Wow what a fucking whirlwind life is. But I did promise to finish this fic, so I'm gonna do it!

SUMMARY: (it's been a while and idk if all of you are down to reread everything.) Danny was captured by the GiW and was transferred to an asylum when a man we love called Dr. Chaff found out they were literally torturing him and got him out of there. Danny escapes, destroying a bunch of the facility on the way out because he's insane, and is found by the Titans. They're captured by Mad Mod who plans to kill them with acid, so Robin gives Danny permission take a laser cutter from his utility belt to break his power-suppression anklet given to him by the GiW. Danny does this and they go to beat up Moddy, but find out Mod's gone and the whole thing was set up by Slade who then psychologically torments Danny. Danny, who was already on the brink of mental collapse, caves into insanity so Robin calls Jazz into help. Jazz shows up, Danny gets pissed, and Danny leaves. He's then almost captured by the GiW but is then captured by Slade, who is using him under the false guise of an apprentice to get some flash drives but somehow Vladdy's connected to all this so the Titans are off to investigate our fave fruitloop while Slade's sending Danny on a mission. And now you're caught up!


"All clear on my end," Robin heard on his comm. link from Beastboy. "Man, where is this guy?"

"All clear on my end also. I can't sense anyone here." Raven said.

"Alright, Titans. Move in," Robin signaled to the rest of his team as they crept out from the woods and entered the vacant mansion. Beastboy flew down from the ceiling, transforming from a bat back to his regular form to meet them by the entrance. Raven stepped out from the shadows.

"You sure you got every room?" Cyborg questioned.

Beastboy huffed. "Yeah, duh! He must be out of town or something."

"Or something," Robin said. "When we were outside a scanned his house. I also hacked into his tech and scanned for his blueprints. Seems like this guy has a secret basement"

Beastboy threw his hands up in exasperation. "Of freaking course he does! Seriously, why does like every creepy guy we meet seem to have a secret basement under their house? Like, it's so cliché at this point."

"Still fooled you," Raven said snidely.

Starfire piped up. "If I may, where is the entrance to said secret room?"

"No idea," Robin responded. "Cyborg?"

"Infrared's not picking up anything in particular," Cyborg scanned the room. "My guess is if this guy has a secret to keep, he's rich enough to make sure it happens."

"And it's up to us to figure it out," Robin finished, slamming one of his fists into the palm of his other hand. "Titans, split up and search the mansion! We're not leaving here until we have Danny, and I'm positive that room is the key to getting him back. Go!"


"Ok ok stay cool. You got this," I whispered to myself. "No big deal. Just breaking into Vlad-co. Like pftt whatever. Average day."

"Daniel, you're giving me a headache." Slade's voice came through the earpiece. "Just get to the flash drives and stay there until I tell you otherwise. They should be in Vlad's personal office."

"Okay," I breathed. To be completely honest I'd totally forgotten about the earpiece. Haha whoops.


I glared at the stupid shiny tiles below me. I knew what Slade wanted. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction though. "I said okay," I growled.

"Tsk tsk, Daniel. I wouldn't be so testy if I were you. Rumor has it your sister is staying in the Charles Tree hotel right here in Jump City. That's much closer than her office in Minnesota, wouldn't you say? My, it is almost as if you're asking for me to harm her."

Shit! I totally forgot Jazz was still here. Guilt clawed at my stomach. Of course as soon as she found me I just had to go ahead and get myself recaptured. How stupid could I be? She was probably worried sick about me. The worst part was, I wasn't even mad at her anymore. Not really, anyways. I mean, when I saw her again for the first time in years I was pissed. Beyond that even. But seeing her collapse on the ground like she did in tears, blaming herself for everything, well it just got to me. How could she put everything on herself like that? She didn't do anything. She had no part in everything that happened to me. She didn't deserve that. If anything, I deserved her guilt. I was the idiot who got himself captured in the first place.

No, I won't do this to her again. "Okay. Okay, master. I'll do whatever you want."

"Excellent. Now go."

"Yes master," I said and took off down the hallway. I stayed invisible, but there was no doubt Vlad had a separate security system in place for ghosts. I wouldn't be surprised if he popped up on the map anytime soon. And to be perfectly honest, I was dreading that. Because then I would have to admit something to him. I would have to admit that he was right.

Three years ago he warned me to not mess around with the GiW. I could hardly help myself, though. They were so goddamn incompetent! All you had to do to defeat them was kick a little dirt on their white suits and they would flip out and give up. I always found it ironic that they did so much dirty work, being government agents, but couldn't handle a little bit of tangible dirt on them. It was as if they were afraid of people seeing what they truly looked like.

I always smiled and waved Vlad off with an, "Are you kidding me? I could beat these morons in my sleep!" That bit was true back then. In a way it still stands objectively. I am truly more powerful than them, just like I'm objectively more powerful than Slade. But I couldn't beat them now. They all had their hold on me, and no amount of ecto-blasts could change that.

So no, I was definitely not ready to see Vlad again. I wasn't ready to admit that he was right. I didn't want to see his smug grin as he rubbed my mistake into my face. That kind of bullshit was the last thing I needed.

I flew around a corner and up a flight of stairs. Slade made me study the blueprints of this tower before I went on the mission. He made sure I knew how to get to the office by heart. I liked to give credit where credit was due, because as much as I hated this man he did know how to construct a foolproof plan.

No, Danny, don't think like that. You're going to get out of this. The Titans will find you.

Exit stairs, fly around another corner, down a hallway, up more stairs.

"I'm here," I said. "There's a ghost shield around the door."

"That's fine," came a voice in my ear. "Wait there. When the times comes, I'll meet you on the roof. Don't speak to anyone. I'll see you soon."

I nodded numbly, forgetting Slade couldn't see me. When would I know when the time was right? I had no idea. But I figured I would soon find out.


"Found it," Robin said into his comm. link.

"Already?" Cyborg asked, seemingly surprised.

"Yes, I must agree with Cyborg on this. That was very fast!" Starfire chimed in.

Robin didn't want to say it was because Batman had the same technology. Robin wasn't ready to indulge on his time with Batman quite yet. He was still very angry at his foster-father for attempting to fire him as Robin. But the team didn't need to know all that.

"I'm familiar with the tech," Robin responded. "Come to the library." (A/N: I totally forget where Vlad's secret door is but I'm just gonna go with the library. If someone wants to correct me on this have at it and I'll change it.)

Once the team was assembled, they headed down the dark yet modern-looking entrance. The walls, floor, and ceiling seemed to all be reinforced with some sort of strong, impenetrable metal. Robin would have Cyborg scan it at another time. For now, they had work to do.

When the reached the bottom of the stairs, Robin almost choked on his breath. Then he almost rolled his eyes. It seems Batman wasn't the only billionaire with a secret life.

The room was huge, and covered in various technologies and science experiments all in varying levels of progress. Glowing green substances filled beakers and test-tubes on metal tables along with loose springs and wires. Blueprints messily hung off the walls and were spread out over the tables. But the real winner was the octagonal shaped mass on the far wall with a swirling green center. If Robin was correct, and he usually was, it seemed to be a portal of some sort. He made a mental note to have Cyborg scan the portal when this was all over.

Beastboy found his voice. "What is all this?" He gestured around the room.

"No idea, but it seems like Vlad had quite the hobby," Cyborg said.

"It's ghost-hunting equipment," Raven said. She was leaning over a table, staring at a blueprint and its half-finished piece of equipment next to it. "I recognize it from the video in the Guys in White files."

"You saw inside their facility?" Beastboy stared at Raven.

"I hacked into their files after I first met Danny. I showed one of their videos to Raven and Cyborg," Robin explained, wincing. Though he did inform Starfire and Beastboy on Danny's situation before they met him, he conveniently left out the details.

"Never mind that," Cyborg walked over to Raven. "Does this mean Vlad works for the Guys in White?"

"I don't think so," Raven answered. "Look at the corner of these blueprints. They all say 'Fenton' on them."

Robin snatched a blueprint out of Raven's hands. "Of course! The Fentons were ghost hunters. Vlad must have gotten a hold of their designs at some point. Though, we still shouldn't throw out the Guys in White theory completely. He may still have some connection to them. Why else would he have a ghost lab in his basement? It doesn't make sense. What is his connection to all this?"

Starfire put a hand on his shoulder. "We can inquire to Friend Danny about that later. But we must focus on finding Friend Danny first. He is in danger and requires our assistance."

Robin's mouth twitched upwards. It wasn't smile, but it was the closest thing he's gotten to that in weeks. He didn't know what he'd do without his alien friend.

"You're right, Star. We need to focus on finding Danny." Robin scanned the room as his eyebrows scrunched up. Something was off about this. "It seems like he left in a hurry."

"How so?" Starfire questioned.

"This doesn't match the rest of his mansion. His house was neat and orderly. Everything had a place. But this is messy, unorganized. Something made him leave. And I'd bet you anything it has to do with whatever field job Slade sent Danny on."

Robin headed over to the sleeping computer monitors. With a tap of the mouse, the six screens came to life. Robin couldn't remember what was on the other screens as one in particular drew his eyes to it. The monitor was divided into four boxes. Three of them showed a blank office, and one of them displayed a hallway of some sort. The walls and floor were immaculately white. A splash of black and tan interrupted the white setting. That splash of color was the body of one Danny Phantom.

He heard a collective gasp from behind him.

"Friend Danny!" Starfire reached for the screen.

"Robin, find out where that is," Cyborg ordered.

"Already on it," Robin assured as he typed away furiously at the monitor. Not even a few seconds had passed before Robin spoke again. "It's at Vlad-co. By our hover ship it should only take us twenty minutes to get there. Titans, move out!"

As he charged out of the house, Robin muttered under his breath, "Hang on there, Danny. We're coming."


"I got your signal, Little Badger. What a pleasant surprise! I'm sure you have much to tell me."

I know this is the part where I normally respond to everyone's reviews but because of the amount of time that's spanned, there were SO MANY reviews. It's super awesome, guys. Thanks so much! I read all of them. But if I responded to all of them my response would be as long as this chapter is. So I'm only gonna respond to a few! But a huge thank you to everyone who responded back way back then, whether you're still around or not. Also a huge thanks to people who dug this fic out from the depths of old fanfiction and reviewed not even knowing if I was gonna read them (cuz I hadn't updated in so long.) You guys all rock!


KodiakWolfe13: Lmao it's been so long since you wrote that and you probs don't even remember what you wrote BUT I GODDA RESPOND CUZ YOU'RE AWESOME! I love beating up Danny too. Idk if you could tell. But I do. A lot.

Darkverger1: Danny's powers became unsealed when they were captured by Mad Mod! Robin tells Danny his laser-cutter is inside his utility belt and to use it to cut his ghost-suppression anklet so Danny could free everyone before they died a painful acid-bath death.

katemiller: Yeah I was thinking about it! Maybe!

Candy Phantom: Thank you for your kind words!

DragonBeat: Because writers are psychopaths who love to destroy lives. Specifically Danny's life. Or half-life.

bibliophelia: Ohhh you wait till she finds out the Titans went behind her back and didn't tell her about Danny. She's gonna be PISSED!


Axcel: Oh, thanks for the info! Unfortunately I can't fix that as I don't have the chapter anymore but we can pretend I did.

Internet-Trash: Yes! I promised to finish it when I first started writing it. I intend to go through with that.

JustaPhantom: THANK YOU AWWW!