Author has written 33 stories for Harvest Moon, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon, Twilight, and Death Note. My name is Erika. I have big dreams but poor execution skills -- basically, I'm an ill-fitting mix of passion and apathy. Updates as of January:
So, some news: I'm planning on taking an online writing course starting in February, and I don't know how much narration the course actually entails, but it basically means I'll be forced to write. I'll be way more likely to upload stories, but probably on my currently morbid fictionpress account rather than this one. Sorry to everyone who's been waiting around for my longfics to be updated! Thanks for all the reviews, favourites, and silent reads. You guys rock. |
Bialy (92) Detective Lobo (12) kiaronna (19) Kuneko (32) Kuruk (81) | Moonlit Dreaming (68) nevermore199 (77) RainbowMelody (6) Super Ceech (7) The Scarlet Sky (64) | The-Music-of-hands (45) Tierfal (74) Tozz (35) WriterESK (1) |