![]() Author has written 180 stories for Ninja Turtles. Hi everyone! I don't talk about myself much, but here's all you really need to know. My only fandom is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'm a writer exclusively; can't draw a straight line with a ruler, but I have wonderful friends who create amazing art for my stories and for me. I love them all. Most of the stories I write are based off the 2k3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series, one of the best cartoons ever aired in my humble opinion. I also write quite a bit for the 2k12 series, as well as dabbling in stories for other versions of the Turtles. To date I have written over 3.2 million words worth of TMNT fanfiction. I enjoy writing adventure, angst, drama, humor, love and a whole lot of stuff in-between. I do write some Turtlecest or TCest - brother loving brother - but as I know different people have different tastes, I always add a warning in my summaries. Psychological drama is my favorite and I do write stories that are MA rated, but I don't post those here. My very mature stories can be found on Archive of our Own or LiveJournal under the name 'hummerhouse'. Just like here. The art for all of my stories can be seen on AO3 as well. :) I do not write death fics nor do I read them. The only time I'll touch on death is when I'm writing a fic set in the 'Same As It Never Was' storyline, since there it is canon. Sorry folks, I don't do requests. I've barely enough time to write the myriad of ideas that are my own, much less those belonging to others. To date I have written 3,212,779 words of TMNT fanfiction and I'm not slowing down! There are currently 72 story ideas waiting in my 'bunny' stash. Thanks for reading and spending your valuable time with me! Links to other sites where my stories can be found: Archive of Our Own - hummerhouse Please read the tags, warnings, and summaries on my stories before diving into one. Competition Winning Stories: 2012 Adult Fan Fiction Awards Most Distinctive Don 4th Place - Lock the Door Most Literal Leo 2nd Place - Firestorm Raph vs. Leo (JF85) Most Riveting Raph Best Turtlecest Best Hetero Best Twist Most Thought Provoking 3rd Place - Deterioration Best Multi-Chapter Story and/or Alternate Universe Story 2013 TMNT FanFiction Competition Best Action/Adventure Best Donatello 2015 TMNT FanFiction Competition Best Michelangelo Best Leonardo 2014-15 TMNT Mature FanFiction Competition MATURE Category Best Portrayal of a Turtle Best Canon Ally Most Interesting OC Best Battle Sequences Best Lewd Comedy Best Romance Best Overall One Shot Best Overall Multi-Chapter EROTICA Category Sexiest Leonardo Sexiest Raphael Sexiest Donatello Sexiest Michelangelo Most Sensual Canon Character Most Lovable OC Spiciest Kink or Fetish Hottest Hetero Steamiest Slash Best Tcest Best Overall Erotic Fiction Universal TMNT Fanfiction Competition 2016 GENERAL Ballot Most In-Character Michelangelo MATURE Ballot Most Spot-On Portrayal of Leonardo Most Spot-On Portrayal of Raphael Most Spot-On Portrayal of Donatello Most Spot-On Portrayal of Michelangelo Most In-Character Portrayal of a Canon Ally Funniest Lewd Comedy EROTICA Ballot Sexiest Leonardo Sexiest Raphael Sexiest Donatello Sexiest Michelangelo Hottest Hetero Most Turtle-Tastic T-Cest TMNT Universal Reader's Choice Awards 2017 GENERAL Ballot Most Exciting Action/Adventure Most Interesting Original Character Best Romance MATURE Ballot Best Portrayal of a Turtle Best Portrayal of a Villain Most Interesting Original Character Most Exciting Action/Adventure Best Erotica Sexiest Leonardo Sexiest Raphael Most Sensual Canon Character Spiciest Kink or Fetish TMNT Universal Reader's Choice Awards 2018 GENERAL Ballot Most In-Character Donatello Most In-Character Michelangelo Most Exciting Action/Adventure Loveliest Romance MATURE Ballot Canon Fiction Hottest Hetero Most Promising WIP Most Interesting OC (Niccolo) Most Stunning One Shot/Drabbles Most Addictive Multi-Chapter Most Spot-On Portrayal of Michelangelo Best Erotica Sexiest Michelangelo Turtle-Tastic Tcest Spiciest Kink or Fetish Most Spot-On Portrayal of Leonardo Most Spot-On Portrayal of Donatello Sexiest Donatello Most Spot-On Portrayal of Raphael Most Interesting Dark Fiction Most Disturbing Horror Most Compelling AU Vilest Villain Sexiest Leonardo Most In-Character Portrayal of a Canon-Ally (Usagi) Best Romance Sexiest Raphael Steamiest Slash TMNT Adult Fanfiction Awards 2019 MATURE Category Best Canon Fiction Best Portrayal of a Turtle Best Portrayal of a Canon Ally/Villain Most Exciting Action/Adventure Funniest Lewd Comedy Best Romance EROTICA Cateogory Sexiest Leonardo Sexiest Donatello Most Sensual Canon Support Character Most Turtle-Tastic T-Cest |