
Yes, I'm starting a new story. Mostly because I was struck by inspiration and it refused to stay in my head. This does not mean that Phantom Nightmare is being put on hold any more than it already was (not at all, in other words). However, my Internet connection is being unpredictable, and I am absolutely swamped with homework.

I do not own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter. This story, however, is all mine.


Prologue part One

One year ago, the Earth was almost destroyed when a gigantic asteroid, nicknamed the "Disasteriod", unexpectedly changed its orbit and hurtled directly toward the third planet orbiting Sol. Just when it seemed that all was lost, Vlad Masters, billionaire and mayor of Amity Park, revealed that he was a half ghost, and offered to make the Disasteriod intangible if the leaders of the world would sign all of their power over to him.

Faced with no other option, the world leaders complied with this ridiculous demand, and Vlad Plasmius set off to save the world. However, he discovered that the Disasteriod was made of Ectoranium, a mineral that no ghost can touch; Vlad was no exception. The villain was left out in space, exiled from the entire planet with no way back, no safe haven.

With all hope lost, Daniel Fenton, another half ghost, decided that he would save the world. Vlad had hit on the answer, he felt, but with the asteroid made of Ectoranium, it was clear to the young man that it was the Earth that had to become intangible! So the young hero went into the Ghost Zone to recruit allies. Initially, none would help him, and all were upset because the Zone had become very crowded by the ghosts fleeing into it to escape the destruction of Earth.

However, when Danny explained that when Earth was destroyed, the Ghost Zone would go along with it, the ghosts were quick to change their tune. Even an entire dimension of ghosts would not be enough to make a planet intangible, but Danny's longtime friend, Tucker Foley, solved that problem. The solution was simple, he claimed, all that need be done was to make a device that would encircle the planet and transfer intangibility throughout everything.

The teens' plan was enacted just in time; the Earth became intangible just as the Disasteriod reached it, and the world was saved. Now that everyone knew of the existence of half ghosts, and the world as a whole hailed Danny Phantom as a hero, the young man felt that he could safely reveal his true identity to everyone on Earth, most importantly, his parents.


Everyone knows this story, of course; it happened a year ago, and history teachers the world over have drilled it into student's heads as "history in the making". What happens after is no mystery, either, as news crews have followed Danny Phantom everywhere. The young man got no privacy after revealing himself to the world!

At school, his Phan Club follows him relentlessly, even a year after the big revelation, and his girlfriend, Sam Manson, has been the target of many a verbal attack as more popular girls attempted to steal the coveted place by his side. His teachers are forced to make allowances so that he can get his work done and keep the world safe at the same time.

Even ghost hunters have changed their views about him! Well, some of them. His parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, no longer chase after him. The Red Huntress has gone from hunting him to helping him. The Guys in White are forced to stand down where Phantom is involved, though they have been known to ask for his autograph after taking down dangerous ghosts such as Skulker, or Penelope Spectra.

The ghosts have not changed their behavior one bit. They still attack, and they still treat Phantom the same way that they always have. Or they would, if Amity Park's human ghost hunters had not stepped up their vigilance. The Guys in White have three teams permanently stationed in Amity to take care of ghost attacks during school hours and after curfew, so that the world hero can get a decent amount of sleep and do his school work.



Yeah, no plot or anything yet. Just…prologue. Of course, the prologue is important, too, even if it's not as engaging. I hope I didn't bore you people to pieces with it!