Poll: Who do you think is Kira in "Speechless"? - Chapter 20 Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Death Note, and Naruto. Hello! The name is Sjezza. It is as good as my second name by now. Age: 18 Country: Holland English skills: Average. My reading skills are above the average dutch girl (I hope) but my writing still needs some improvement. Hence the writing (and because it is fun of course). Likes: I don't hate things quickly, because I always try to keep an open mind. I like Fantasy books (Let's escape the reality for a moment :D) Harry Potter (Yeah, Magic :D) Death Note (My current obsession), Naruto (Go ninja's!), Harry Potter, Avatar: TLA, Assassins Creed. This also include crossovers between my obsessions. writing, drawing, and nearly everything else that involves the computer. I'm a internet (fanfiction) addict by now. Dislikes: Homework, writers blocks, unfinished awesome stories, homework, people who can eat whatever they want whole the time and don't gain any weight (call it jealousy ;), homework, writersblocks, and have I already mentioned homework? Pairings: I'm not very difficult with that. I like nearly everything as long it isn't too stange. I don't mind Yaoi-pairings, but I'm not a fan of it either. I don't care as long as it is a good story, meaning it has a good plot and urges me to read on. As long as the progress is realistic, the age difference is not creepy and no strange combinations. I love suspense by the way. Pure romance and that kind of stuff doesn't interest me that much for a story, so I won't easily start reading a story pure for that reason only. Sites: Deviantart: I got DevaintArt by the way. I'm OBSESSED with it at the moment and like making fan-comic like art about Death Note that I put on here, so if you want to add me as friend, you please do!. I don't have that many friends.XD. You will also find any fanart that has been made for my stories in my faves. :3 Link: -- Deviantart, click here Fanart! I have got Fanart! Yay! Take a look at what these awesome reader's of mine have drawn for me! I love every one of them! Common take a look if you are interested! (I know you are smirkish grin) Speechless: 1. Omg! :D I got my very first! fan art! Super Goat Grl was so incredibly nice to make me some! I love it! No other explanation needed. glomps Here -- Light and Shiori x-x-x 2: *Squeel* Another fanart! Totally took me by surprise! Thanks to Loves-Chihuahuas on Deviantart for making these awesome drawings of various scene's thoughout the story! Check it out here -- Various Main Scenes x-x-x 3. I actually recieved a comic this time! :D Thanks to Xinghu on Deviantart for making this awesome comic that is exactly as I imagined it in my head! It is from when Light gets his shiver when L is pushing him about it in his hotelroom. Click here please! -- Manga Page x-x-x 4. Rivalry between Light and L is a link to a very funny interaction between Light and L concerning my fic Speechless. Thanks to Blanket-light on deviantart! I love L's hair in this one btw! x-x-x !! I love Fanart :3 If you want to see it all in one go, go to my faves and look into the right folder :D Beta's and honours: Last, I would give some credit to my Beta's Ice among Fire, Super Goat Grl, and Vindella (WolverineX-Men Fanfic Contest) for Beta-ing, and helping to improve my stories. I also want to thank Super Goat Grl, Loves-Chihuahuas and Xinghu and Blanket-Light for their awsome fanart! :D So... come on and read my stories ... I know you want to! :P |
baka coconut (15) Blueowl (16) | Dreamyin (14) Nilah Dante (1) | Nilahxapiel (33) Nokturnal Augury (5) |