Sadly, I don't own either Danny Phantom or the Teen Titans

Whiteness. That's all Danny saw when he opened his eyes for the first time when he arrived with blinding whiteness covering every inch of his small cell.

And then as time passed the whiteness became duller and dirty. The sparkle and shine slowly began to remove itself from his presence. All the beauty in his cell was gone, leaving it looking rotten. Bits of green decorated the walls and ceiling, god knows how it got all the way up there, so every time Danny opened his eyes he wanted to puke.

Danny didn't know how long he'd been in the hands of the Guys in White. He couldn't even remember how he'd gotten here. One moment there was an explosion and he was surrounded by fire, and then it seemed like five minutes later he woke up in the blistering white cell. All he knew is that he'd been in captivity for a long time if his cell was this dirty.

The door opened and Agent K peeped his head around the corner. "Get up Phantom."

Danny internally groaned as he gritted his teeth in frustration and managed to push himself up in a sitting position. Panting hard, he stared wide-eyed at the agent in a silent plea for help.

Ignoring Danny, Agent K growled, "Stop playing your stupid procrastination game, Phantom, and get up. The truck is here and I don't want to keep them waiting."

At Danny's confused glance, he continued, "You know, the moving truck?" He huffed in annoyance at the unchanged confused visage of Danny. "Remember all those visits with Doctor Chaff? No? Well, you got evaluated by the doctor and according to the results, we're not fit to keep you here anymore. They said that you've cracked too much to keep experimenting on you. Hah, can you believe that? What a load of crap! I guess it's a good thing we have all the information we need on you at this point. I mean you're really nothing more than a waste of post-human space now. We've been experimenting on you for what, three years now? Yeah there's not much left to do with you. Oh, would you get up already?"

Alarmed, Danny scrambled to his feet to only fall flat on his face. He cringed and rolled on his back when he felt a gruff hand grip his arm and yank him up.

"I don't have time for your shit, Phantom. We need to leave. Now."

Agent K dragged Danny down a maze of white walls, floors, and ceilings, all in pristine condition, highly contrasting the deplorable state his black suit was in. Any whiteness that was supposed to be in his suit was green with a slight red tint to it which wasn't noticeable to anyone but himself. His hair was matted and tainted with his ectoplasmic blood. His figure was no more than skin and bones riddled with scars. He couldn't remember his eyes having any sort of glow to them since the beginning of his captivity when there was still hope that he would get out.

Now all that hope was gone. It had vanished overnight and he went from fighting everyone and everything they did to him to letting life take its course. He stopped struggling against the GiW doctors and specialists. He stopped fighting the painful experiments. He was lifeless. He was broken.

That was two years ago.

The front door to the facility opened and, for a brief moment, Danny saw the sky for the first time in three years. Three. Years.

He breathed in the fresh air and a small, content smile came across his face. The air was warm and fresh. The sun danced on his pale skin and warmed his bones. He bit his lip as the thought of how close he was to freedom jumped to his mind. This transfer into the truck was such a tease and he, apparently, wasn't the only one thinking it.

"I bet you're really loving those ghost-proof handcuffs now, Phantom," Agent K spat at him. "They're a real work of art I tell you! They keep disgusting creatures like you from slipping out of line. As long as you have those on, you'll never see freedom."

Danny's head hung down in defeat. Agent K was right. The glowing green handcuffs, the same ones that took his powers away, kept him from freedom. It was infuriating.

Agent O came out of the white building. He pulled out some gloves from his pocket and put them on. Danny remembered Agent O telling him once that he always had to wear gloves around him. "I wouldn't want to touch you," he'd said. "I would have to burn my skin off if I did, creature."

The white van with "GUYS IN WHITE" outlined in green printed on its side pulled up in front of the group consisting of Danny, Agents O, K, and a few guards all armed to the teeth with ecto-weapons. Two guards opened the back of the truck.

"Yeah, let's get the bag of filth in there before he tries to run off or something," Agent K said, fully knowing that Danny could hardly stand on his own, much less take off in a full on sprint and run away.

"Good idea. Guards! Get Public Enemy Number One into the back of the truck while I turn the on the ecto-shield just in case the handcuffs fail."

That was the last thing Danny heard before he felt something hit the back of his head. He took one last desperate look around before his world went dizzy and collapsed in on itself in a sheet of blackness.

Wow so this is my first ever fanfiction. It's short, I know, but I think it's socially acceptable for the prologue to be short. Besides, I really have to do my math homework...

No, Danny isn't mute. He's just a little...uh...destroyed? So don't worry, he'll be talking soon enough.

Oh and idk if this is going to stir up any confusion so let me just clarify here: "that was two years ago" line refers to the time he'd been broken for. So he's been in captivity for three years and after the first year he gave up any hope of being rescued. So yeah. Sorry. I'm slightly paranoid you're going to read this and be all "OMG this is the worst story every ugh this is so confusing" and yeah...first story jitters? (did I really just use that word?)

Anyways, enjoy this story and idk how long I'm planning on making it but I DO plan on finishing it. I hate it when stories aren't finished. It's so frustrating.