That Money Problem:
So this has happened to me way too many times. Basically, you forgot your money for the canteen. (Let's just say Keystone threw in some money charges.)
Which means no lunch. Or recess. And that's a bad thing for a speedster.
The bell rung for recess, relieving Wally of the lecture that was about to arise from the teacher. Not his fault he didn't do the homework- he was kind of stuck in some mission for the entire night and was drained of his energy. He had had barely any sleep and was eager for food to recharge him.
He basically ran to his locker to shove his books in. His hands went down to his back pockets to hunt for any coins.
His hands searched frantically through all of his pockets and even his locker and he began freaking out. No, no, no! This was not happening again!
He quickly grabbed out his phone, texting Barry quickly.
-I didn't grab the lunch money off the table! No food!-
His stomach growled and he groaned in response. His friend, Jake, walked up just as Wally was about to search through his pockets again.
"Hey man," Jake grinned, leaning against the lockers beside him.
"Hey Jake. I know this is pretty rude, but do you have any lunch money?" Wally hated asking for things, but he was already low on energy and if he ignored his hunger for too long he had the chance of blacking out like he did last time. That was not a fun day.
Jake, unfortunately, shook his head. "Sorry, Wally."
"It's cool," Wally shrugged, begging that Barry would somehow manage to whisk him the money. His stomach growled and Jake laughed, "It's amazing that you're not the size of an elephant. Dude, your stomach grumbles basically every minute and you practically eat the same as an elephant!" Wally laughed along with Jake, because yeah, to anyone else it'd be pretty funny that he had a fast metabolism. They just didn't realize how fast.
He sighed, talking to Jake for the rest of the break. He tried to ignore his stomach, which was becoming incredibly hard since it was basically louder than a lions roar on a megaphone. And it was beginning to hurt.
'Come on Uncle B' Wally thought, checking his phone again before heading into fourth period. There was still no reply and Wally could almost see black creeping into his vision. At this rate, he wouldn't make it past lunch.
And the worst bit was that usually, he could be okay with these types of situations until the end of the day. He would just run home at the fastest speed he could manage and grab his food from wherever. But he usually wasn't this tired or exhausted, and the exhaustion was really taking a toll. He couldn't pay attention to the words being thrown around in the classroom, as everything seemed to become muffled.
So. Not. Whelmed.
Whelmed… Dick! Being a fricken bat, surely the ninja could help?
Placing his phone strategically in his book, he began texting the young ninja.
-Need help. Running on below empty-
He didn't need to wait long for a reply.
-Uh, isn't it nearly lunchtime?-
Wally frowned, looking up at the clock which was moving agonizingly slow. He was beginning to suspect it wasn't even moving. No way was it nearly lunchtime. Not for him.
-No…. Not for me anyway. I haven't got money or food and I'm so not having a repeat of The-Other-Day-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named-
Wally quickly looked up, seeing questions magically appear on the board. With time moving slowly, it was a wonder how the teacher managed to write them down so fast. He managed to complete them just in time for a reply.
-And what am I supposed to do, exactly?-Wally thought about this, but realized he shouldn't be the one thinking.
-You're a fricken bat. Figure it out before I collapse-
A reply didn't come through and Wally huffed, his body feeling much heavier than usual. He knew he was probably on the brink of fainting as his vision doubled slightly.
"Wally, can you stay behind please?"
Oh goddamnit, no way was this happening!
Wally turned slightly, trying to remain steady. "You weren't paying attention in class today. This isn't unusual for you, of course, but you seem to be- Wally, are you alright?"
Wally realized he had slumped against the doorframe. He managed a weak smile, "Just fine, Mr. Cornwall. I just might need to get some painkillers from the office."
More like 500 donuts.
Phillip Cornwall let Wally go, sighing as he ushered the teen out. The teen was basically swaying on his feet and walking like a drunkard.
Wally only barely noticed the small vibration coming from his pocket, and he checked his phone as he collapsed against the locker.
-Look up-
And Wally did, only to be met with familiar blue eyes.
Dick's eyes.
Wally managed a weak smile at the crazy boy's antics as he flipped off the locker. "I'm amazed a teacher didn't catch you," Wally muttered, managing to clumsily shove his books in his locker. He could fix them up later when he wasn't on the brink of fainting. He turned, blinking off the black spots behind his vision. Wally then noticed the yellow slip the boy held. And a yellow slip meant 'out-of-this-hell-hole-because-a-guardian-has-signed-you-out'.
Dick grinned, "You, me, and Chicken Whizees." He threw a candy bar at Wally, who smiled and chomped down on it. He immediately felt better, the black spots disappearing. "Thanks dude," Wally grinned, grabbing his bag. Dick classically laughed, disappearing when Wally turned. He sighed, looking down at the candy bar which had been thrown at his feet.
Yeah, Chicken Whizees sounded good. Especially with a billionaires ward paying for it.
Ayyye! Finally posted this! Sadly, I don't have Dick to give me Chicken Whizee's, but I do have friends to scab off, haha.
….I can't be the only one like this, haha.
Review and whatever! ^^
Kayla :D