Reviews for In Sight, Out Of Mind
FrozenTinkerbellPotter-Lover15 chapter 27 . 3/21
I can only guess that Disgust is in Short Term Memory. And...did her Guide just sacrafice himself for the greater good...? WOW...that takes GUTS...I wonder what types of guts Mind Workers have? They're obviously a type of neuron...I I know for a fact they have a nucleus...and I also know I'm reading too much into this. Anyway, great story!
Cloclo chapter 25 . 5/22/2017
Isn't Google the best?
lordhaxsupreme chapter 31 . 4/23/2017
Well done! I have been waiting for months for this chapter! The way you have metaphorized psychodynamics is pretty well done, I just hope you don't do psychosexual development, because that would make things weird (anybody else reading this comment, don't look that up if you aren't old enough. Trust me, Freud came up with some whackass stuff [probably to do with him snorting cocaine]).
And what is up with Chandler? I know something really messed up must have happened to him, and if you've touched upon it I don't remember, but seriously, what's his deal? Can't wait for the next one!
CNBW chapter 31 . 4/22/2017
Oh my, it's been a while. Glad to see an update! :D
lilac-kat chapter 31 . 4/22/2017
I'm not a psyche student, but I am familiar with some of Freud's theories, so that's cool how you structured it that way. But more importantly, YYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YOU'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! :D :D :D Glad you haven't given this story up for good! Wonderful job with the explanation of everything that's been going on via Fear in his chat with Disgust, that was very well-written and in-character too! Also glad Joy's safe, although I'm not sure I remember why Meg is heading toward them in New Orleans. Hmm, I'll have to go back and look... anyhow, wonderful-super-amazing job on this, glad you're back, and keep up the amazing work whenever you have the time!
ErulasseAranel chapter 30 . 3/11/2017
This has been amazing so far, I love the writing style and the plot, and it's pulled me in. But it hasn't been updated in nearly a year... are you gone or something? Sad considering this story has so much potential and there's so much that needs to be resolved.
Mis anion-mis chapter 1 . 1/30/2017
CNBW chapter 30 . 9/29/2016
Man I love this story. 3
lilac-kat chapter 30 . 9/29/2016
My gosh, this was so well done! Even though I thought I'd gotten enough of her in the movie, I didn't realize how much I'd missed Joy in her true character form until this very moment. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time reading it. Everything from the light explosion at the end to the non-italic voice of Lyre's Joy - ugh, just so AWESOME! Wonderful chapter, keep up the phenomenal work!
Guest chapter 29 . 9/28/2016
lilac-kat chapter 29 . 9/28/2016
Yay, you're back again! Whew, glad to see Disgust get outta Deja Vu, it kinda creeped me out how long that dragged on. And even though I'm growing a little scared about Joy, I'm a little confused about Anger, still: we haven't seen much of how he's reacting to seeing Sadness and Bing Bong in the outside world since it initially happened, and there weren't any indicators here, either. So I hope that's coming soon, but otherwise, wonderful job! Totally worth the wait!
CNBW chapter 29 . 9/28/2016
CNBW chapter 28 . 7/15/2016
I honestly spent over an hour reading this entire story so far and I gotta congratulate you on how amazing I think this story is. Hoping for more in the future..good job! :)
Tsueg chapter 28 . 5/12/2016
Glad to see this is off hiatus :)
Don't like rush them out but if you can update it, that would be appreciated by me
MrScourch chapter 28 . 5/10/2016
Yay, an update!
Oooh, the plot thickens. Lots of questions and no answers :(

Joy should have hit him harder I guess. And since fear is driving Reynie right now, it looks like Joy can't count on him, unless his anger was paying attention.

Taking backup and dealing with crazies? I guess the inspector has more to worry about than run-away girls?

In an unrelated note, I'm starting to wonder if Riley was somehow aware of Joy being expelled from her mind. That might explain the comment about getting them all out of her head. I'm concerned she may have some future success there.
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