that such a thing was happening in front of her.

"Yes" Hiruzen answered, a small smile was on his face but turned grim after, "This...might be a positive news for you Shinobu but...do know that if things get out of hand all of us know what the ending of this conflict will lead to. Your Otou-san is fully aware as well...and will be ready to do his duty as clan head. I cannot assure you with this Shinobu...but we are doing our very best where all of us can see the view from the other side of the hill without any bloodshed."[1]

It was silent between the two of them

The damping noise of the crowd outside the Hokage's tower could be heard. The blue humming of the ANBU's chakras could be felt, she could sense that they were somehow uneasy since they did not know what words the two of them were exchanging.

"But...not all of these things are set in stone"

Something triggered inside Shinobu when Hiruzen said this. She gazes at his form, looking at the moon that was crescent yet bright.

"I do hope and pray that our plan would work out. I do not want any more sacrifices to be made...since all lives are important. Don't you think Shinobu?"


She spent most of her free time with her family and precious people. Warmth and love filled her heart. Her stomach ache whenever she laughed too much at Shisui's joke or Sasuke's adorable antics. Frustrated when she still couldn't beat her sensei but giddy when Shikamaru is frustrated at their games. She'd smile and chuckle whenever she visits Nao because Ino is there whining at her and her cousin for not dating while Nao got used to it and told her that they weren't. Tension could be felt in the air of their clan compound but her parents' smiles and laughter brighten their home. And she is immensely proud at Itachi's achievements, happy that he wasn't the stoic and emotionless person that she knew back in her past life

And Shinobu treasured all these memories and kept it to her heart very close

"Time is ticking, Shinobu~"


Winter comes and Shinobu is 15

The memory of her and the Hokage suddenly appeared when she stared at the crescent moon. It was the same one during that night. Big and bright. The snow fell lovingly from the sky, like how the snow globe that she saw in her previous life.

She is in ANBU as a captain, Itachi still a Chunin and Sasuke learning in the Academy

Yet despite the Hokage and Fugaku's efforts, it seemed as if nothing has changed.

Another memory appeared before her, it was a few weeks after her talk with Hiruzen that Shisui approached her.

'It was the same' she thought, fog escaped her lips. bare legs and feet swinging outside their porch. Shinobu knew if ever Mikoto would see her, she'd reprimand her and tell her that she would catch a cold.

Yet the cold felt welcoming now

Especially when the memory of Shisui approaching her was still in her mind

"Ne, Shinobu"

"What is it, Shisui?"

"Everyone has been getting wary of you in the clan"

She stays silent at this, not surprise at all

"So they sent me to spy on you"

"Shisui, you-"

"I already know what's happening, even if you haven't said anything"


"You don't have to say sorry, you know. I already connected the dots when the people during the meeting, the one you didn't go, started saying about you to become a spy for the clan since you're in ANBU"


"It's hard, isn't it? Being a double spy for the village and the clan"

"It is"

"It's kinda weird that you made a question about this a long time ago. Remember, the one you asked if I'd choose Konoha or the Uchiha clan?"

"I do"

"And I think I kinda get it now. No, I just realized it but I already knew back then what I wanted"


"Yeah! I know that you love both of them but…you'd choose your otoutos over them right? I bet even against the whole shinobi world!"


"And as for me, well…I didn't know back then the answer but…all I want is to have peace. And I think what some of our clan members are thinking is wrong and they are blinded by greed and power. However, the village is in the wrong too"

"What are you saying, Shisui?"

"I'm saying I'd be your partner in crime, Shinobu…although I am already your partner"


Their laughter was carried by the wind and Shinobu couldn't help but pray for time to just slow down and stop, cherishing the moments that she has with her precious people.

But life does not always give you want you

It just continues, not caring about anyone else

She made a tsk-ing sound. Annoyed at what happened a few days ago.

"Are you planning something, Shisui-nii, Shinobu-nee?"

It wasn't hard to know whose voice it was

"Itachi" his name was carried by the wind

Her Sharingan flared, glaring at the older boy beside her, "Shisui, did you tell Otouto?" she asks but he looks at her straight into her eyes with his Sharingan on as well, "I didn't" he truthfully answered, "You already know how perceptive Itachi can be"

Her brow quirked, knowing that Shisui was still hiding something despite the honestly in his statement

"But I allowed him to follow me here"

Shinobu imagined that if she had her Mangekyou Sharingan, and the mere thought of it made her shove the idea in the deepest and darkest part of her mind, she'd activate it and just silently glare at Shisui because she wasn't the type to scream in anger.

And it took Shisui all his might not to step back at his beloved's killing intent. But he could not fault her because she has never ever wanted Itachi to join them in their plans, in their schemes, in their betrayal.

Because Shisui knew that Shinobu just wanted to protect her brothers

"Nee-chan" the pleading voice of her brother made her tense body, calm down. Never has she heard him say those words in that kind of tone, "Please, Nee-chan…you don't have to bare this all alone. I want to help, not only because Shisui-nii and I share the same ideals but because I want to help you carry the burden on your shoulders"

"You don't know anything, Otouto"

The stern and cold voice made them step back, it was so much different from the warm and loving voice they always hear from her.

Never has Itachi felt the fear when he saw only his sister's bright red, red eyes where the clouds covered the moon's light, shadowing her face except those bloody eyes.

Shisui choked, the killing intent suffocating him. He was surprised nobody has detected the strong killing intent radiating from Shinobu.

"Do whatever you want" she finally says, before walking out with an unreadable face.

Both boys were finally able to breathe, their legs shaking. They were still able to look at her retreating form before it was swallowed by the shadows.

Itachi has mixed emotions about this, wondering what he did to make his wonderful and lovable older sister like that.

He does not know Shinobu feels the same, tears started falling down her eyes when she was gone from their sight. She is confused, happy and angry at her little brother but more so angry at herself

Confused about everything

'What will happen now?'

'Will we still do this double spy thing with Otouto?'

'Will he taint his hands again despite everything I tried to do for that not to happen?'

Happy and angry that he was concerned about her, his voice was echoing inside her head

'I want to help you'

'I want to help you carry the burden on your shoulders'

Angry at herself for saying such things to him when all he wanted to do was help

"You don't know anything, Otouto"

"Do whatever you want"


"I'm sorry, Otouto"

The tears wouldn't stop because she doesn't know anymore

And her memory from that night vanished when she sneezes and shivers from the cold

She really couldn't help but think that life or whatever deity was up there was just screwing around with her


"Uchiha Shinobu, I can offer you help if you wish"

"Who's there?!"

"My, I'm just a kindhearted man wanting to help those in need"

"What do you want? And how do you know my name? Show yourself!"

"Well to answer your question, I've been hearing a lot about you from your journeys. It's impressive that you're already a squad leader by the age of 14, not bad, not bad I must say. And I really just do want to help you, you know"


"I must say being a double spy for Konoha and the Uchiha clan is hard feat to do but you are able to deceit the two, impressive"


"Ah~ everything has ears, Shinobu. To be quite honest I just want to offer my help when you need it. You don't have to answer now or ask of it but I'll be willing to wait and probably offer you more"

"Who are you?"

"Well, I am called in different names but you can call me…Tobi"

The necklace hidden underneath her clothes burned



Hiruzen says, "...but we are doing our very best where all of us can see the view from the other side of the hill without any bloodshed"

this one was inspired from the anime Maoyuu Maou Yuusha where the Demon Lord mentioned about 'seeing the other side of the hill' which for me means that EVERYONE, including the Uchiha's would get to see a world where there is peace and a new hope.

Cheezy aint it?

Anyway! The chapter may be a little off? Since I had to rewrite some mini chapters while some I had to combine two mini chapter into one. Hiruzen's part (for me) are kinda off coz I just added them now MWAHAHAHA i may or may not (more on may) forgotten how the old geezer's personality since it has been a very very long time that I have watched and shown interest in Naruto. I think I am mixing my OCs personality already he he he and as well as some of the characters from another anime whoops. Any do! I hope this chapter is decent despite the long (very very long) wait and it is up to your standards and is still consistent with how I write...hopefully. Please do not forget to review and I will see you in the next chapter!