AN: It's been a while. Too long, but I haven't really stopped writing. I've got so many ideas and half written stories, both fan fictions and my own novels, that I can't concentrate. It's taking me ages to do anything in a single story, and this one is a testament to that fact. I feel kind of guilty leaving you guys with nothing for so long, because I have been writing, and I love your reviews, but I've just had so little to give you. Anyway, this chapter is my shortest yet, but I wanted to publish it so that you could read what I have. It's unedited, like everything I post, so cut my grammar and dramatics some slack. Otherwise, enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 10
Danny only flew for a minute before his feet unconsciously touched the turf of the quittage pitch. As popular as the wizard sport was, not even the quittage teams were up this early. Something Danny was thankful for since it meant he could change back to human without worrying about who might see him.
Danny didn't want to be Phantom right now. His ghost powers were the cause of all the problems he was having right now. Those problems boiled down to one problem, and Danny didn't know how to fix it. He and Harry weren't speaking.
After Danny had flown off yesterday morning, everything seemed awkward around Harry. Danny kept catching Harry glancing to Danny's scarred arm, even though in full uniform the scars were always covered. Though Danny wanted to approach Harry and apologize at many points during the day, when he saw Harry glancing at his scars once again, he couldn't help but be angry. Danny thought the he could have maybe shown Harry his scars in a different way, but if there was a different and better way Danny had yet to think of it. More than being angry at Harry for his overreaction Danny was embarrassed by his own reaction. He'd been so fast to become defencive of his scars that he ended up nearly yelling at Harry for something that wasn't his fault.
All around that morning had been a mess, and neither brother had known how to approach each other the rest of the day. Of course everyone had noticed, because Harry and Danny were usually inseparable. Their friends tried to figure out why Danny and Harry weren't speaking, but when both boys remained tight lipped they nervously settled themselves to wait the issue out. Malfoy had been ecstatic to tease Danny about something that actually got under his skin, but then Danny lashed out about what a pathetic Potter-worshiping wannabe Malfoy was. Malfoy retaliated with a couple curses both magical and verbal that Danny dodged with skill and ease as he flitted away from the scene.
It was much easier to dodge Malfoys curses than it was to dodge Hermione's questions. Hermione really wanted to know why Harry and Danny were fighting, and Danny found himself hiding in some very unlikely places between classes and during lunch to avoid her. That lead to Danny's finding of some very unique places in the castle. In the great hall the illusion of the sky hovered just below the ceiling, and Danny found he could comfortably rest atop a structural beam in the ceiling without being seen from below. Halfway up the tower on the way to divination, there was a room that had no door. Of course anyone could just walk through the wall where the door should have been, but Danny was the only one who ever did. There were many hiding places that Danny had discovered, but hiding came with plenty of downsides.
The main downside of hiding all the time was Danny losing his free time. Danny liked his freedom, and being cooped up in cramped spaces to avoid the many questions of a certain know-it-all made Danny long for a good flight. However now that Danny was outside on his own flying again, he wanted nothing to do with it.
Flying always made him feel better, but not today. Today Danny was just feeling rotten. Harry had stared at his scars all day yesterday, Danny still didn't know how things got so awkward to fast, and all his friends were annoying him. On top of everything, Danny's most recent falling out made him miss his sister more than ever. He wanted nothing more than to talk with Jazz, and the constant reminder that she was dead was acid on an old wound. Danny had thought he was over this stage of grief, that he's at least moved on enough to not think about his family every couple minutes. It seemed without Harry that wasn't the case.
At least it was the week end. Danny no longer had to worry about his classes and talking to or avoiding Harry in those classes. Thanks to the homework habits Danny had developed over the summer, his homework was complete. That meant Danny had a lot of free time, something he wasn't used to. Sure Danny had been spending time with his friends here at hogwarts more than he'd ever spent with Sam and Tucker in Amity, but that wasn't the same type of free time as the time he had now, completely to himself.
Danny found himself not wanting to fly as fast and far as he could. If anything Danny wanted to hit something. He never thought he'd miss the fights, but Danny would have given anything for the Box Ghost to show up right at that moment. Even better Skulker could show up. Skulker always gave Danny a better fight, and there was just too much time to think when he was fighting Boxy. Danny sighed as he came out of his thoughts. No ghosts were going to show up, and he should have seen that as a good thing, but Danny was missing every aspect of his old life right now.
It was too early for anyone else to be awake, but maybe that was a good thing. Danny thought since no one was awake anyway he might as well get out that frustration. Though he didn't have anyone or anything to beat up, he did know some basic fighter exercises his mom had taught him. It was just a series of kicks, punches, jumps, and rolls, but Danny stumbled from lack of practice with hand to hand fights. Danny's powers had grown so much he was barely using his fists anymore, and it showed in his disbalance. Danny did find his rhythm soon enough though, and he began to incorporate his own moves into the set him mom taught him. Spin kicks and uppercuts were some of Danny's favorites in a fight, but he also threw in some other moves he'd never been comfortable with. As Danny practiced he gained speed, and an unconscious smile worked its way onto his face. He felt like he was back in Fenton Works, practicing alongside his friends and sister. He could almost hear Tucker making fun of him for his sloppy moves, and Sam rounding on Tucker to defend him. Jazz would walk into the room and scold everyone and try to force them to do something stupid like trust falls, and everyone would ignore her.
The problem was Danny wasn't training with his team. He was venting frustration alone in a forest outside a magical school in Scotland, half a world away from his home town, and the graves of his team. Danny stopped abruptly as his breathing turned to pants, but it had nothing to do with his workout. Suddenly aware of how alone he was, Danny sank to the ground and tried to control his errant emotions. Danny pulled his body into itself and hugged his knees against his chest in an effort to stop his uncontrolled shivering. Then all at once Danny lost control, and his shivers became quakes that racked his body to accompany the small noises that tore from his throat. For the first time since his family's burial, Danny cried without hesitation or care. For a while Danny truly mourned his family and friends.
Danny's life in Amity was completely gone, and everyone who made it important was gone with it. No longer would he listen to his dad ramble about ghosts only to be stopped by his mother's offerings of fudge and cookies. Sam would never again rant about injustice or gently tend to his wounds in the middle of the night. Tucker would never talk to another girl, never eat another scrap of meat. Where he was he wouldn't need it, but Danny still needed him. He needed Tucker to force him to relax when he didn't want to, to be his accomplice in all things unheroic. Most of all Danny needed his sister, who was always worried for him, always butting into his life, and always cared enough to stick around when he pushed her away. Danny didn't have anyone of them anymore. No one did, and he was left alone.
Though he had no one when they died, it was no longer a fact that Danny was alone. Danny had many people who cared for him. Starting with Jeremy and Ida, who had adopted him in record time, sold their home, and helped him move to England. They were now Danny's family, and though they were knew, Danny loved them as much as his broken heart would allow. Then there was Danny's friends. It hurt Danny to think of his friends and know he couldn't say Sam and Tucker, but at least he had Neville, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. Danny had no question that his new friends would be loyal to the end. Finally, and most importantly, Danny had Harry. Harry, the brother Danny had never known, was at Danny's side always. He did his best to share his brother's burden. Harry worried, laughed, and fought for his love of his brother, and Danny knew he would do the same.
Danny wasn't sure how long he'd spent out in the forest, and the thick threatening clouds refused to hint at the answer. The halfa also wasn't sure he needed to know. All he knew was that he'd been out there for a while. His body was sore, more from his cramped position than his exercises, and his stomach was starting to complain audibly about his lack of food. It would have been apparent to anyone that it was time for Danny to go back to the castle, and he did just that.
Tired from his emotional release Danny trudged as a human back to the castle, and made the most direct route he could find to the great hall. It turned out it was late morning or early afternoon by the time Danny had come inside. Most of the other students were starting lunch as they happily chatted away their weekend with their friends. Danny's group of friends was no different. Ron was happily scarfing food, as Hermione tried and failed to get information out of Harry. Ginny commented on how Ron could eat again so soon after he'd had breakfast, and Neville was trying to stop Hermione from buggin Harry. Danny heard Neville as he walked across the room towards the people he'd been avoiding for the past twenty four hours. "Just leave him be Hermione. He's not going to answer you."
Hermione ignored Neville in favor of continuing to rant, "Harry, you don't just start avoiding someone after spending every second possible with them because of nothing. If you would just tell us what's going on maybe we could help."
Harry glared at Hermione and opened his mouth, likely to say something rude about other people's business, but Danny beat him to it. "And maybe some things need to solve themselves, Hermione." Danny's comment earned him a startled jump from everyone but Ginny, who was the only one who saw him coming. Everyone twisted to look at Danny with shocked and guilty eyes, and Harry's glare melted into caution. Danny refused to let his hand come to the back of his neck, and instead his fingers played with the edges of his long sleeve t-shirt.
Silence fell across the group, and Danny's friends awkwardly tried to avoid staring at him only for their eyes to flit to Harry and then back again. Knowing that he was the cause for the tension Danny made it his responcibility to end the uncomfortable silence. "I'm sorry."
"What?" Harry blinked, suddenly confused. He had clearly not been expecting Danny to apologize.
Danny repeated, "I'm sorry I ran off like that. I'm sorry I never explained that side of Phantom more clearly, and I'm sorry I avoided you."
As Danny finished the silence remained, but this time it was one of shock, and was ended by Harry. "I should be apologizing not you. You've told me everything about yourself, I should have expected-" Harry didn't finish his sentence, not wanting to reveal anything to condemning in front of their friends. Instead he immediately started into a new sentence, "Even if I was caught off guard I should have been more understanding."
"I forgive you." Danny halted Harry from adding anything else.
Harry could only think of one reply. With a relieved grin he said, "Me too."
Danny smiled back at Harry, and there was a moment where everyone simply took in the relief they could all feel, now that Harry and Danny had forgiven each other for whatever they'd been arguing about. Danny didn't let the silence last long though. He broke the moment as he plopped down beside Neville and pulled the closest food towards himself. "Now that that's off my chest, I'm starving!" Danny stated simply before he filled his mouth with food.
Harry chuckled at Danny's renewed antics, and Ron openly laughed when a piece of food fell from Danny's mouth only to be caught by his hand and stuffed back inside. After that everyone once again fell into their comfortable interaction. Everyone, except Hermione. After a couple jokes about Danny's eating habits, Hermione brought the conversation back to the argument for her own curiosity. "You're all going to move on just like that?" Hermione drew every eye to herself, and she wasn't phased in the slightest. "You're just going to let them go through a fight like that, and end it while we remain completely in the dark?"
Hermione rounded on Harry, "We've been your friends for years," she turned to Danny, "and I thought you trusted us." Hermione's statement pulled Ron's, Harry's, and Danny's mind back to the argument Danny and Harry had been through about trust just a few weeks before. Ron never had gotten around to telling Hermione or anyone else what he over heard in that conversation, and had all but forgotten until that moment. Now that he remembered he found himself beginning to agree with Hermione.
Harry started, "Just because I've known you long enough to trust you with anything doesn't mean Danny does, and I won't betray his trust to tell you."
Ron retorted instead of Hermione, shocking all of his friends in the process. "That's not fair. We've been through life and death situations before, and even though I've only known Danny for a few weeks I trust him like I trust you." Ron's words were pointed at Harry, but his eyes pointed to Danny, and it was Danny whom he addressed last. "Why can't you trust me like I trust you?"
Danny replied quietly, but unmistakably, "I do." Danny would have laughed at his friends stupefied expressions if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation. "I have been hiding something from you guys, well multiple things, but I just don't know how to tell you. I don't like to talk about it."
Ginny wrinkled her nose at the drama, "Just say it."
Danny frowned thinking over how best to explain everything to his friends and sighed as he realized telling them everything right now wasn't a very good option. "Look," Danny started, "I'm not going to tell you everything right now. It would take to long, but I'll tell you the first thing I've been hiding." Danny swallowed thickly, and Harry's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates realizing what he brother was about to say. Harry ducked under the table and set himself on the seat next to his brother to give Danny comfort. Danny gave no sign that he noticed Harry at all, but he was able to speak more calmly as he said, "Four months ago there was an accident in my home town. My friends and I were on a bus to go on a field trip." Ron and Ginny shared a confused look at the words bus and field trip, but they had enough common sense to keep their mouths shut. "My parents," Danny swallowed another lump before he said, "Jack and Maddie Fenton, were chaperones along with the parents of one of my friends. My sister, J-jazz, was also there for a extra credit project." The group was surprised at Danny's stutter. Danny always seemed so confident and aloof they didn't think anything could get to him, but here he was falling apart slowly in front of them. "It was completely out of control." Danny skipped ahead, "Sam was in a fighting match with the head cheerleader, and Sam's parents were arguing with her. My parents and sister were trying to break everything up, and my other friend Tucker and I were doing our best to stop Sam from launching herself bodily at the Paulina. Paulina's closest friend Star was similarly holding back Paulina from ripping into Sam's hair." Danny smiled slightly as he described the chaotic scene that was the last his family had ever experienced, but even as he smiled his eyes filled with tears that he refused to let fall. Danny's voice shook, but he continued quietly, "I-I guess the driver was distracted by the maham, because the bus lost control. The wheel lost traction and the bus jerked throwing everyone everywhere." Danny continued without pause, lost in his memory. "I felt my head hit one of the padded seats on my way down, and I heard a sickening crack beside me followed by the screeching of truck brakes." Danny took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice low and calm. "The truck hit the back of the bus and sent us rolling off the road." Danny's voice was low but stronger as he said, "Eight people died. My parents, my sister, my two friends, Paulina, Star, and Sam's mom Pamela Manson."
Silence reigned supreme in a group that was shocked and horrified, but being Gryffindor's they didn't let the silence suppress them. Danny's head was bowed to hide his eyes, but that didn't stop Ginny from wrapping her friend in a quiet hug. "I'm so sorry Danny."
Danny jumped, startled by the sudden contact, but he relaxed quickly enough. Somewhere in the back of her mind Hermione realized she'd never seen Danny surprised by anything, but she shoved the thought aside into the growing pile of oddities surrounding Danny. Even in such a state as Danny was he managed to shock his friends again when he chuckled. Though it wasn't strong or overly joyous, Danny's laugh wasn't bitter either. He reminisced, "It was such a common moment for me and my friends. There was so much chaos, and I guess it's not ever going to be okay that it happened, but I'm not overly upset now. I miss them," Danny explained, "but I'm glad they died quickly and peacefully."
This time the silence was mournful and understanding. Harry stayed plastered to his brother's side, and Ginny refused to let Danny go until Fred and George popped up behind her singing love songs. "I want to know what love is!" Fred and George sang enthusiastically and in unison. Ginny quickly scooted away from Danny blushing madly, and Danny glared at the twins as they switched songs. "Baby come back! You can blame it all on me."
Ron openly started laughing at the apt change in tune, and Harry quickly followed his friend's example. Danny growled, "Shut up, you idiots." Though Danny's voice didn't hold much animosity towards the twins seeing as they had effectively dispersed the mournful mood.
Apparently the lack of threat in Danny's tone simply encouraged the twins, who shared a wicked smile between them. Then they both took in giant breaths of air and started squalling at the top of their lungs, "And IIIII-ee-I Will Always Love YOUOUewoohoo! Will Always Love YOOUUU!"
Once the screeching voices of the twins began to ring in his ears, Danny decided to go after the Weasley twins after all, and bounced out of his seat with the shout of, "That's it!" Fred and George were halfway out of the room with Danny hot on their heels by the time Danny finished saying. "If you guys won't shut up, then I'll make you!"
In response Fred simply started, "Run away with me in the night." The great hall and all who resided in it couldn't hear George's words, but they heard his voice pick up the song as the three gryffindors ran out of earshot.
The great hall was silent for a moment longer as they all strained to hear the boys, but it didn't last as the room broke out into chatter once more. Harry laughed as the tension in the room broke and said, "We should probably go and make sure Fred and George are okay."
Ron rolled his eyes and said, "The twins can take care of themselves. Besides they got themselves into this mess, they can get themselves out."
Ginny nodded in agreement with her brother. "And if they can't take care of themselves, well then whatever happens serves them right."
Harry shrugged and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right. And after all it's not like Danny will do anything too bad to them anyway. He'd too nice for that."
Catching that Harry mentioned nothing about being worried about his brother Neville asked, "Are you just assuming your brother will win?"
Harry was briefly surprised that Neville caught that, but shook it off and answered, "Of course. Those twins don't stand a ghost of a chance." Harry snorted at his own pun, ignoring the odd looks he pulled his plate from the other side of the table and started to nibble on an edge of his toast, letting the topic drop.
With the end of one topic there was an opportunity for a new one, and Hermione took full advantage of that. "Harry about Danny's parents, did you know?" Hermione was direct, and brought some of the solemn mood from earlier back, but it was diluted with curiosity.
Harry put his piece of toast down and said, "How about we head back to the common room first?" The gryffindors all looked around at each other, sitting in front of empty plates, and dutifully stood up and walked with Harry. Outside of the great hall, once the noise died down Harry said, "The night I met Danny he told me all his secrets. He had a fear that his parents would disown him for some of his secrets before they died. That fear kept him from saying anything to them, and he refused to make the same mistake with me."
Hermione frowned and asked, "But wasn't he scared of losing you."
The group was surprised by Harry's nod. "That's why he told me."
Ron frowned and said, "That doesn't make sense." Ron barely finished when Ginny whacked him upside the head. "Hey what was that for?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, "Oh I don't know? Maybe the fact that you question interrupted Harry who was currently answering it."
Ron looked at Harry, who was giving him a pointed glare, and Ron brought his hand up to scratch the top of his head. "Oh, um, right. Carry on." Ron said nervously.
Harry rolled his eyes at his friend and then continued, "Danny was afraid of losing more family so soon, but he knew if he didn't tell me when he did then he never would. So instead of waiting Danny told me immediately when we were alone, like ripping off a bandaid. I guess he figured after having known me for only a day it would hurt less if I abandoned him."
"That's terrible." Hermione said, "That someone would have to make that decision to possibly lose their families, or lie."
Harry's mouth turned down as he spoke the bitter truth of the matter. "Yes, but it's not uncommon, Hermione. A lot of people have family that refuses to accept them. I would have given anything for the power to lie to the Dursley's about what I am, but they knew before I did." Harry shrugged, "It doesn't really matter anyway, because Danny's never losing me."