AN: *grins* STORY TIME! Everyone sit down, grab some popcorn and get ready for another Gravity Falls fic. This idea isn't mine, (I wish) but no someone on Tumblr thought of this, but said that whoever found it interesting could go about how they wanted, draw/writing our own creations. So this is my attempted at her idea.

This will be my third installment to my newly named "Events We've Wrought" series.


"Have you figured out what we are going to tell mom and dad?"

Mabel glanced at her brother then back to her picture of the two of them and their two Grunkles happy faces, the four of them were once happy— but now, well now they weren't. Six weeks have past since the death of their Grunkle Stan and even still it was hard, it was hard to do any fun anymore. Mabel couldn't find anything to smile about, to be excited about since then. She even stopped knitting colorful sweaters, now she makes ones that reflected her mood, which lately have been blue.

"No." She said simply, honestly she hasn't been giving her parents much thought. "I still don't know why you want me to think of something to tell them. You're better at explaining things then I am." Meh, right now it didn't matter to her, if neither of them couldn't think of anything to say then they could just erase their parents memory of Grunkle Stan completely, that's what they had done after the paramedics had announced the time of Stan's death.

Dipper scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. "I don't know, it... just seems more of a sensitive subject for you to explain." She stayed silent, her gaze falling back to the picture on their dresser. She felt the bed dip and a small hand on her shoulder. The twelve year old this time didn't look away from the photo. "Come on, Mabel. You gotta snap out of this."

"I'm fine—"

"No, you're not! You're sulking around here and in town wearing nothing but blue sweaters all the time. And you hardly smile anymore."

"I'm no where near as bad as Grunkle Ford is." Dipper's hand stiffened at the name. She shrugged the hand off and pulled her knees to her chest. "At least I go outside, out of our room, he hasn't been out in weeks. I understand, he lost his brother after they just started spending time together but— when summer's over, I'm afraid to leave him here all by himself. I'm scared he's going to do something stupid."

"He's older then us, Mabel. Way older then us. We can't tell to not be stupid."

She let out a sad filled sigh. "I know, but I'm still scared. We lost one Uncle already, Dipper. I don't want to lose another one." Dipper out an arm around his sister's shoulders and gave her a one-arm hug. "It'll be alright Mabel, I'm sure he'll bounce back eventually." Mabel couldn't take her twin brothers words truthfully, ever since Stan's death, she couldn't believe any type of comfort any body said to her or Grunkle Ford.

"How Dipper? How's he going to bounce back from this? You told me that Stan had passed in Ford's arms. You said that when the paramedics tried to take him away that Grunkle Ford yelled and growled at them to get away. If that happened to you, I wouldn't be okay. Would you bounce back quickly if that happened to me?"

The arm around her shoulders tightened at the thought. "No...I wouldn't be, at least not right away. But I'm sure he'll be fine."

"It'll take a miracle for Grunkle Ford or any of us to ever be fine again."



Sadness. Overwhelming, gut-wrenching sadness is what was pulling it in one direction. But that's it's power wasn't it? Or to be more technical it was it's power. It's been living in this town even long before it was even a town. Though now after so long it was time for it's existence to go or at least it will be soon. But first it must take away all this sadness, yes take it away. Because this creature wasn't like the other ones in the forest, this one was good and its sole job was to eat away pain.

So it walked, miles into the forest, it moved towards a treeless field to where only a single grave stood. Yes, it knew what a grave was. Someone very important had been placed here. This was the cause of all the pain and guilt it sensed. This person in this grave was the reason it traveled from the deepest depths of the woods.

The current body could not be restored, it was still too fresh but using its last bit of magic. It could change the person's body to a much durable state. A younger, much healthier one in this humans life.

Yes, yes this would do the trick.

Raising it's hand it ported the decaying body out of the coffin, in a flash of swirling lights and colors, of red, yellow and orange, the old man —who's name on the grave said Stanley— was morphed back into his youngling years of innocents. The thing smiled and placed a giant leaf over the child's clothed body for warmth.

Turning around and began to walk away. It's job was done, the creature sighed in relief. Now, now it can go pass in peace.

The strange being walked away into the misty night.

Dipper woke up feeling like things were going to be different today. He couldn't explain it but as he gazed at the ceiling in the attic he actually smiled. He couldn't understand why he has this feeling, why things felt they were better, but he wasn't going to question it because this was the first time he's felt like going off and investigating the first with Journal 3 safely tucked away in his vest.

Mabel was already up. Which surprised him, seeing as how lately he's been the one getting up before her. Maybe she's finally feeling better. He hoped so, it wouldn't feel right going on a monster hunt without her, getting up he walked over to his closet with a spring in his step and grabbed Journal 3. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the dark circles under his eyes. For the first couple days, the little detective had nightmares about that day. Dipper tried not sleeping but that was quickly shot down by Mabel who refused to let anything else happen to another family member.

Dipper could fully tell now how much that event has taken it's toll on all of them.

"Hey bro-bro?" Mabel's voice suddenly came into the room. "Have any 'nerdy looking' kids come in at all?" She question was surprising as it random. Maybe she was back to normal.

Still, he gave her a confused look. "Nnnno" He stretched the word out. "I don't think so. Why?" His sister turned out of the room.

"Hmm, sorry. Your brother might not be here." She said sounding almost cheerful. "But your welcome to stay here and wait for him if you want."

"Aw, man!" A voice abruptly groaned out. Who was his sitter talking too? Standing up, Dipper walked towards the door and opened it the rest of the way. "Who are you talking to—" He stopped when he saw a kid that looked to be young then him, maybe about nine or ten years old. Dipper stood there, staring at the kid not knowing what to say, usually a kid doesn't come this far into the shack.

Mabel pointed at Dipper. "This is my bro-bro Dipper. And I know what your thinking, yes we're twins."

The boy's face lite up like a Christmas tree. "Cool! Me and my brother are twins too!" The boy smiled at Mabel and held out his fist to her. "Twinsies!" He said with a bubbly laugh. And his sister for the first time in weeks, smiled softly. She held out her hand and fist bumped the child. Dipper smiled at the sight as well.

"Twinsies." The kids face became even happier, having been returned a fist bump. He turned around and walked down the stairs. "Hey, this place is pretty cool! And I should know cool, I saw a dead rat floatin in a bucket once."

"Ew." Dipper and Mabel laughed as they followed their new friend down the stairs and into the kitchen. The three of them had only met moments ago, and they didn't even know this child's name yet, but they liked him already, he was weird and just like Grunkle Ford they loved weird things. "Ya guys have anythin to eat? It feels like I could eat two whole entire pizzas by myself." The kid said as he sat down at the kitchen table. Mabel stood on a stool to the cabinets and opened them, while Dipper looked in the refrigerator for something for their new found friend to snack on.

"Mabel? Dipper? Where are you both at?"

The twins eyes snapped to each other in delight. That was Grunkle Ford's voice. "He merged from his room!"

"But why now?" Dipper asked confused as to why all of a sudden was their Uncle coming out of his room.

"Who cares!?" His sister said excitingly as she bounced of the stool and stood up on one of the chairs. "Where in the kitchen!" She called out to him. Soon heavy footsteps got closer and closer to their direction.

"Sorry, kids. I just came to get something—" Their Grunkle started to say as he walked into the kitchen. Stanford cut himself off completely, words movement and all. He stood stock still as a statue, as he gapped at the young boy sitting at the table. He gripped the side of the doorframe and inhaled a breathe.

"Look! Great Uncle Ford!" Mabel said with a grin. "We made new friend! This is—" she stopped when she realized she didn't know this boy's name. "Um, hey? What's your name?"

The kid smirked and tilted back in the chair casually. "Me? Oh I'm—"


The little nine year old snapped his head over to the man who said his name. Who was this guy? "Hey, old man? How do you know my name?" Ford exhaled a shaky breathe he raised a six fingered hand and ran it through his hair, at a loss for words, not if he could believe what he was seeing with his own two eyes. Suddenly the boy popped up from the chair, strolled over to Stanford and grabbed one of his hands. He counted and held each appendage with his tiny thumb and index finger. Then he grasped the side of the large hands with his smaller ones. Ford watched the boy closely, a lump growing in his throat as this felt familiar.

"Stanford?" The child— Stanley said curiously almost scared to even think this man was his twin. "Fordy? That you bro?"

But slowly Ford nodded his head. Still staying perfectly still, petrified that this was all a dream and he was just going crazy. Ley's young face broke into a grin. But before any of them could being to comprehend how this happened and why. Ley launched his tiny body at Stanford and hugged him tightly around the waist. "Whoa! Stanford! Haha! Look at you! You look awesome! All talk and rugged and awesome!" Stanley looked up at Ford and smiled his signature goofy, gap-tooth smile. "But what's going on, Ford? Why do you look that way? Where am I? Where are mom and dad?"

At his brother's question. Ford couldn't help but stiffen. How was he suppose to go about this? How was he suppose to explain everything that happened to this kid without traumatizing him that the kid was, in fact, dead?Was he... Suppose to lie? Was that an option? Could he some how to his brother and spare him all the pain he went through? Slowly he looked at Ley, who had his face buried in Ford's pajamas, now looking a little frightened about what was going on.

He placed a hand on top of Stanley's soft brown hair and began stroking it. Stanley looked up at Stanford, eyes innocent and happy blinked at him.

Pain erupted in his heart, as he remembered for the hundredths time what happened to adult version of his brother. Tears fell from his eyes as the guilt crashed into him as he stared at the boys face. Kneeling down he wrapped his arms around the small child and pulled him close. "Ley! Stanley!" He breathed out sounding. He didn't care how or why his brother was alive, nor did he care on why his brother was nine years old again. Ford was just happy he was here. Ley returned the embrace. He was confused on a lot of things one, most why his brother was so tall and old and what has his twin so upset, but all that mattered to him right now was making Ford feel better. "Don't cry, Poindexter! Everything's alright."

Ford cried all the harder, seeing that even though he was technically older the Stanley now, his twin was still trying to be the older sibling.

"G-Grunkle Stan!" Mabel came barreling into both, tears rolling down her face, she hugged them both as tightly as her short little arms would allow. Dipper followed soon after his sister, tears were in the corners of his eyes.

"Grunkle?" Stanley stated, his question muffled by the enormous group hug he was receiving. "I ain't old enough to be a Grunkle." He said with a laugh, then fell silent. He looked at Ford. "Am I?"

Stanford sucked in air through clinched teeth. This... This conversation— Should be interesting. Placing his forehead against young Stanley's for a second or two to gain some confidence, before he pulled away and smiled softly.

"C'mon Ley. Story time."

AN: ANOTHER ONE DOWN! WHOO! I love kid Stanley, he is the CUTEST kid I have ever seen next to Kid Stanford. This took a lot of thinking, I had to think long and hard to find a way for Stanley to still be dead in this part but also on a way to bring him back still de-aged and have memory loss, while still have it make at least SOME sense.

So in the end I just made up my own Supernatural creatures that I swear to god I can't think of a name for it OR what it looks like, someone help me with this! DX

Ideas that have Stanford reacting to kid Ley is different with mine. It's because I killed Stanley off in my 'Deals of a Demon' fic that he is reacting this way. If I hadn't killed him, then Ford would be reacting like all those other awesome ideas.

Anyway, thoughts? Good? Bad? Should I scrap this fic entire and not finish it? Please leave them and I review and I'll see you all soon.