Author has written 36 stories for Loud House, Super Smash Brothers, Steven Universe, and Dragon Ball Super. Um... hey. Not really much to say here. Just your friendly neighborhood fanfic writer, specializing in slice of life and WAFF. Name: MrTyeDye Hobbies/Activities: Writing, reporting, logic puzzles, trivia games, improv comedy Fandoms: The Loud House, Steven Universe, The Walking Dead, Rick & Morty, Dragon Ball, Super Smash Bros., Adam Ruins Everything Other Accounts: TVTropes (TyeDyeWildebeest), deviantART (tenorghoul), Sporcle (Wildebeest), TLH Wiki (MrTyeDye) If you want to make a request, shoot me a PM. All requests sent via the review section will be ignored. |
EpsilonMk46 (12) Flagg1991 (158) Gumball2 (21) LittleMonsoon (15) | LoudAutomata16 (70) Omega Ultra (62) themaninthecouch (12) UnderratedHero (26) | Weavillain (68) wyomingparmesan (56) |