Author has written 17 stories for NCIS, Death Note, Batman, NCIS: Los Angeles, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, and Young Justice.
Reasons as to why you are here:-
1- Lost
2- I read and reviewed your story
3- You're bored
I hate to read and write
Yet I find myself doing it all day and night
Weird as it sounds
I enjoy every story's ups and downs
With the twisted plots
The crazy thoughts
The weird and sexy fluffy smuts
The most I’ve been addicted to is fanfiction dot net
Spending my life there is so damn worth it!
Why don’t you give it a try?
You’ll definitely love and enjoy it!
yes me wrote this out of bordem lol
Name: Nightwinggurl
Birthdate: 20th October
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: I see it black but my bestie insists it's dark brown!
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Innie or Outtie: Innie
The shoes you wore today: Barefoot coz I've been home all day.
Your eyes: People say they're small -_-“ lol
Your weakness: cooking, I suck at it.
Your fears: Fire!
One thing you'd like to achieve: umm….Sanity!
Your most overused phrase: Shit! Okaaaaay(inzaaaaaain) Damn it! WTF? O_o
Your first thoughts waking up: is it the next day already? Damn it! I need more sleeeeeeeeeep!
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Hair, it’s all about the hair baby!
Your best physical feature: My smile.
Your bedtime: I sleep when I'm tired.
Your greatest accomplishment: Getting this far in life, I guess…
Pepsi or coke: None, I don't drink soft drinks. Seriously.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group dates: Group date, the more the merrier
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
Bras or Panties: Is this a trick question?
Adidas or Nike: Adidas.
Smoke: Nope. (I tried it a couple of times, though I never seem to get the hang of it, so me gave it up. It's bad for health anywayz)
Have a crush(es): I can make a list. My bestie groans and hates it when the list grows...
Do you think you've been in love: Nope. I don't think so, I am sure so.
Want to go to college: Went there, done that.
Like high school: Naah. Word for it is HATE! And im glad im outta there.
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: This is me typing on the right keys.
Believe in yourself: Not really, but I try to...
Get motion sickness: No. I only seem to get them when in Japan though.
Think you're attractive: I need to believe in myself to answer this question right?
Think you're a health freak: naah.
Get along with your parents: Yeah.
Like thunderstorms: oh yea!
Go to the mall: yeah.
Eaten sushi: Nope.
Been on stage: no.
Gone skating: I can't skate
Made homemade cookies: I don’t know how to make them and will never even try.
Been in love: no.
Dyed your hair: Nah.
Missed school because it was raining: Who never did?!
Told a guy/girl that you liked them: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: ... maybe
Been on stage: yea, once or twice, though I get stage fright. No fun.
Cut your hair: Me plus scissors equal disaster
Had crush on a teacher: Now that I think of it, even though I had handsome teachers, I never really did have a crush on them. I really do hate teachers.
Flown on a plane: Yes
Cried during a Movie: Yes. I'm human. And sensitive.
Ever thought an animated character was hot: Of course. I can make a list as well.
Age you hope to be married: I don't want to get married
Numbers and Names of Children : Zero. No kids. Why bring more kids to this cruel world?!
What do you want to be when you grow up: Oh but I am grown up... but if we are talking more in the future, then I'd say, dead.
What country would you most like to visit: Japan
Best eye/hair color: black.
Short or long hair: depends, some guys look good in short hair and vice-versa, you know what I mean right?
Best height: Taller than me.
Best weight:In between
Best first date location: For me I like anywhere indoors
Best first kiss location: well, surrounded by four walls, as long as its not in public
Number of boyfriends you've had: One
Number of drugs taken illegally: I don’t do drugs
Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
Number of piercings: I’ve got earrings.
Number of tattoos: Zero.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Twice. International and Secondary school graduation.
Number of things in my past that I regret: uncountable.
Fav Color: Blue.
Day/Night: Day.
Shampoo: L'oreal
Summer/Winter: Summer.
Fave Cartoon Character: Dick Grayson and Wally West from Young Justice
Fave Food: Pizza
Fave Movies: payback, clueless, pirates of the Caribbean
Fave sport: Basketball
Fave sports stars: None
Name: Do you mean I get to change my name?
Wearing: PJ’s
Drinking: Nothing?
Thinking about: updating one of my stories asap.
Listening to: … silence….
Worn jeans: no.
Cried: nope.
Met someone new online: no.
Done laundry: nope.
Drove a car: yes…no.. was that yesterday? Or today, ah I have a bad memory so I'm not sure.
Talked on the phone: nope.
Yourself: Yes.
Your friends: Yes
Santa Claus: Yes! However I still haven't made it to the 'nice' list
Tooth Fairy: No!
Destiny/Fate: Yes.
Angels: My angels are always watching over me.
Ghosts: Yeah.
UFO's: No
God: Yes
Do you ever wish you had another name: No I love my name.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope. And I am content.
Do you like anyone: Yes, myself.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: All of us are different.
Who have you known the longest of your friends: My bestie
Are you close to any family member: not really I keep my distance, it’s better that way, .
Who do you hang around the most: Me, myself and I
When have you cried the most: …I honestly don't remember….
What's the best feeling in the world: Drinking hot chocolate….
Worst Feeling: Being a failure.
If you are a slight and/or complete Death Note junkie, paste this in your profile.
If you are a yaoi fan/fangirl/fanboy , paste this in your profile.
If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this onto your profile
If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vice versa copy this into your profile
If reality continues to ruin your life, copy and paste this into your profile.