Reviews for Into The Dark
Iron Rock man chapter 26 . 6/24

¡Sigue leyendo! ¡O morirás, incluso si solo miras la palabra advertencia!

Una vez que hubo una niña llamada Clarissa, tenía 10 años y vive en un hospital psiquiátrico porque mató a su madre y a su padre. Se puso tan mal que fue a matar a todo el personal del hospital, por lo que el gobierno de Más decidió que la mejor idea era deshacerse de ella, por lo que establecieron una habitación especial para matarla, lo más humana posible, pero salió mal. la máquina que estaban usando salió mal. Y ella permaneció allí en agonía durante horas hasta que murió.

Ahora, cada semana, el día de su muerte, regresa con la persona que leyó esta carta, un lunes por la noche a las 12:00 a.m. Ella se arrastra sigilosamente a tu habitación y te mata lentamente, cortándote y mirándote desangrarte. Ahora envíe esto a otras diez imágenes en el sitio, y ella perseguirá a alguien más que no lo haga.

Esto no es falso, aparentemente, si copia y pega esto en diez comentarios en los próximos diez minutos, tendrá el mejor día de su vida, mañana ... perdon
ripwade chapter 26 . 6/7
Man. I check in on this fic every year or so and each time I'm pleasantly surprised with a chapter.

Inky, your story has held my background attention longer than anything else on the internet by far. Just thought I'd mention that. I don't even have the email associated with my FF account anymore and I still remember to come back. Keep the chapters coming - slowly, but surely :)
Batvan chapter 26 . 6/7
Hold the phone. Just remembered my FF password.

Scrolled back through the reviews to see if I've commented before and... wow. I started reading this in middle school and I'm now several years into college. That's incredible to think about, and proves that this fic is really something special. Keep on doing what you're doing! :D
somas35 chapter 26 . 5/22
Ya know those rare fanfics that are so good they could be made a book? I think this is one of those, you've done an amazing job with this, and I look forward to whatever comes next
Justnaomi chapter 1 . 5/6
Yasssss love this story! I read it like 2 years ago for the first time and kinda forgot about because it took a while to be updated, but now I found it again and I really need a new chapter. Please update soon3
Guest chapter 26 . 4/22
I ended up rereading the sorry after I saw this chapter’s update. I’m pretty sure the tracker happened when Danny was clipped by the silver sedan, and the person scratched them with their ring helping him up. Thinking that must be it!
Guest chapter 26 . 4/18
Can’t wait for the next update :)
spinshivers chapter 26 . 4/10
Thank you for this exciting chapter! :D I didn't realize it'd been updated at first - for some reason I didn't receive the email notification (and I'd thought I'd followed the story already?) but man this story's often what I think about whenever I venture into the Danny Phantom/Teen Titans archive.

I know you said it's a slow burn, and over the earlier chapters I could definitely tell that it was. But it's got a nice, meandering atmosphere to it, one that really brings out the complicated relationships between the characters, while most fics here tend to focus on the action. I appreciate the way you write the former a lot, especially the ones between Danny and Vlad, Robin and Jace as well. 3

This chapter has me thinking about his relationship with Vlad, especially. I can't really put a name to it, but the way Vlad reacted in the car ride after Danny skips school has me nervous, like he seems to almost cross the abusive line. Or perhaps that's because I'm reading it from the perspective of Danny? At any rate, his mix of confusion-fear was evident, and really made me feel for him as a character.

The other thing I loved was Danny's very teenager-ish reactions to what's happening around him, like when he makes his not so smart decisions to follow Jace around, or approach Spectra like he had. Super excited to see how the stealing goes down rofl, I can sense things really building up with Richard getting tipped off about the HIVE and Amina ending things with Jace over it.

Thanks again for writing such compelling and human characters. :) I get prioritising IRL responsibilities, so honestly there's no rush. However long it takes there'll definitely be readers waiting. Hope you take care of yourself!
Fencer22 chapter 9 . 2/19
To much painful awkward for me. But really that just means your doing the premise justice. Not for me but really well done regardless.
Asilla chapter 26 . 2/12
It's so good to see that you're back! I love this story and I love the direction it's going. I'm excited that the action is starting to pick up now. I can't recall when the tracker was put into Danny, any clues?

Thanks for the update and for not abandoning this fic!
Blitza chapter 26 . 2/12
He got the tracker when the car clipped him right.
angelwings2400 chapter 26 . 2/11
I'm always excited when you post a new chapter! Sometimes I have to reread the last one to know what's going on. I am really looking forward to another meeting with Robin/other teen titans and Danny! Also looking forward to the reveal that Spectra is a ghost. I wonder how Danny will deal with that since it's been ages since he left Amity Park and had to deal with ghosts literally every day. Does he even still have a thermos? Anyway looking forward to the next chapter!
ghost squidney chapter 26 . 2/10
Wow! What an update. Really love this fic.

I don’t trust you Vlad, you ARE a fruit loop.

I really wish everyone would just actually TALK to Danny, instead of just ignoring him. This kid needs help. I really like Jace too, and Mina. Great characters.

Thank you!
Silver Crossbow chapter 26 . 2/10
When I got the notification for this chapter it was like I was thrown back into early high school (for reference I’m graduating from college in April). I love this story so much and I was so excited to see an update! I’ve grown up reading this and it holds a special place in my heart.

I love how you’ve laid the groundwork for the story and took the time to set everything up, now things can really start rolling! Your writing in this chapter is top notch, like always :) I love seeing Danny having realistic reactions to everything that’s been going on in his life, but especially with his friend. It’d be hard watching a friend go down the wrong path in normal circumstances but it’s probably going to be especially hard for an ex hero watching a friend get roped into villainy.

I also loved seeing Richard again. Danny and his cliff side talks brings some stability to Danny’s very unstable home life. I look forward to the day where both their hero identities are made known to the other.

I do wish that Danny and Jazz has a conversation about the wedding after the engagement was announced but I can understand why it wasn’t included. Also, is Jazz throwing herself into her studies as a way to cope with the death of her dad? If so, that is such a good character choice for her. I love it.

I look forward to the next update! But don’t kill yourself to get it out. Working full time and going to school full time is one of the hardest things to do. Just remember that you got this!

Death of Snipers chapter 26 . 2/10
I hope Danny thinks to page Richard. He may not trust Vlad enough to explain, but a little backup would be nice.
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