A faint and eerie light could be seen bleeding throughout the room and through the doorway where you stood. It gave everything that rests within a thin illuminated outline. Just enough to give someone an idea of what was around the room. Closer to the light, the shape of a cloaked man could be seen standing. He looks up and addresses a tall figure that the light couldn't touch. All that could be seen was this towering, black, form.

Nothing could be heard, but there was a sense of excitement from the man the longer he spoke to the dark, unmoving figure. A closer look at the two showed the man to be thin and very pale. Sickly. Familiar. The tall shadow was just that, a shadow. It rippled with each movement, and the edges of its form seem to be faded. It moved what could be assumed to be its arms. Crossing them in front of its body. No definite form but it was implied. Moving closer didn't give you any more detail. Just more an idea of what the outline of the figure could be doing.

The room suddenly got very cold. The dark corners of the room started to ripple, and the began to crawl toward the shadowed figure. As the last of it bled into the figure, it suddenly turned toward the door. Looking straight at you. The shadows started to pool around it. Getting bigger and bigger. It raised an arm, pointed right at you. The shadows gathered together in the middle of the room and began to rise into a shapeless form. As soon as it reached its peak, it rushed to the door, toward you, engulfing you in pitch black.

With a gasp, Harry wakes up. Frantically looking around, afraid for a moment that the shadows followed him back from his dream.

"What was that?" He whispered.

After taking a few deep breaths, Harry looked to see if his episode woke the others. Seeing everyone still asleep, Harry laid down, closed his eyes, and tried not to think of the shadows until morning.







Well. This was long overdue. There are still things I'm not happy with and that's mostly due to my writing ability and indecisiveness. Fortunately, I have my brother who helps me get things done. Look forward to seeing what is the same and what changed haha. I'm excited.