Author's Note: I know it's been a while but I have been really busy with school so I haven't been able to have free time to write. So I hope you can forgive me. Now that school is over with I have more time to write. :)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Eileen had been down in the lab working on a batch of Pepper up Potion for Poppy Pomfrey when the wards around the house had alerted her to the arrival of a muggle car in her front yard. Severus was off doing something for Albus so she was left to her own devices. Of course that's how it was for most of the year but Severus so worried about her being by herself that he made sure to put a ton of wards and such for protection.
She'd been shocked when she opened the door to see an older Petunia Evans and an extremely large man who must be her husband practically throwing a black haired boy and his trunk from their automobile. She got a further shock from Petunia marching up to her to inform her that the boy was Severus' son and she expected him to take responsibility for him. She knew Severus was responsible and would take care of any child of his but the rude way Petunia spoke of her son and of the young boy sparked Eileen's anger.
For years Eileen had lived under the hand of her abusive husband. She had been young and Tobias Snape had been the first one to ever make her feel special or shown any interest in her. Sure he'd been a muggle but she'd given up everything for him because she had thought he truly cared for her. She'd quickly realized how naïve she'd been but by then she'd had Severus and at the time she felt that she could do nothing but try and make the best of things. She'd tried to do the best by her son and she knew she hadn't always been able to give him the things he deserved but she had loved him with all her being and still did. Seeing Petunia's hate towards the young boy because of his magic reminded her of Tobias and made her snap back at Petunia like she wish she had done with Tobias.
"Good riddance," she muttered as Petunia and her obese husband and son drove away.
However seeing the poor boy standing there dejectedly on the front lawn clutching his owl cage lessened some of her anger. The boy needed someone right now and she would do her best whether the boy turned out to be Severus' or not. As far as she knew Severus hadn't had any contact with Lily after school. But her son didn't tell her everything since he thought he was protecting her. She did remember him coming home several weeks ago and he'd been in quite a state, he'd spent hours in the potions lab and refused to tell her anything about what had happened. She wondered now if it had something to do with this.
"Hello? Dear are you alright?" She asked gently.
She got a shock when the boy turned and she got her first good look at him. She was instantly reminded of Severus when he had been a teenager. His black hair was cut close to his scalp but it looked like it would have the same silky texture as Severus' and her own. The finely arched brows and the almond shaped eyes were the same. His face wasn't quite as thin as Severus' or her own and his lips, nose and eye color were obviously Lily's but other than that if one had known Severus when he had been a boy then they would recognize this boy as his son.
"I'm sorry ma'am I'm not really sure what I'm doing here," the boy said uncertainly.
"Here why don't we get you inside and we'll talk there," said Eileen.
She cast a wandless feather light charm on the boy's trunk and he dragged it into the house with ease. She settled the boy in the living room and got some tea and biscuits. She also grabbed the vial of Familia Potion. Severus had surprisingly made some the day he'd come back so aggravated. She wondered now if he had been planning for this moment so he could test the boy for himself. She waited until he had had a bit of both before starting the conversation.
"My name is Eileen, Harry," she said not wanting to bring up the complexities of the fact that she was the mother of his potions professor yet. The boy would get enough of shock before realizing that the professor he'd known for the past three years was actually his true father.
"Why did my Aunt bring me here?" He asked quietly.
"You see Harry your Aunt believes that my son and not James Potter is your real father. She had a muggle test done which confirmed her belief. I don't know much about muggle tests but I have a Familia Potion here that can prove the truth right now. I just need a couple of drops of your blood and I can add some of my own to complete the test. If it turns clear it means that there is a familial relationship. The potion can only detect immediate family relationships for example brother and sister, parent and child or like in this case grandparent and grandchild. I only have one son and therefore if the potion is positive then it's safe to say you are my son's son," she explained in a calm and rational tone in attempt to lessen the blow.
Harry stared at her like his world was ending. It had to be difficult for the boy to hear that the father he had always believed he had was in fact not his father and that this father might be alive.
"I know this is difficult to hear and I myself am shocked. Why don't we do the potion because perhaps the muggle test is wrong? We can talk further once we know the results one way or the other," she added.
"Okay what do you need me to do?" He asked.
She handed him a sowing needle and had him prick his finger so that three drops of blood fell into the vial. She quickly added her own and watched in anticipation as the potion swirled red for a moment before dissipating and turning crystal clear.
"Well there's our answer. I'm your grandmum and you're my grandson," said Eileen her voice surprisingly thick with emotion.
Harry looked so devastated she quickly jumped into action and moved to embrace the boy sensing he needed some source of comfort right now. He was no doubt piecing together the fact that he had been conceived from a secret affair and feeling a strange mix of emotions.
"It's alright, sweetling," she assured stroking a hand over the soft bristles of his short hair.
After a moment of hesitation he turned into her and accepted the embrace. It was a wonderful discovery that this boy was Severus' and Lily's. She had always hoped for grandchildren so that she might get to make up for the years that she had failed Severus. She knew this boy would need the care more than others because of the difficult future that he faced because of that wretched fool of a dark wizard. He also seemed to have been mistreated by Petunia and Eileen determined that she would have words with the horrible woman.
"Your mum and my son were best friends growing up you know. They were two wizarding children growing up in a muggle neighborhood so became very close. They remained close all the way up until their fifth year when they had a bit of a falling out because my son got caught up with the wrong sort of people. He always regretted it because he loved your mum more than anything and it killed him when she married James Potter," she explained all the while rubbing his back in soothing motions.
"What's your son's name?" The boy asked timidly.
"Severus, Severus Snape," she replied.
The boy drew back from her his expression even more shocked then before.
Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short. Most chapters if not all won't be this short so don't worry. I do my best to lengthen chapters since I myself like to read stories with longer chapters. Anyways let me know your thoughts in a review please. Thanks!