![]() Author has written 26 stories for Death Note, Tales of Symphonia, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Ranma, Anime X-overs, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Naruto, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Mega Man, and Tsubasa Chronicle. I like anime and manga I'm very good at writing poems and stories.I read at least 3 books a day (depending how long they are) and I play video games a lot (mostly action/adventure and RPG's) favorite bands: Greenday, Nickleback, and Three Days Grace, Nirvana, Mettalica, and Papa Roach, but will listen to anything that is rock, and I love the darkness (IM NOT A SATAN WORSHIPPER) and all of my poems and stories are very deep and have a hint of my life in them...so for the record, my poems come from my heart. I am NOT depressed... I'm a death note otaku...so if you dont have anything nice to say about death note..dont criticize, dont mock..in fact dont even speak and we'll get along nicely - im mostly on youtube watching yugioh, yugioh GX, Death Note, and inuyasha amv's so if you have trouble emailing me on Gaiaonline (hikaru_san2 look me up!) ...shoot even on my youtube emails, its cuz im too emmersed in watchin my amv's while reading yaoi and shonan-ai/yaoi fanfics...shoot i didnt wanna say that...aw WTF, I like a give a flying flip about what you all think about me...you wanna know why? (evil grin) cuz I MAKE THINGS INTERESTING BITCHES!! READ MY STUFF!! I COMMAND YOU!! LEST I SEND MY ARMIES OF DEMONS AND DUSTBUNNIES OF DOOM!! ok here are favorite pair ups: yugi/seto yugi/yami seto/joey bakura/yugi Bakura/Ryou Ryou/yugi L/Light L/matsuda Light/matusda Mello/Matt Mello/L Matt/L Near/Light Draco/Harry Juudai/Sho Sho/Ryo Ryo/Juudai Juudai/Jun Ken/Davis Matt/Tai Davis/T.K. Ash/Evil Ash Ash/brock Ash/James Ed/Mustang Lan/Chaud Inuyasha/Shessomaru Inuyasha/Miroku FAvorite animes: Fullmetal Alchemist, Ranma 1/2, Digimon (all sesions cept for the one were they used cards...stupid franchising), Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Hellsing, Evangelion, Pokemon, Death Note, Inuyasha, i know theres more but at the moment i'm having a total DUH moment and cant remember em all, hehehe and now I shall post my OC's that I use constantly...almost all of my fics has at least one of these peoples in them so NEH! Name: Cassandra Walker (in Japanese Hikaru Tokai ) Gender: hopefully you realize its a girl Age: 19 Height: 5'4 (she is short and hates it...if you comment on it chances are you shall be either punched or groin kicked) Eye color: dark blue Hair color/length/type: Raven, wavy with some curls, goes past her shoulders and has Red streaks around her face. Nicknames: Cassie (and in Japanesse Karu) and Elanora calls her Personality: She is extremely protective of Elanora and Kal. She also is very protective of anyone whom she consideres a dear friend. she has a quick temper and a violent streak which has gotten her into trouble more then once. she does have a sensitve, sweet side but she often hides it. She loves to laugh and has the kind of humor where she will laugh at the littlest thing and the stupedist joke. The only person that she shows genuine warmth to is Elanora. Past: After her parents threw them out into the streets at the age of 9, Cassandra took care of the 2 year old Elanora the best she could while searching for any other family to help them out. They Lived in an abandoned apartment until a few years later when Cassandra found her step brother Kal. Because of the things she had to do to keep Elanora safe, happy, healthy, and keep her innocence, she has grown up sort of cold in some peoples eyes. but to those close to her she will open up a bit. When she turned 15 she took up a part time job after school to help out Kal and Elanora when Kal's father forced them out of their home. now 19 she has quit school and has two jobs and plays with her band in what spare time she has. Apperance: she always wears a black tattered hoodied zipper sweater. Its a bit baggy on her. She also never takes off an Obsadin wing pendant that Elanora gave her for her 15th birthday. she wears studded ball bearing earrings and fingerless black gloves that went up to her elbows with skull patterns on them. she has fadded grey jeans with random patches sewn onto them, black boots and grey sandels when its hot outside, she usually wears a black tanktop on with some sort of gothic print or punk attire. she carries a white and Black Backpack everywhere with her with the words What Will be, Will be written in purple and pink highlighter. Picture of her (curtousy one of mah close friends, I told i wish i could draw like her and she made these for me, AINT SHE SWEET? V): http:///art/Cassie-Walker-for-Hikaru-sama-113706162 Name: Elanora Walker (in japanese Hikari Tokai) Gender: another lil girl and boy is she cute! Age: 12 but acts about 8 Height: 4'1 Eye color: Light blue with golden flecks Hair color/length/type: silvery with blue streaks around her bangs, if let down it goes past her shoulders a little but but she always tends to have it up in ponytails or buns, etc. Nicknames: Elle but Cassandra calls her El (in japanese Kari but Hikaru calls her Kari-ri) Personality: Innocent and sweet, she has a caring nature that goes for anybody no matter who they are or what they've done. She is loving and she see's the good in everyone and is always smiling and laughing. but she is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily and instead of crying she tries to hold it all inside. The only people that she ever shows her sadness to when its at the breaking point is Kal and Cassie. Past: She doesnt really remember her mother or father, she only can remember her sister moving them around alot and Cassie doing odd jobs just so that she could have some food at night. she felt really bad and guilty that her sister was doing so much for her when her momma should have been doing so, so one day she went out of the apartment building that CAssie and her had lived and in doing so found Kal. even now her sister takes care of her before herself, so she tries her hardest to live a happy life full of friends and good grades at school so that her sister doesnt worry about her and to make all her sufferings and quitting school for her worthwhile. Apperance: she usually wears her favorite baby pink knit sweater that is baggy and hangs off of her hands. she always wears a silver wing pendant around her neck that Cassie gave her for her 12th birthday. with her sweater she wears a white skirt with white stockings or long socks with grey blue shoes. her hair is always up in something but that something is usually held up by the same pale blue ribbons that Kal got for her when they first met. she aslo has a teddy bear backpack that was made from her actual teddybear so that she can bring him everywhere now. Picture of her (via Christica): http:///art/Elle-Walker-for-Hikaru-Sama-113910183 Name: Allena "Kal" Walker (in japanese Setsuna "Genji" Tokai) Gender: Male yayz a boy! Age: 22 Height: 6'2 Eye color: a light brown Hair color/length/type: A dyed sea-green color, that is short and spikey. his true hair color is a raven color like Cassandra with a single sea-green streak. Nicknames: Besides going by his middle name,he doesn't really have any. But when Cassie is teasing him she calls him a Sea-Urchin Personality: Levelheaded and sarcastic, Kal is the type to laugh things off. he is pretty calm most of the time with a smirk on his face, but watch out for he rarely gets mad, but when he does he can get a little crazy. he is very dependable and loves his family to death. Past: because he's the son of the mistress he was treated very badly and often ignored by his father and his mother. and because he heard nothing out of his mother's mouth but of her real children he grew to hate his sisters. but one day while he was walking home from school he bumped into Elanora who was wearing the dirtiest rags for clothes and haerd her pleas for help for her sister he went with her to see Cassandra. And after meeting them he grew to hate his mother and father even more for what they did to them and tried to grow up as fast as he could so he could move out and take care of them. Apperance: He wears a lot of peircings. three studds and one with a chain in his right ear, one in his nose, one on his tounge and a couple on his right eyebrow. he wears vintage band T-shirts and blue jeans with white sneakers. he also wears black biker gloves with spiked armbands, his belt has a few chains dangling. he wears a dogtag around his neck with the initials C & E on it. Picture of him (CHRISTICA is AWSOME!): http:///art/Allen-Walker-for-Hikaru-sama-113618332 Below is me at the Annual Delaware Anime Society Picnic, its a two parter but I only really care about the first part cuz its funnier and I'm in it acting like a drunk when all I really had was lotsa sugar and soda: Songs from ficsys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnQrE_eWpco (the sore foot song from "Music Box") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOu3TL6Sae0 (strawberry gashes song from "Music Box") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxneNsY7A38 (my time of dying from "Music Box") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q-cJ6b5k04 (Zombie from "Music Box") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7NT0h4VUFI (Speakerphone from "Music Box") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-mNp2rZ6QU (ladies and Gentleman from "Twin Hearts, Twin souls, Twin Loves) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y13Tw0iattE (I am all of me from "Twin Hearts, Twin Souls, Twin Loves") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfJ5LLmROb8&feature=related (your gonna go far Kid from "Twin Hearts, Twin Souls, Twin Loves") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE3njtnc-HY (The Chosen One from..."The Chosen One") DUDES!! I HAS A TRAILER AMV!! I IS SO FREAKIN HAPPY AND I WANTS TO SHARE IT TO ALL!! its a trailer for my death note fanfic Twin Hearts, Twin Souls, One love |