Epilogue: Firefly Road

Story collaborated with and based on art by crabapplered. Please go and see the original artwork here: h t t p / c r a b a p p l e r e d . l i v e j o u r n a l . c o m / 9 8 6 5 1 . h t m l

Part 9

The old wood pressed roughly against Usagi's back as he waited. By the other side of the doorway, Leonardo glanced back where Donatello was wrapping the mirror more securely, occasionally shooing away a curious Michelangelo who'd already been shooed away from Raphael for "hovering." Reassured for the moment, Leonardo turned and faced the setting sun.

"Are you sure about this?" Leonardo asked. "I know you're uncomfortable around sorcery."

Usagi smiled in acknowledgment. The sun slipped closer to the distant mountains, briefly blazing the road they would take, like a bronze road brightly polished. In a few minutes, the sun would disappear and the night would rush after it. The full moon was already overhead, but Usagi didn't trust anything under its light.

"I do prefer to travel during the day," he admitted. "But this is the safest way to take the mirror back to Kyoto. It's too conspicuous otherwise."

"I'm sure Donatello will be glad you agree," Leonardo said.

First looking over his shoulder to make sure the sorcerer wasn't listening, Usagi eyed Leonardo and snorted. Donatello had glared at him the entire time they walked here, all but growling if Usagi touched Leonardo's shoulder. When they'd arrived at the old house, Donatello had insisted on sitting up with Leonardo to keep watch. In truth, he'd only watched Usagi for the short time before he fell asleep despite himself, passed out on Leonardo's shoulder.

"He won't hurt you," Leonardo promised. "He's just...possessive. Especially after everything with Karai."

Karai. Usagi didn't have to give it much thought. She had been the intended of a ninja who was absolutely devoted to his brothers, who returned his devotion in equal measure. Of course Donatello fiercely guarded Leonardo's affections. He'd seen evidence of that the first night. And, although he wouldn't mention it, he'd seen more proof of it as they'd slept.

Michelangelo was a skilled artist. The purple smoke inked into Donatello's body well camouflaged the name written on the inside of his thigh.

About to respond, Usagi cut himself off as voices erupted from inside.

"I am not lugging your heavy butt anymore!" Michelangelo said, darting backwards through the door while sticking his tongue out. "You oughta be carrying me."

"I'm still recovering from a curse," Raphael said. "You should have more sympathy."

Raphael stepped out leisurely, only a few inches taller than the others but somehow more imposing. Usagi imagined it was the easy way he moved, the power his heavier muscles radiated. He looked much better after a full day's rest, even if he had been sleeping on a cold floor. Using Michelangelo as a pillow probably helped. He gave Usagi a brief nod of acknowledgement.

"You're looking much better," Leonardo said, not hiding how he studied Raphael. If last night's pain had stolen anything from him, being with his family had given it all back.

"Of course I am," Raphael said. "You got that curse off."

This time Leonardo didn't glance away out of shame or guilt. His guard slipped a little as he met Raphael's look, softening in relief.

"Well, I do have to take care of my little brothers," Leonardo said.

"'Little'?" Raphael slapped his hand on the wall beside Leonardo's head, leaning in. This close, the difference between their builds, their heights, even the way they held themselves was highlighted.

"Little," Leonardo repeated, softer this time. "No matter how old we get."

Raphael would have responded, but pebbles began hitting his shell and shoulder. Frowning in confusion, he turned as another one struck his chest. On the other side of the road, Michelangelo stood with a handful of tiny stones in hand.

"Aw, I was hoping all that rest made you faster," Michelangelo grinned. "Nope, still slow as an ox."

Usagi didn't quite understand the reference, but it was clearly an old tease between the two. Cracking his knuckles, Raphael took a breath and then took off after Michelangelo, who yelped and dropped his pebbles, performing a few fancy flips to get away.

"Show off," Raphael grumbled.

The sun finally disappeared completely just as Donatello came out, lit by the moon and the last purple rays of sunlight. He held the mirror, neatly swathed in a bundle of cloth, under one arm. Glancing sideways at Usagi, he stood between the samurai and Leonardo and didn't move.

"We can leave now," Donatello said. "Do you have your lantern?"

Usagi nodded and unfolded it, holding it out to him. Donatello reached in and whispered a word. When he withdrew, the lantern provided enough of a silver glow to light a broad swath around them. Usagi held the lantern at arm's length. Unlike a candle, the light inside gave off no warmth, as cold as moonlight.

"That's all the light we have?" Michelangelo called from a little down the road, still ducking Raphael's grabs. "Leo, maybe we shouldn't go at night. I'll be fine, but Raph'll trip over every rock."

"Hold still, you little--"

"Come back here," Leonardo called out though he hated to stop them, content to watch them playing after being so long apart. "I don't want us spreading too far tonight."

"Aww..." Michelangelo groaned. "This trip's gonna be so boring. I can't do Raph's new tats on the road."

Squashing his laugh as Michelangelo obeyed by walking on his hands, Usagi followed joined them on the road. He ignored Donatello's look as he walked on Leonardo's other side, sure that he wouldn't dare curse him while Leonardo was there.

As they walked, the world outside their lantern grew dark. The moon turned the landscape black and silver, and they all drew closer to the circle of light. At first none of them noticed the handful of fireflies along the side of the road, but as more and more gathered, Michelangelo tried to catch one and Raphael waved them away from his face.

"Donatello?" Leonardo murmured.

The sorcerer smiled. "I thought everyone would feel a little better with some more light."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Raphael asked. "No one will notice?"

"It's dark enough," Leonardo said, "that they'll probably think we're spirits."

"Exactly," Donatello said. "Besides, we're not on the Tokaido. We won't run into nearly as many people."

"At least it doesn't add too many days to the trip," Michelangelo said, hands up, stalking a slow firefly. "In two weeks, I know I'll be sick of inns and rest stops."

"Traveling isn't so bad when you get used to it," Usagi said.

Traveling, Leonardo thought. Maybe wandering was a better word. He glanced at Donatello, at Raphael and Michelangelo, who grinned as he pounced and caught the firefly. He didn't want to wander if that was just a nicer word for running. Their old clan would never stop looking for them. Either they had to disappear completely, difficult with their colorful markings and less than honest trade, or they had to find a lord to serve, but that would be next to impossible. No one trusted ninja for a reason.

Maybe they could settle for awhile in some town, or perhaps even take up banditry like so many ronin. His mind wandered back to the conversation he'd had with Usagi the night before, whispering over Donatello as they kept watch. Young Lord Noriyuki sounded like he needed ninja to spy and kill for him.

He glanced at Usagi and watched the lantern light play off his fur, watched the way he moved. Usagi noticed his look and smiled back.

Yes, there were many roads open to them. Leonardo decided to wait before choosing. For now, the road to Kyoto stretched before them, promising rest, renewal, and hopefully a fresh supply of ink.
