Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter.
Things I like:
HarrySnape father-son
Harry abandoned/run away at young age
Submissive Harry/Dominant Severus
Dumbledore Bashing
Harry & Draco become friends
Harry hates Ron & Hermione
I don't mind swearing, sex, slash, femslash, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, rape, suicide, self harm, self mutilation, character death, non-con, etc.
Things I hate in fics:
Harry has twin/non-twin siblings
HarryRon slash
Sirius Black
Marauder era/MWPP era
HarryVoldie/HarryTom slash
My Stories
Death & Reservations Complete
This story was going to be a one-shot but I added two more chapters upon request. It's fairly angsty. The first chapter is from Harry's point of view as he commits suicide. The following chapter includes Ron & Hermione's reactions from their point of view while the final chapter is from Dumbledore's side of the coin. My characters are not completely canon but it's my take so I moulded them to how I wanted it. I am considering adding chapters such as Draco's reaction, Snape's, McGonagall's, etc. but I am unsure as yet.
Disconsolate, Dejected, Depressed Complete
Another one-shot. Just an angsty story about how Harry is treated by the Dursley's. You will notice that in my stories, Harry is horribly abused by them. It has not got a happy ending. It may have been a good beginning for a story but I never expanded on it so it stayed as a one-shot. Perhaps I will add a few chapters at a later date, I have been considering a Severitus but the beginning is a touch cliche for that.
Choking on my sorrow, Drowning in my pain Complete
Harry has just finished his fifth year of school as is depressed. It's just a poem from his point of view about his feelings. It's quite angsty and has a bit of character death in it. There is also implied child abuse and rape. This was my very first fanfic. Yes, it is a poem, and no, poems don't have to rhyme. I quite enjoy poems so you will probably see a few more from me at a later date, but for now, this is my one and only poem.
Bleeding Clown Incomplete
Harry is given a diary by Dumbledore and when he writes in it he receives an unexpected response. This story is almost complete and may be followed by a sequel. It is largely a Harry and Severus mentor/father-figure fic. It is not slash although there may be slash in future sequel(s). In this fic Harry is abused in every way by his relatives and is rescued by Severus. Cliche, right? Probably. I have tried to keep them relatively in character however this will most likely change as their relationship develops. Warnings for drug abuse, swearing, references to child abuse and slight references to sexual abuse/rape.
If you have read a fic or are writing one I might be interested in then send me a message.