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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Twilight, Naruto, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. Hey! I don’t really know what I’m supposed to put here so I’ll just share a bit about me and my writing. So I’m female, a student, and I’m from the UK. I’ve been writing little meaningless drabbles since before I knew how to spell, but I’ve never shared any of my non academic writing with anyone outside of my immediate peer group. Until now. I stopped writing when I was 12, thanks to losing my muse for many reasons, and then patchily picked back up when I was 17 so I’m quite out of practice, and haven’t developed greatly as a writer for some time. In many ways I’ve lived quite a sheltered life, particularly when it comes to close exposure to other cultures, so although I love having my plot and characters span the globe, it all comes from research or what I’ve seen from media, so as such as much as I cringe inside- my facts may be all wrong. If you want to know what’s going on with a story because I haven’t updated in a while I will make sure to keep an up to date comment on what’s going on with it on my profile: HARRY POTTER: Blood, Sweat and Fierce: Third chap needs to be mostly completed still. Don’t know when that will happen. Blood Red Sunny Laughter: Third chap needs to be mostly completed still. Don’t know when that will happen. The Littlest Champion: Second chap needs to be mostly completed still. Don’t know when that will happen. NARUTO: Can’t Handle This: Reasonably regular Updates. No promises for quality thanks to the making it up on the spot and next to zero amount of editing. TWILIGHT: Catalyst: On a little bit of a break. Hopefully not for too long. I’m currently procrastinating a bit on doing sufficient research on Latin America- which I know next to nothing about -because it’s the setting of the next chapter, and a fair few chapters after that. 20/9/18 Am currently playing around with my Naruto mental dump/no effort/srsly what is that it’s like a writing abomination, and will continue with that for a bit longer until I reach a mental checkpoint. After that I’m coming back to this one, I promise! Xx HARRY POTTER AND SHERLOCK HOLMES: Mystery Child: Third chap needs writing. Don’t know when it will happen. HARRY POTTER AND DOCTOR WHO: The True Master: Third chap one third finished. Don’t know when the rest will happen. I have an ArchiveOfOurOwn account under the username LazyFae, but this is currently my main account. That’s it, mostly because I’m paranoid about hackers and people somehow finding out too much info about me and doing something like... idk discovering my awkward porn history. If you want to get hold of me, and actually have me reply, please Private Message me. Also don’t worry about offending me or filtering your words. I worry about that so much myself, I’d rather that no one does it to me. Please do give me credit in your work, if you use my original characters or chunks of my plot. And then let me know so I can check it out! I’m completely cool with it as long as my work isn’t being passed off as someone else’s. MY PERSONAL POLICY ON ADULT CONTENT IN MY WRITING: Violence: Violence happens all the time in real life, and so yes, I will definitely not hold back on writing about violence and all the violent things that are done to living beings. Swearing and insults: Absolutely most definitely. I will hold back even less on the potty mouth of characters. I feel like avoiding swear words would be very unrealistic for everyone. Sexual content: Once again, sex is an extremely common thing, and a lot of people are motivated by it and have it as a bit of a big deal in their lives. So yes, I will include sex. However, I will not write smut. I’m much more interested in the psychological impact of it or emotional reasoning, or using it to portray an element of a character or relationship, or further the plot in some way. I am very very unlikely to write about sex for the sake of it. This is the warning (or a variation of it) that I will post at the start of all my stories. It’s pretty much just here so I can copy and paste it instead of rewriting it every time. IMPORTANT AND ONLY WARNING: This is not going to be an extremely dark story but nor is it all light hearted and fluffy. I have little to no clue where this is going to go yet and thus can't say for certain what it'll contain. I will say this: If it can be perceived for a person to do something/have something happen to them it may well be in this story This may or may not include: Pairings of all genders and ages. Non consensual and dubious consensual content. Violence. Abuse. Character deaths. Angst. Plot holes. discrimination and prejudice. excessive fluffiness and icky romance. Much more. That's not to say it will definitely have all this in it, however I'm not too interested in skipping or brushing over something because it's uncomfortable if it's relevant to the plot. If it's included I will try to do the topic genuine credit and treat it with the seriousness it deserves as long as it's not a parody/comedy or a character being politically incorrect. The plot and characters do not necessarily reflect my own views and so if you are horribly offended by what's coming out a characters mouth/mind or their actions, that's fine. Also, whatever trials my characters go through, or opinions expressed, or conclusions that are come to, and however much they do or don’t reflect what I think myself, they are not statements or messages of what I think other people should or shouldn’t think/believe/do/be. There is no inherent meaning in any of the overall stories I write. They are simply imagined scenarios of imagined people in an imagined world, that I am throwing out there for perusal. Everyone is going to think or feel differently about different things. You’re more than welcome to your opinion. That’s right people, I’m defending your right to get butthurt. But I’m also defending your right not to give a crap about someone else’s butthurt. Or alternatively to get butthurt about someone getting butthurt. What a wonderful world we live in! |