Yeah, sooo, here's my first attempt at a Naruto fanfic. Took me a while to think up a good idea. . There's lots of pairings in this story. BEWARE TEH PAIRINGS. And review. evil grin

This first chapter doesn't have the Naruto characters, but this is just an intro, they're comin' next chapter...


Prologue : How The Note Got Started...

A young genin sat on a bench in Konoha, scratching his head, and frowning anxiously, a little piece of paper in his hand. "I dunno, maybe this isn't a good idea..." he mumbled to another genin next to him.

This genin, a wild looking red-headed one, sighed. "Look, man, you want Mamiyu to go to the dance with you, don't you?" He pointed to a sign by the bench. 'Konoha Youth Summer Festival & Dance' was printed on it.

"Y-yeah..." replied the boy with the paper.

"Well, then, trust me. I give a note to Sadami asking her if she would go with me to the last dance, and it worked!"

"Then that other guy asked her and she went with him instead."

"But you must admit, she did say yes."

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Then write!"

The other kid groaned and asked, "Okay, what do I write on it?" He readied a pencil and waited for the red-headed genin to speak.

"'Dear Cutie...'"

"'Dear Cutie?'"

"Just put it down, will ya?" he growled.

"Okay, okay, what next?"

"'You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. When you smile, it brightens up my whole day, and your eyes just captivate my soul...'"

"Are you sure that's not too cheesy?"

"Trust me, the girls love it."

"Okay... whatever..." he groaned again. "What next?"

"Not a day goes by that I don't think about you, and how attractive, intelligent, and kind you are, and I would like to take you to the Summer Dance. Sincerely, your secret admirer.' And you're done."

The boy reread the note and frowned. "And you're sure about this?"

"Yeah," the other boy snorted.

"Okay, I... hey! NO!"

A sudden, strong gust of wind snatched the paper from his hand with a snap, and as fast as the kid could run after it, he still couldn't catch it. It twirled and fluttered and flapped high into the sky, and pretty soon, he couldn't even see it anymore.

Be patient. The good part is coming, just click the button that shall take you to the next chapter...