Reviews for Bad Places 2: Rebirth
Silver Dragon SD chapter 14 . 11/8/2015
creativesm75 chapter 14 . 8/21/2015
The-Fourth-Queen chapter 14 . 5/16/2015
That was amazing! I liked the first one almost as much as I like this one, I'm now gonna read the other one.
flikaroo chapter 14 . 4/5/2015
Poor Leo, he really is changed. It's nice to see that Raph and Leo are sharing leadership duties. And bad Splinter, putting so much pressure on Leo. Who wouldn't crack from all the strain right? This was a brilliant sequel to the first story. I'm looking forward to reading the third. I am really enjoying your stories!
TJHECTOR chapter 3 . 11/22/2014
Wow Saki's human in this? So how come he can survive? Interesting! Can't wait to find out!
Aww i can't buy the original comic books anywhere in my country. Wish I could read it!
Nice sequel! Poor Leo (Sigh), he's only sixteen isn't he...
Tigress2929 chapter 14 . 8/9/2013
On wow... I really, REALLy enjoyed reading this. It's perfect how you wrote it. Although I enjoyed reading all fourteen wonderful chapters, the ending still still left me with questions unanswered. Are you planning to make a sequel to this sequel?

Most of all, I liked how you made it to where Leo and Raph kinda shared leadership. Despite Leo wanting to be rid of the weight, he is still their leader by heart. I'm just glad you didn't take that completely away from Leo, because that's sorta who Leo is, along with being an artist that is. :)
SleepingSeeker chapter 14 . 7/25/2013
Wow, he's forever changed from all this isn't he. And how could he not be? After what he went through? His family lost him a long time ago, that's what I take from this story. The pressure and taking him for granted and expectations mixed with the violence of their lives and the constant threats . . . Wow, just . . . Thanks for bringing us this great story. I really enjoyed reading it. I hope some time you'll take a look at my stuff and let me know what you think. Until then, keep writing!
SleepingSeeker chapter 12 . 7/24/2013
Raph is brilliant in this chapter. Well done. One of many, but a fav line from this chapter had to be, '"You were the reason we came up the first time, too," he said softly, glancing at his brother. "I didn't realize how much we use you up."'
Raph's tenderness was really heartwarming. Great job. These last few chapters all have a quiet subtle feeling of sadness and peace, a sort of melancholy lovliness that is soothing and somewhat upsetting in it's own persistent way.
SleepingSeeker chapter 11 . 7/24/2013
I know the movie based off him. Cool.
SleepingSeeker chapter 10 . 7/24/2013
This chapter was just beautiful to me.
SleepingSeeker chapter 9 . 7/23/2013
You little devil! Have you gotten any flack over your portrayal of Splinter? I freakin' LOVE it! The unfairness! The pressure! Ugh! You captured this so so so perfectly! Something I always felt vibrating along the underbelly of all these stories, Splinter pushing and pushing and all his unspoken demands placed upon Leo starting at such a young age. Even take away the 'defend your family at all costs but NEVER kill' mantra, even with that piece removed, it stands up to scrunity. Splinter's expectations and silent demand that Leo exceeds perfection time and time again . . . all of it - wearing him down -just so well crafted. Bravo. God, I love it. You handled it beautifully. *bows in awe to your writing prowess*
SleepingSeeker chapter 8 . 7/23/2013
Great descriptions as always. Harrowing.
SleepingSeeker chapter 7 . 7/23/2013
SleepingSeeker chapter 6 . 7/23/2013
Shredder is badass!
SleepingSeeker chapter 5 . 7/23/2013
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