Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett, head of the Governor's task force known as 5-0, and his partner, Detective Danny Williams, found themselves pinned down behind some shipping crates on the docks. The two men were blocking the exit of those shooting in their direction but there was no way that Steve and Danny could retreat either without getting shot as there just wasn't enough cover.
They had needed to speak to David Kehoe in connection with some home invasions. It wasn't that they thought he was part of it but his brother, Jon, appeared to be. 5-0 hadn't been able to locate Jon and had been hoping that David would be able to tell them where he was. David had no criminal record and appeared to be a good man who just happened to have a brother that might not be so good. They had found out that David worked down at the docks and had decided to go and speak to him.
Unfortunately for Steve and Danny the man was not as good as they had been led to believe which led to their current situation. Clearly the people working on the docks, including David, were either involved in the home invasions or something else dodgy since the moment the two 5-0 team members were spotted guns were drawn and a hail of bullets came flying in their direction.
"Routine enquiry, no back up required, you said!" Danny shouted to his partner as shots ricocheted off the crates around him, splintering the wood.
"How was I supposed to know that they'd take one look at us and open fire?" exclaimed Steve, popping up over the crate he was sheltering behind on the opposite side of the dock to Danny and returning fire before ducking for cover again.
"Huh, maybe I shouldn't have expected you to know but I probably should have! Going anywhere with you usually ends with gunfire. Let's face it where you're concerned there is no such thing as a routine enquiry!"
"Seriously? You wanna get into this now? This can't wait till after we've got the situation under control?"
"Fine, but don't think this is the end of this conversation!" Danny pulled out his phone and pressed speed dial #3, "Chin, get back up to slip 9 at the docks, we're pinned down by six…" he paused as he heard a cry as one of Steve's shots found it's mark, "make that five armed men!" He closed his phone and turned his attention back to the hostile men trying to put a bullet in him and his partner. "They're on their way!"
"Copy that!" Steve once again ducked low to avoid another volley of bullets fired his way.
Taking the opportunity afforded to him because they had their attention focused on the threat that was his partner, Danny raised himself up and fired off some shots of his own taking out another of the men. The odds were still against them but they were more favourable than before and since he had Steve 'Super SEAL' McGarrett really they were practically even now. Steve was a lethal weapon in his own right.
In the distance they could hear sirens. Back up was almost with them. All they needed to do was hold out. Neither Steve nor Danny had seen that there was a man up in the small crane used to move the heavier of the crates.
Steve McGarrett watched in absolute horror as his partner took a shot to the chest and toppled to the ground landing on his side and facing away from him. The SEAL responded immediately by eliminating the threat before turning his attention to his partner. He knew there was no way he could get across to check on him. There were still at least four men out there firing in their direction, the gap from where he was to where Danny lay was too large. He would be no good to Danny if he got shot as well.
"Danny!" Steve's heart was in his mouth, "Danno! Come on man answer me!" There was no movement and it looked like his partner, the man who had become a brother to him, was dead.