Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, Merlin, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hello there! So, I'm obviously into the fandoms. If you didn't guess that already by the fact that I'm a fan fiction writer and all that. Anyways, I love too many fandoms to count, but a few of my very favorites are Harry Potter, Merlin, Star Trek, Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, and How To Train Your 's some other me facts: My first fandom was Harry Potter. It's also definitely my favorite one as well. I actually am pretty sure I learned to read on those books. i'm a Hufflepuff, but I have many Ravenclaw tendencies. I guess you'd say I'm a Huffleclaw. I do not have an OTP, or a single favorite ship. I have an armada. My all-time favorite character is William Shatner's Captain Kirk. Or just Captain Kirk. I really, really stink at sarcasm. Also, I love fluffiness, laughing, and PJO/HP crossovers.:p. I adore happy things. All happy things. They are beautiful. So precious. I like pretty much every canon pairing, although I'm continually coming across other ships and going, "This. Yes. I like this. It is now mine." I love languages! I'm only fluent in English, but I can usually communicate somewhat well in German, and have a basic understanding of Spanish. I also have an interest in computational linguistics and natural language processing (i.e., artificial intelligence). I have an interest in !8th and 19th Century English literature. I'm completely awesome. It's just a fact. If you don't want to call me Sockmonkey406, you can call me Amelia May. Or just Amelia. I'll answer to both. So, I actually have this idea that if I was a demigod, I'd be that one weird child of Hades that was obsessed with unicorns and sunshine. If I had a choice in my godly parent, though, I'd probably pick either Apollo, because of archery, poetry, and sunshine, or Iris, because I could get discounted IMing. I'm currently working on a Fem!Harry/Percy Jackson crossover right now. Don't give up on me, because I will be back! (Cackles evilly.) Thanks! P.S. Hi Loren! Hi Irene! |
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