Hey everyone. FIB here again. I'm back for another chapter. Sorry it took so long! As I've said before, I've been writing this fic for almost 5 years at this point, and I won't be giving it up anytime soon. It's just on the backburner and will be updated as I feel motivated to do so. That said, I'd like to thank everyone who comments, favorites, and follows. You all are the ones who keep me motivated and who remind me that this fic exists, and that there are people out there who actually read it and care about it. Thank you so much, guys. No Escape is only being updated because you all inspire me and show me that you care. It means the world to me. We've only got a few chapters left, so just keep holding on!
That said, I hope you enjoy!
It wasn't easy to follow the pair of monsters further into the forest. They moved fast, and while they left a trail of destruction behind them, it was sometimes surprisingly difficult to figure out which broken branches were from a tussle between a werewolf and a vampire, and which were from a unicorn that didn't bother to step daintily enough.
By the time they stumbled upon Professor Lupin, the vampire was nowhere to be found.
Harry and Hermione slowly approached the werewolf, who was lying perfectly still on the forest floor. Harry's hand found Hermione's, and he wasn't sure if he was seeking comfort or trying to offer it. He couldn't tell whether Lupin was breathing or not. Even if he was a werewolf, Harry certainly did not want to see the man who had been so kind to him and who had taught them all so much hurt or dead.
The pair stopped just short of the prone form, neither one quite willing to get close enough to be an easy snack for the professor if worse came to worst.
"Is he alive?" Harry murmured, squinting down at him. In the dark, it was hard to tell what was wrong. Was that blood or shadows? A wound, or just a trick of the light? After a second of standing around, Hermione huffed and took another step closer, kneeling down so she was close enough to see details in the silvery light of the full moon.
After a second, she heaved a sigh of relief, and Harry felt tension drain from his own shoulders as Hermione announced, "He's breathing. I think he's just fine. Simply fainted."
"That's good," Harry sighed, offering a hand up to his friend. She took it, and he couldn't tell if it was her hand that was trembling or his.
"What now?"
Harry shook his head, at just as much of a loss as Hermione. "I don't know. We need to find Crepsley and tell him what we heard. I'm just not sure how to figure out where he's gone."
Hermione bit her lip, looking contemplatively around. "I think we should first put some distance between ourselves and Professor Lupin. He doesn't seem to be having a very good day so far, and I really don't want to be anywhere nearby when he wakes up. After that I suppose we can just...call for Mr. Crepsley? Vampires are supposed to have enhanced senses, so he might be able to hear us."
Harry nodded, offering her a strained smile. Hermione returned it, looking slightly pained. The sight was almost enough to make Harry laugh for real.
"So which way do you suppose we should start walking?"
Hermione looked around them. "Well, we know he's not that way, since we just came from there." She paused, before her sharp eyes fell upon a bush that had been trampled underfoot, leading away from the confrontation. "How about we try that way?"
Harry nodded his agreement, and together they set off.
They walked in silence for a bit, the only noises around them the calls of the forest and the creaking of trees. A heavy mist rolled along the ground, obscuring their steps. With each footfall, the sound of cracking twigs split the relative quiet of the forest. It was strangely peaceful, but something still prickled along Harry's scalp and up his spine, warning him that something was amiss; that they were being watched. By what, he didn't know.
He made sure to stick close to Hermione.
"Do you think we're far enough away now?" he questioned, voice barely above a whisper, after they had been walking for what felt like far too long. His nerves were getting the best of him. Who knew what was happening to Darren right this moment?
Hermione cast a quick look around them, her eye lingering on the way they had come from, eyes narrowed as she tried to peer through the darkness for any sign of a hungry werewolf following after them. Seeing nothing, she nodded.
Harry wet his lips, before calling out in a stage whisper, "Mr. Crepsley? Can you hear me? Mr. Crepsley?"
There was no response. Nothing in the forest moved.
"Oh for goodness sake," Hermione huffed. She cast one more look behind them, before yelling in a voice that seemed to echo all throughout the trees, "MR. CREPSLEY! WHERE ARE YOU? WE HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT DARREN!"
They waited with baited breath, neither daring to make a sound. All around them, the leaves of the trees rustled eerily, filling the air with noise. Nothing on the ground made a sound. Harry frowned.
"Maybe his senses aren't as good as they say?" He wondered aloud, turning to look at Hermione.
"And what, exactly, do they say about my senses?" A voice interrupted, deep and quiet. The two teenagers whirled around to find Crepsley standing there, fog roiling about his feet and red cape billowing in the slight breeze. Despite the imposing figure he cut, his face looked unbearably sad. Harry took a deep breath and stepped forward. The vampire stared back, his eyes narrowed. His voice was cold as he asked, "What is it you have to say about my apprentice?"
"Mr. Crepsley, sir, we're here to help you get Darren back. He's not dead. The ministry just stunned him, and they're going to take him away soon. We can still save him!"
Beside him, Hermione was nodding frantically. "If we hurry, we can catch them before they reach the gates."
The vampire's eyes widened slightly, then narrowed once again.
"If you are lying—" he began, only to be cut off as another figure crashed through the trees behind him. Harry gaped as the newcomer stumbled into the silvery moonlight and he caught sight of iridescent scales and snake-like features. The boy stared back at him with equally wide eyes. He was breathing hard.
"You-you said—" he paused to take a few deep breaths, then straightened up, his expression suddenly firm despite the wild look in his eyes. "Darren might still be alive?"
Hermione moved forward, her head held high as though daring either of the newcomers to defy her. "He is still alive. But he won't be for much longer if we don't hurry."
The snake boy nodded firmly, matching her determination. "Then let's go."
Harry turned to Mr. Crepsley, who shrugged, the slightest hint of a smile playing over his features, and said, "You heard the boy. Let's go get my apprentice back."
Harry and Hermione grinned at one another, then turned and took off in the direction of the front gate, intending to lay in wait for the arrival of the ministry and Darren.
It didn't take long at all. Before they even had time to discuss any sort of strategy, the procession appeared from the gloom. It wasn't a large group; just the minister, the executioner, and a large man who was carrying a black-bagged form suspended from the end of his wand. Harry felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight, and heard Hermione's quiet gasp. From the corner of his eye, he saw the snake boy stiffen, the leaves at their feet rustling slightly as he shifted. Harry dared to turn to catch a quick glance at the vampire, who was crouched just past Evra. Crepsley remained as still as stone as he watched the procession draw closer.
The sound of the minister talking, high and fast and obviously uncomfortable in the Forbidden Forest, drifted to them on the chilly breeze. The big man holding Darren would respond in short, clipped sentences and the executioner didn't make a sound at all.
As they moved ever closer, it was easy to see the way the minister's eyes darted side to side, searching through the gloom for any sign of monsters that might have been lurking. It was almost ironic that he didn't realize that the monster was just a few feet in front of them.
Harry clenched his fist tightly around his wand, trying to work out the best way to attack to get Darren back. He shifted, and the leaves rustled once more. The minister's eyes flickered towards them and he stiffened, a spell already on his lips. Before he could utter a single word, though, Crepsley was moving.
He appeared before the three men in the blink of an eye, his expression one of a horrifyingly cold fury. There was a cry, and then before Harry could even process what had happened, the big man was down and Crepsley was standing before them.
"Ensure that he is alive," he instructed, thrusting the bodybag into Evra's arms. The boy made a soft sound, voice high with nerves, but immediately began to work on pulling the fabric apart. Crepsley was gone before he could get the zipper undone.
This time, the executioner hit the ground with a loud thud. Cornelius Fudge had pulled his wand and was brandishing it with shaking hands, his eyes wide and wild. He cast a spell at the vampire, who dodged, but barely. He snarled, revealing glinting teeth that seemed just a little too sharp in the silvery light of the full moon. Before he could make another move, though, there was a cry from right beside Harry.
"Expelliarmus!" Hermione cried, wand raised high and a fierce light in her eyes. The wand flew from the man's hand, soaring high and disappearing into the darkness of the forest. He made a strangled cry, something full of both anger and fear, and Harry saw Crepsley smile. Then, without another sound, the wizard was collapsed on the leaf-strewn path. Harry turned to look at her with wide eyes.
"You just attacked the Minister of Magic," he murmured, stunned. Hermione looked rather aghast, herself. First Draco, and now this. He was really rather proud of her. At the expression on her face, Harry couldn't help himself; he grinned widely and reached out to slap a hand on her shoulder. The girl flinched a little but shakily returned the smile.
"How is Darren?" a voice asked, right by his ear. Harry jumped and turned to look at the vampire who had appeared beside him. But Crepsley wasn't looking at him, his fierce gaze trained on something else. Harry felt his stomach twist even as his heart leapt in his chest as he followed Crepsley's gaze and found himself staring at Darren's deathly pale form, cradled in Evra's scaled arms.
"Is he alright?" he asked as Hermione shuffled closer to his side, her expression full of concern. The snake boy wet his lips with a forked tongue, pulling Darren a little closer. Then, he smiled.
"He's alive."
Harry sagged with relief as Hermione burst into tears. She rubbed at her face, laughing wetly. Evra seemed to be having about the same reaction, smiling widely as he gazed down at his friend. Crepsley was perfectly still, his gaze trained on his young apprentice, who was as still and pale as the grave. Then, he reached out and took the boy into his arms.
"We are leaving," he announced, standing up straight, Darren held bridal style. The boy hung totally limp, and Harry couldn't help but think that he still appeared dead despite the snake boy's relieved exclamation.
As Crepsley began to move away, a thought occurred to Harry. His eyes grew wide and he stepped forward, a hand outstretched to the vampire's retreating back.
"Wait! I-I need your help to save Sirius. Please, will you help me?"
Harry watched as the vampire stilled, the line of his back straight and cold. For a moment, he almost regretted speaking; adults had rarely offered to help him before, and he doubted that this one would either. He had no real reason to, after all. He could feel his heart sinking already, his mind whirling as he tried to come up with a plan to save Sirius. Hermione came to stand beside him, one hand resting on his shoulder. It was warm and firm, and he could almost feel it ground him. He took a deep breath and tried to calm the pounding of his heart, forcing himself to stand tall as they waited for Crepsley to respond.
At last, after what felt like far too long, the vampire turned back to look at him. His eyes were narrowed and Darren's still form was cradled close to his chest. Harry lifted his chin and met his eye, waiting for the words that would either save or condemn his godfather to a fate worse than death. Slowly, a smile curled Crepsley's lips up into a crooked smile and the scars on his face tugged and twisted with the motion.
"I do owe you a debt, don't I?"
Harry felt his heart soar.