Epilogue 2:

Link and Midna relaxed in each other's arms on the balcony, just dreamily watching the sky together.

Suddenly a familiar "whooshing" sound catches their attention, as they look over and spot the Tardis materializing near the door. From inside the Tardis exits two people Link and Midna do not recognize.

A thin male in a long, brown coat with gorgeous spiked hair and bizarre shoes. The other a blond woman with what appeared to be a flag of sorts on her shirt.

The man spoke to Link and Midna. "Oh! Hello there! Sorry to pop in on you like this. I'm the Doctor and this is Rose. We're just a bit lost and were hoping you could tell us where we are."

"Uhhhhhhhhhh….." was all the two could manage to get out.

Author's notes: Hey, thanks to everyone for sticking with this story to the end. I'm sorry if it got a little slow and corny at parts but I do hope you all enjoyed it. I'm honestly not sure why I decided to write a Doctor Who/Twilight Princess crossover. I think it was just something that happened. One summer I got really into Doctor Who and had beaten Twilight Princess and suddenly thought "I wonder…". Or maybe I just wanted Link and Midna to get back together and the Doctor seems good at fixing relationships (and I imagine he could totally sympathize with the whole "Dimensional Separation of Lovers" thing).

If anyone wants to write a story based on this feel free, just make sure to send me a link because I would love to read someone else's work.

And as always don't hesitate to post your thoughts about this story because I always appreciate feedback, positive or negative. Thanks again!