Reviews for Wally's Justice
Guest chapter 25 . 7/8
This is my 4th time reading this story. Every time I hope you will have added anther chapter. You are an amazing writer and I hope you update soon.
AlterMz chapter 25 . 7/4
This is far too great. A more than excellent work. It's just amazing and I have to say thank you so much for gave this to the world.
Nightwing Gurl chapter 25 . 6/19
Oh wow... this story is amazing! So much feels! Emotions are flowing.. poor Wally! You are doing an amazing job! I really hope there is a chapter coming up soon. Please update!
hermitcrabs chapter 8 . 5/11
I LOVE the Tell Take Heart reference in this chapter. And this chapter a gorgeous.
PrincessBloodBlossom chapter 25 . 2/6
Please update soon, it’s been years! This is a really good story and it really can’t wait to see what happens next! P. S. After those two weeks are up early do you think that he should like live on his own for a While, So he can process everything that’s happened without anybody trying to psychoanalyze him or smother him with concern or judge him and he can repair his relationship with his uncle on his own time instead of somebody else’s schedule!
zephyr hb chapter 25 . 1/14
Hi. I just wanted to say that this fic is great. The complex relation and the evolution of each character is just really well done. So thank you and i hope to read the net chapter when its ready
Guest chapter 25 . 11/24/2019
you made me cry
RemyTheHero chapter 25 . 11/15/2019
Ive been reading this for the last few days and now Im all over the place bc wHaT dO yOu mEaN thIs iS tHe lAsT cHaP fOr nOw

I cant wait to see more lol
WazupRose chapter 25 . 7/12/2019
This story is so great! It’s brutally realistic, but that’s part of what makes it so interesting. I also really like your writing style. It flows well and is very mature. I hope you’re able to update sometime soon, and that life is going well for you!
Desaid chapter 25 . 4/25/2019
Come back please ToT
I need you.
UmbreonGirl chapter 25 . 4/15/2019
This is a really good story! I know it’s been forever since you posted but I just wanted to say I like it!
sam chapter 25 . 2/10/2019
this is brilliant- you really tackled domestic abuse and its effects on wally, really well.
Guest chapter 25 . 10/9/2018
Bruh. Wally is so numb right now. The way you write what he's feeling is crazy good. Can't wait for an update bc you're saying that it's going to get better, but my boy Wally is going to have to work hard to make things better. Don't even know how you're going to make things get better. Surprise me with your story. #letwallybehappy
pfeifnic88 chapter 25 . 9/26/2018
Hey! I know it's been a long time since you've updated but I just wanted to let you know that I love your story and I think you've done an amazing job capturing Wally's emotion stress and I would love to see you finish this one day!
ProcrastinationQueen99 chapter 25 . 8/5/2018
I doubt I'm the only one who would like to see what happens next. Please, please, please continue. It feels like you're just getting to the best bit.
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