Reviews for Weasley Girl: Secrets of the Past
weirdhead chapter 20 . 6/2
I believe we are missing our favourite greasy git.
Tina chapter 3 . 4/7
Hey there, I hope you and all your loved ones stay safe and healthy in quarantine during these trying times!
AngitaNovember chapter 1 . 4/6
Will you be posting the sequel for this?
61394 chapter 23 . 1/28
Good story
61394 chapter 5 . 1/28
Thank you Luna
61394 chapter 4 . 1/28
I know what to do with it
Kill it with fiendfire
Tina chapter 23 . 12/31/2019
Hello! A very happy new year to you!
Red Renegade 777 chapter 21 . 12/15/2019
I kind of suspected after she didn’t react to lock heart, and the few times she thought someone was gay. Truthfully, I’ve always liked LunaxRon, so I was cheering when you wrote that line.
Tina chapter 2 . 10/20/2019
The year is nearing it's end, but there hasn't been an update of the third book of the Weasley Girl Saga, yet.
Can we your devoted readers, expect to read more from you before the end of the year?
No pressure, of course, sweetie. It's just that i - we all - love this story.
Have a great time for the remaining year, and the one to come!
Thank you.
ASpecialSnowflake chapter 18 . 7/5/2019
Using the animal-speaking charm to defeat the Basilisk was brilliant and fits perfectly into the context of this particular story. Simple, yet extremely clever. Certainly not a solution I would have thought up; mine tend to be more... visceral.

I'm curious how the Diary Horcrux works now. Riddle's in control of himself now. Is Riddle still only 1/7 of Voldy? Or is he something more than that now? Are there now two Dark Lords? What would have happened if Voldemort did get his hands on the Philosopher's Stone, either by making one himself or through Flamel, and used it to restore his soul (if he wasn't immune to potions, that is)?
Guest chapter 23 . 6/18/2019
What a fantastic adventurous tale!
I eagerly await it's third arc!
ThePirateQueen367 chapter 23 . 6/5/2019
Sorry for my profanity but this is some b******* . Can't they just have a happy ending why can't our heroes just be happy and learn to live and love, Sirius Black is free, and they don't have to worry about Voldemort until the next couple of months. But noooooo Lucius Malfoy just had to dip his fingers in pies he should have just ignored and now everything is going to be messed up. I hope Sirius is able to get his freedom. Like I don't think he'll ever be stable enough to actually care for Harry but with the help of Remus and others I think Harry could have a solid group of grown-ups to look up to.
ThePirateQueen367 chapter 20 . 6/5/2019
Is that...gayness I'm reading cause if so I like it. That and i think Luna is fae cause fae need permission to get into a person's house. Though it could be that Luna is just really polite. Or the explosion that killed her mother that she saw with her own eyes did something to her like made her some wizard mutant like the x men but magical.
Sildje chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
I love what you have done with the story. You stay true to what you have made the characters and I’m really happy with Ronnie being a lesbian and how you write it. I feel that it gives her another tie to canon Ron while still adding a lot of new depth. Its refreshing to read something where kids act like kids and with no romance among 12 year olds, not to mention there are far too few ron-centric fics. You have created something unique and lovely. So thank you for writing this! It is really good and i love it.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/7/2019
i want you to know that you have made my days to come by sharing this with us. Thank you.
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