Author has written 2 stories for Worm, and Naruto. Hi. I'm Gagaking. I like Worm, and Worm fanfiction, and I found Silver Queen's story, Dreaming of Sunshine and liked it a lot too. I decided to try to write a crossover between the two stories, and came up with "Shards and Shadows." This is my first story I have ever published on or anywhere else really. If you notice something I messed up on, could have done better, or that you liked a lot, let me know. I hope you like my story! Edit: A while back, I decided to wait to post any new chapters or post the major/minor edits to my existing chapters until I had the ideas for the entire next arc plotted out.I had a few ideas for what I wanted to see happen, and was trying to think of how I could lead into at least some of them plausibly. I thought by waiting until I had the whole arc thought up, it would prevent me from accidentally establishing something that would come back to bite me. I also wanted to improve the writing and flow for all of the chapters so far, and more importantly make chapters 7-on lighter, more sensical to prevent mood whiplash for new readers. Unfortunately, one day my hard drive (and my back up hard drive) broke, and so my edits, notes, and future chapters were lost. I may update and try to fix/rewrite the story again someday, but I wanted to let people know why the story hasn't updated in a while. Also, at least temporarily changing the story to M rating, because of Chapters 7 and 9, since I wasn't able to upload the fixed versions. .Lessons Learned: 1) If you are making edits to an existing chapter that don't majorly affect the plot or introduce new loopholes, and instead fix grammar, flow, or vastly improve a fight scene without majorly changing end results, don't wait to post the changes until you have a completed new chapter to release. 2) Physical hard drives aren't always safe, even with a back up drive. This, from what I have experienced and read, is especially true if you are writing a fan fiction story. Try to backup to the cloud if possible. Alternatively, be able to adapt. 3) When creating an OC, try to base the character around a base character, or a mixture of several base characters. It can help decide motivations and actions. Don't create one without any references, unless you are very skilled, or don't care. |
Coeur Al'Aran (25) Eduard Kassel (38) | sakurademonalchemist (272) SilverMoonPhantom (42) | The Carnivorous Muffin (234) |