Author has written 7 stories for Inuyasha. Age: 17 Hair: brown eyes: blue gender: female myspace: /Tweak3013 Stories The Girl Next Door- is currently finished, but has many gramatical mistakes which i will eventually get around to fixing. key word being eventually. ok. well...actually. i prolly wont. no time anymore. Santa Can You Hear Me- has been finished for sometime now. It's poorly written, and has MANY gramatical mistakes... i said i would probably make a epiloge to it, but never got around to doing so. I dont know if i will. If i do, it will probably be around Christmas, when i'm back in the spirit.But there are no promises. Just By Luck- is not finished. It takes me a long time to update that story. So sorry for the wait. it is my least read story overall, so i dont have as much of a push to write , its so sucky in the begginning that i don't feel like writing it much. I wont stop writing it, because it is one of my favorite ideas that i came up with(and my cousins), i just have trouble trying to get from one chapter to the next. A major event will be coming up soon in the story, and everytime i start a new chapter i want to put it in, but that will rush it, and i dont want to do that, which is why i'm having trouble with this one. Rockstars Can't Have Girlfriends- is my favorite out of all my story ideas. The problem with that is i want it to be sooooo perfect that i rewrite each chapter over and over, thus why this one takes soooo long to get updated. I know exactly where I am going with this. I researched stuff for it, now all i have to write it out. I think this story is gonna be longer then i expected...cuz there ALOT thats gonna happen. i just hope it doesn't get old and boring, like some long storys do. and making the chapters as long as i can(which the story would be the same length then, only less chapters) won't work...because...well...i can't explain...without giving away the plot...(which actually...someone already kinda guessed...and got it right. only i didn't tell them...cuz whats the fun in that?) The Life She Chose(the sequel to the girl next door)- has recently been posted. If it turns out to be a bust I will delete this story, even though i think its better then the one before it.(so I think it got off to a good start and got a pretty good amount of review for the first 2 chapters, so it is unlikely that i will stop it) You probably don't have to read the girl next door to understand this story, since it takes place like...5 years (i think) later. It explains what happened and u get the gist of the first one. It will have music that Kagome writes, but some of the songs will be from guy rock bands (because there r not that many girls in rock) or they will be country songs. The Coaches Daughter- ok. i have had this story in a note book 4 over a year and finally decided to put it up. It's kinda a test. i wasn't sure how good it was. So I still may take it down if it isn't worth my time. Its a half-baked story. so i'm not exactly, completely sure where it is going. i know what its about...but thats about it. I really wasn't expecting the response I got for this one. I really dont think its my greatest idea or anything. Its actually probably my least favorite over all, but it gets too many reviews for me to quit it. I actually like Geek Gets the Girl better (they were put up around the same time) but this one has like 10 or 20 more reviews...which i find really surprising. Geek Gets the Girl- i actually wrote it out in a notebook once, but threw it away cuz i thought it sucked. now a year later, i posted it. It's going to be your run of the mill, beautiful, preppy girl, with rocker guy with a bad attitude. we have all read them...which is y i dont know if i will be any good. But it will have a bit of my twist on it. and some good songs. (that i like. idc if u don't like em...) I know...I know...all of my storys seem to have one of the characters goth, or in a band. What can i say? I find the punk/rocker guys kinda hot.(but not as hot as hicks!!) And i LOVE band storys. I would die for a band of my own. to bad none of my friends can play instruments... anyway. This story isn't exactly getting the response i was aiming for... which kinda sux... NEW STORY yea. i got this KILLER story idea. i LOVE LOVE LOVE it! but i'm prolly gonna wait till one of my others is finished. plus...i cant come up with a good title yet. but i totally love the idea. it kicks ass. i think i like it more then i like my others. i got it while readin this awesome book called 'Singletini'. its not gonna be like the book at all really...i'm just gonna make Kagome have the same job as the girl in the story... LoL. and sometime...i might have to do one where InuYasha is a player...which i know is like way overdone...but...i LOVE this one song that i could totally base it on. and i might also have to wright one where they r forced to marry. which is also WAY overdone...but they r by FAR my fav storys. so if u have a totally good one where inu and kag r forced to marry, email me and i will read it. deffinitaly. and if u told me to read ur story in a review...and i didn't review it...please tell me. cuz i will read it over. cuz i prolly forgot. or something. and i do ALWAYS read a story if another writer tells me to. So if u did and i didn't review u...which i keep thinking is what happened to someone...tell me. its not that i didn't like ur story. i was prolly just rushed...which i have been alot lately. I have a bunch of stories that are not up, but have been started, or are half finished. I will probably post Thanks to the Runt. I have many such as Deadline, There all Along, All that you missed, and Two Doors Down that have been started either in notebooks, or on my computer, that i haven't decided if i will post them or not. I had a little pirate pad(i got it from a happy meal!!) that i had full of ideas. Unfourtunatly I can not find it anywhere, so i have to try to remember all of the ideas i had in there. OH YEA! Check out my cousin's, Koga'sChick, story. It's called My Brother's Girlfriend. It has a REALLY great plot to it. I wish i would have thought of it. we help each other work out plots and little kinks in our storys, so i know where its headed and whats going to happen. And its goin to get really good. It's an InuKag with some MirSan, and AyaKoga. and SessRin. It really is an awesome idea, and i'm not just saying that cuz shes my cousin. it has romance, twists, a rock band (and not one of those huge kind that has like 12 ppl or something. its a three man band i think) ALOT of secrets, and secret love affairs behind each others backs...its awsome!! oh. and i just want to say. i love ALL u reviewers. really. u don't know how much u guys can cheer me up. i normally wont read any reviews untill i had a REALLY bad day, and reading ur reviews really helps me through stuff like that. ur amazing. thanks. |