Reviews for Ferreting Out the Truth
Guest chapter 16 . 6/19/2019
Plz update soon
erica.phoenix16 chapter 16 . 2/1/2018
Thanks for updating.

It's good to see Eliza and Gwyn again.
Poetique823 chapter 16 . 12/27/2017
An awesome chapter update just what I needed as the holidays come to an end.

I love the detailed analysis and evaluation Splinter gives of each boy's "protect the innocent" exercise. It was nice to see their strengths and weaknesses shown so vividly in this exercise, and it was a wonderful surprise to see the youngest Hamato son actually won the exercise (clever little orange cupcake!) Mikey has so much untapped potential and it was nice to see just a tip of the iceberg of that potential.

It was nice to see Eliza reflect on her past life/love(lust?) while standing under a grate with Splinter as both awkwardly hear a lovers' conversation above. And to find out that her beau, Lee has run up her hotel bill was an amusing touch to the end of this chapter.

As always, wonderful chapter and I look forward to see how things develop between Splinter and Eliza from here.
shelshokd chapter 15 . 10/8/2017
EEEEEEEE! I was so excited to see a new chapter! You are wonderful at writing action, it just flows! It's like watching a movie in mind's eye! That landing pose Splinter did was so COOL! It's like he couldn't quite stop himself from enjoying the impression he knew it made!
Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Savvywolf chapter 15 . 9/30/2017
This has been such a fun read! I'm glad you have such a fun writing style! Keep up the good work.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 15 . 9/27/2017
I'm so glad to see Eliza and Gwyn again.

Thanks for updating. :)
Lady Ravanna chapter 15 . 9/27/2017
Yay! A new chapter! I was so excited when I saw this. It was a really great chapter. Keep calm and write on!
Illusionna chapter 15 . 9/27/2017
Your details are like morsels of chocolate chips, laid out on a path that leads to the cookies that were made. Only you've kept the cookies from us for the next chapter.

Superhero pose Splinter? OMG, talk about drool worthy. And the thoughts that go with it? OMG, it makes my heart thump in my chest like a teenage girl over the latest pop star. I'll have a huge grin on my face for the rest of the day, thanks to my dose of Ninja Rat Master by *you*.

Lydjachan, you are magnificent. KEEP WRITING!
shelshokd chapter 14 . 6/13/2016
LOVING this story! I'm really enjoying a tale with a little different twist on it. (Splinter and Eliza) I was absolutely charmed by Eliza mutating into a ferret! Just brilliant! (Course, I love ferrets.)

You're doing a great job with story development and I love how detailed you're getting with everyone's reactions to the new mutant, especially Eliza herself. And the thing that may or may not be a thing between her and Splinter... definitely keeping me interested!

Great work! Please update soon!
Guest chapter 14 . 2/18/2016
OMG! Thank you for the update! This is great! It's so wonderful to see a story with Splinter taking an active role like this. Especially for a combat training exercise with the boys. I can't wait to see how he manages to save Eliza because a bunch of shuriken are about to be introduced to her face.
Poetique823 chapter 14 . 2/18/2016
I really don't know where to start on reviewing this chapter because there are always small writing gems you leave for your readers that never disappoints. For example, Raphael. The small interaction between Raphael and Michelangelo was so in character, on point, and typically something you see between siblings. Little brother in trouble with father and looking for reassurance from older brother; older brother shrugs with a smile. Little brother feels assured that it won't be that bad; however smile is really a devious smirk saying "better you than me, bro" I love it!... Subtle yet effective.

I know I've told you this several times already but I think you are the embodiment of Splinter. Every time you write him, I'm sitting attentively awaiting his sage wisdom, ready to fully immerse myself in whatever lesson he's teaching the boys. Not many people draw me into their stories on their portrayal of Splinter, but you did. You make me want to hang on to his every word of wisdom and he's a fictional character!... That said alot.

Keep doing what you do, girl, because you do it well. Yeah, and the next chapter looks like it's going to smart. (Ouch).
XxWolfLord95xX chapter 14 . 2/18/2016
Please, keep it up. I want to see the Oc get with Splinter.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 14 . 2/17/2016

Poor Donnie is still depressed over April.

Splinter is strict with his sons and I can't wait for next chapter. :)

Will Eliza be trained in Ninjisu as well?

Thanks for updating. :)
Lady Ravanna chapter 14 . 2/17/2016
I am very much still enjoying this story! I love the joke Splinter made about the rabbit cages. XD and also, I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I liked the 'Atlantis: The lost empire' quote. The 'two for flinching' one. I always loved that line. Keep calm and write on!
Illusionna chapter 14 . 2/17/2016
I really enjoyed this chapter. Raph's so in character, you do a great job of showing him as a crusty, hard soul, but underneath it, he knows what is kind. I am looking forward to seeing where Splinter's worry about Mikey's rough behavior leads the story, as it seems to be a driving force. The little tidbit of Splinter thinking, this was not a teaching from his youth, was a wonderful insight! As a teacher and a person, he does not follow blindly in the tradition in which he was taught, but uses his own perception to improve upon what he has learned. He has evolved as a person since his experiences in the past, whatever they may be. BRAVO! Oh, and seeing him in action, delicious.

Next chapter, please.
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