Reviews for There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea
xPancakes chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
Wow I remember stumbling upon this story around ten years ago. I think I reviewed every chapter over the years, under a different account. Sometimes when I play Magical Melody, I think about different details from this story. It's completely dorky and I still love it so much.
Bulma3678 chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
That was so good! I really liked how you included a lot of the villagers; seeing as whenever I play I ignore almost everyone, it was really sweet. And holy hell, I just saw that this is ten years old.
Running Ninja chapter 22 . 6/30/2013
I really love this story. It's probably one of my all time favorite fan fictions...I read it years ago and fell in love with it and I was randomly on the site again and decided to try and find it again. It's just as good as it was then, which is saying something because it's been at least four years since I first read it. Possibly six. But cudos to you for an amazing story.
Gunslingers-White-Rose chapter 22 . 3/9/2010
TwT that was awesome
BoyTomoChan chapter 22 . 1/6/2010
Okay, so I'm gonna be blunt and say that I'm really not much of a reader, I only read this cause my friend insisted, and I really have a low attention span. But despite these facts I read the whole thing in like...two days, so just wanna say that this story you wrote here was awesome. Though somehow I half-expected for the baby to turn out to be a fish or something? Though in retrospect, that would've been really weird.

Oh and the "Are you being sexist?" line made me burst into laughing :D
RCLang chapter 15 . 9/17/2009
I love this story especially Chapter 15 and Chapter 18. I love how you made the characters crazier than usual in this story. I love the invisible collar/fence thing on Dia.

Does she leave the nuthouse after you marry her? Just curious because I've never married her in the game. :)
deleted-errors chapter 21 . 4/26/2009
This is the funniest Harvest moon fanfic i've read so far, oh, i wann acorrect you a bit, the MM's main girl character's name is not Jill, it's Tina. Jill's hair is ponytail, and Tina's hair is pig-tailed. nyways, enjoy what's left of you're life. ha! just joking, about the life thing, this is the most LOLest! long live Harvest Moon! woo-hoo!
Nina chapter 22 . 4/17/2009
haha! yeah, i know my real name is Nina! it's true! anyways, this is the best story i've ever ever ever readed. Ray is closely related to Cliff, so i pretty much like him, a lot different from Cliff. like ray's love of life is fishing, yes i know, eugh. this is a funny story, and the fact about Carl's letter made this story LOL-er (is that a word?)heh! keep on writing!
Let Love In chapter 22 . 10/12/2008
SO good. Wow, I was literally 'loling' the whole time. So well written, I LOVE the way you portrayed the characters. Especially Dia! That whole 'lock pick' think was genius. Pure genius. Great job!
G-Cat chapter 4 . 9/5/2008
That was so fishin awesome. You know, I didn't think that anyone else said fishin, but I was sure happy to see it in this story!

I also like the expression in the epilogue. You are indeed a fabulous, and talented writer.

Your Truly,

Gothy Cat II
Sue D. Nym chapter 22 . 8/16/2008
...That was the best thing ever.

It was half crackfic, half serious character development. An unusual mix, but somehow it works. I love it.
Metakaze chapter 22 . 7/23/2008
it ended nicely. Jamie seriously scared me. Now i realize why nobody in town likes him.

great story!
Metakaze chapter 17 . 7/23/2008
wow... i never knew that the girls of FB village were so ...jealous of other girls?

i liked this chapter. the part when the bunny exploded made me laugh.
Squishie-twin chapter 22 . 6/11/2008
I'm blubbering as I type this. I just read this story in like, 3 and a half hours. One wouldn't believe the many moods that I just went through. ...All I can say is...HOLY FISHING FISH! This story was AMAZAZING. My twin is looking at me with her head tilted to the side as I slowly go insane. Oh my goodness...I loved this story, the way it started, the incredibly long middle with all the chaos, tears, yelling, and we can't forget the broken noses! All my emotions are driving me NUTS! I'm happy, sad, mad, distraught, thrilled, angsty, very very confused...I still can't describe it. This story kept me reading for 3 hours. I couldn't stop reading, not even to take a potty break!...I gave in during the last two Anywho, enough with my rambling. This was the best story I've read in a very long time. I hope you will create another masterpiece like this. I loved the ending, you did an excellent job, keep up the most amazing work!
bowlerhatfringe chapter 22 . 3/19/2008
This is the most amazing story I've come across in awhile. It's very worthy of being read one million times! I'll definetly be waiting anixously for more of your creations!

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