Author has written 20 stories for Super Robot Monkey Team, American Dragon: Jake Long, Warriors, Animorphs, CSI, Avatar: Last Airbender, Last Unicorn, Pokémon, Inkheart, Harry Potter, Naruto, 9, Despicable Me, X-Men: Evolution, Bolt, Avengers, and Big Hero 6.
Penname: Nova Bucker
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Blood Status: 3/4 Blood
Wand: 11 1/2 inches, Ebony, Dragon Heartstring, Unyielding/Rigid
My Favorite Fandoms: Too many to mention, but among them are Animorphs, Bolt(the Disney movie from 2008) Pokemon, Naruto, Glee, Harry Potter, X-Men, Young Justice, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Kung Fu Panda(it's really hard to find decent fics of this one, much less ones that I like) Afterschool Charisma(to those unfamiliar with it, it's a manga) and Sherlock Holmes(all incarnations, BBC, movies, the books, whatever has Sherlock stamped on it) to name a few.
My Current Obsessions:
-MCU (no AoU or Civil War b/c those were stupid)
-StrangeCloak (MCU!Doctor Strange/Cloak of Levitation ship to end all ships! WUTWUT)
-Calladashi (and also a secret OT3 with an crossovered still mysterious character no spoilers)
-Gravity Falls
-Stancest (SPOILER: yeah I ship Stanley & Stanford together, you got a problem with that? FITE ME BITCH!)
-Fiddlestans (THe only ship I love more than Stancest is Stancest PLUS Fiddleford Mcgucket, my HAPPY broken old men OT3)
-Zevran/Male Warden(Original OC, any of the male origins, ZEVRAN FOR THE WIN!)
-Criminal Minds (TV show, fanfics, fanarts, GIMME ALL!)
-Spencer Reid (from Criminal Minds) the creator originally conceptualized him a Bisexual, and even tweeted about it, I disagree with part of the tweet, Bisexual indicates capability of attraction to both sexes, therefore just because we have seen him have crushes on females does not automatically mean he's still not Bi, I mean does every person (regardless of sexuality) see random people and feel immediate attraction to every SINGLE one? Not normally at least. Spencer Reid is Bi, was conceptualized as Bi, and no-one can tell me otherwise and I will treat him as such (and the homophobic assholes/groups can go shove their narrowminded shit back up the hole it came from).
-Johnlock (Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, any and every incarnation, for reasons why I don't like BBC!Mary Morstan can read this: "http:///post/77968156703/ive-been-meaning-to-write-this-post-for-awhile-i" which sums up my thoughts about Mary's character in a nutshell and why I liked her at first before things just piled up [all before she shot Sherlock, and no she didn't call the ambulance, Magnussen did, youtube it if you like]; I liked her at first and I love her actress (she's really good) but as some reformed-and-on-the-side-of-the-angels bullshit? Sorry, I'd rather go watch ScarJo!Natasha Romanoff, she actually pulls it off better.
-Myrstrade (Gregory "Greg" Lestrade/Myrcroft Holmes)
-Cole (from Dragon Age Inquisition, he is the CUTEST bae EVER!)
-Kingsman: Secret Service (fanfics, fanarts, EVERYTHING) but especially things with either of these two pairings: Gary "Eggsy" Unwin/Harry Hart[Galahad] (AKA: Hartwin) or Gary "Eggsy" Unwin/Harry Hart[Galahad]/Merlin
-Thilbo Bagginshield (Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins from LOTR)
- Kurtofsky(Kurt Hummel/David "Dave" Karofsky from 'Glee') fanfics/fanart (hoping when I actually get back to writing I could write them one day... Dreams are nice... Drools over Kurofsky sexiness X3
-Kaburagi T. Kotetsu(Wild Tiger)/Barnaby Brooks Jr.(Bunny) fanfics and fanarts because they're so adorable and the cutest things EVER! :D
-Tiger & Bunny Anime/Manga (damnit Viz Media, translate FASTER!)
-Benjamin "Ben" Kirby Tennyson/Reinrassig"Reiny" the Third fanfics(very rare :( sadly)/fanarts)
-Benjamin "Ben" Kirby Tennyson/Rook Blonko fanfics (only slightly less rare than Ben/Reiny)
-Kirk/Spock(Original and Abrams-verse) slash fics/art/whatever
-McSpirk (Original and Abrams-verse) slash fics/art/whatever, which is short for Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock/James "Jim" T. Kirk, b/c Bones needs some love too
-trying to find American Horror Story(Season 1-Murder House) fanfics/art, centered or focused on Chad Warwick(played by Zachary Quinto) b/c he's my favorite (fics of him are SOOOOOOOO hard to find, much less people who are still updating them or even it the fics are any good)
-drawing my characters
-writing my fanfics
-Playing/Collecting 'Magic: The Gathering' (cardgame)
-Playing Mass Effect (Doesn't matter which, I just like playing them, except the ending/s to ME3, which were crap)
-Playing Dragon Age
-Dragon Age fanfics that have one/some/all of these pairings: Varric/Mage MHawke, Fenris/Anders, Templar!Carver/Merrill, Sebastian/Bethany, Aveline/Donnic, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus (b/c they're AMAZING together and FUCKING CANON, YEAAAAAH!!)
-finding a decent fanfic that stars lesser known characters of the X-Men universe, in particular I'm looking for Christian Frost or Ruth Eisenhardt/Lehnsherr, because damn it hard to find anything about them
-CharlesErik, ErikCharles, Cherik, ProfessorXMagneto fanfics/fanarts
-decent crossover fanfics(good golly gee these are hard to find)
Updating/Story Status: (I just moved across the country and there is no internet where I live yet so, carrying on) Also, now, ONWARD!
'Distorted Horizons' MASTERLIST (will be crossposted on under my other penname 'Markala,' will have several series' within the bigger/all-encompassing series to keep organized; note that the series' within this series don't need to be read in any particular order; many things are subject to change and it's basically one big fusion/crossover universe and the overlap will actually be pretty confusing for those not reading this on Ao3 [get a clue ! Make a series system!]) I'm actually considering just moving to Ao3 if only b/c at least Ao3 doesn't delete your fics b/c of 'explicit content' or whatever-the-hell it considers 'explicit content,' I swear if deletes one of my stories even once I'm just hauling everything over to Ao3 and'll be done with it. Will there be porny bits in the series: Someday, depending on pairings I establish & when I feel I can actually write decent enough porn to publish it.
-Life Is Strange and the Kids Aren't Fucking Alright= [Life is Strange] Your choices WILL MATTER they said, you HAVE choices they said, I WENT THROUGH ALL THAT EMOTIONAL BULLSHIT FOR (spoilers) THIS? WTF DONTNOD, WTF. I'm gonna go cry in the corner now.
Nowhere Road
-Nurtured By Nature [formerly titled 'Wolfshund Days']= chapter 3 is about 1/3 of the way done (without editing)
Barking at the Moon (this sub-series title is pending, it'll kind of overlap all over the place so I'm not really sure where to put this; this is just a placeholder)
-Barking at the Moon = [Bolt(Disney, 2008) & multi-background/not-so-background crossover sometimes in the future] chapter 1 is 50-65% done, various stages of editing also in progress
Big Damn Heroes
-Things We Lost in the Fire = [Big Hero 6 (Disney, 2014) & a secret crossover] chapter 2 is 1/2 through 1st draft
More Than the Sum of Our Circumstances
-Borrowing Days = [The Incredible Hulk (MCU, 2008)]prologue is up, chapter 1 hasn't been started
Despicably We
-Of Lone Equines and Stray Felines (formerly titled: Despicably Me)= [Despicable Me (Illumination Entertainment, 2010)]this fic is undergoing some major reconstruction/editing (this is one of my favorite fics as well as the MOST salvageable of my older fics, I will get around to this again guys and gals) and yes, I have decided to move it into my 'Distorted Horizons' universe(the reconstructed version not the old version)
"Still water does not mean there are no crocodiles."
-unknown (to me at least. -_-; I read this somewhere in the 'Animorphs' though... Heh, heh... -_-;)
"Nerds are cool, nerds are smart, nerds are not necessarily dorks, I am a nerd, I'm F#ckin proud of it, one day nerds will rule the earth! MwahahAHAH!!"
"Two roads are diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that made all the difference."
-Robert Frost
"Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads."
-Erica Jong
"They say that the early bird gets the worm... But who the hell eats worms?"
-My Dad (May he rest in peace)
"Let's do it."
- Rachel Berenson from Animorphs by K.A. Applegate