"I suppose I should call you Haru while you are out of costume. How can I help you, Miss Ikari?" Director Piggot asked the currently female Haru. All efforts to keep the cape out of her office had proved fruitless. Physical locks, electronic locks, armed guards, 'Zetsu' walked past them all.

"Hey, Emily," began the well-endowed redhead. "One of the ABB villians is hanging around Arcadia. Or at least I think he's ABB, cause, well, he's Asian."

"Why haven't you informed Armsmaster?" Director Piggot asked wearily.

Haru tugged her t-shirt down cutely. "Um, I was wondering if I could hunt him down myself."

"No. That goes against every PRT protocol…"

The girl cut the woman off, "But I'm soooo bored. I haven't gotten to do anything fun since that Lung guy. I swear I've been a good muggle at school. But patrols are really lame, even when Miss Militia lets me shoot her guns. Just kidding. She's boring too."

"I've already told you, you can't…"

"Ugh, fine. Then what if I went rogue? I promise not to kill anyone! That way I could just bring you villains and I wouldn't have to hang out here anymore," Haru pouted, giving the cutest Ranma-chan puppy eyes she could.

Emily blinked once from across her desk, immune to cuteness. "As tempting as that offer is, I can't let you leave PRT observation. As a self-proclaimed resident of Tokyo Three, with no birth certificate, passport, or evidence of your existence on this planet until six weeks ago, not to mention the single most powerful cape ever discovered, you cannot be trusted unsupervised without at the very least a parental guardian."

"What if I move in with the Heberts? It'd be like a family sitcom."

"As I was saying…You need a parental guardian with power armor and energy weapons to keep you in line."

Haru leaned back and crossed her arms. "As much as I love tormenting our dear Colin, I have places to be and a world to save. Otherwise I'll never become a full-fledged interdimensional superspy."

In a sudden bout of inspiration, the PRT director realized she could kill multiple birds with one stone. "Fine. You want something to do? I'll let you tackle this ABB cape if, and only if, you manage to turn Shadow Stalker into a respectable hero." Haru's jaw fell and she groaned for a full ten seconds before Emily continued. "You asked for this. And if you come back without scheduling an appointment, I will shoot you, I swear, bloodstains be damned. Now get out of my office."

The ninja sighed and flipped backward out of her chair. Zetsu's familiar black, Tetsuya Nomura style coat seemed to flow out of her clothes and surround the now decided male-looking Haru. As the boy casually left, Director Piggot observed nothing on any of her computer monitors, not even the opening of her office door. This warranted a call to Dragon about upgrading security systems.