First thing's first: this is, obviously, not an update. Despite my promise to update in a timely fashion, I found the next chapter to be difficult, to say the least. Real life also did me no favors, what with working a full time job while dealing with the shithole of my summer apartment. And so summer has passed without an update, for which I am dreadfully sorry.

Unfortunately, this is not the part where I deliver good news, though perhaps it is not as bad as some of you may expect. As early as Chapter 18, I realized that I was approaching something of a burnout in regards to this story. I thought I could write quickly enough/ignore the burnout for long enough to finish this story, but alas, this is not the case. I have fallen out of love with this fic, and I refuse to publish any chapters that contain anything less than my full effort. You all deserve that much.

Before I continue, let me say this: I am NOT quitting this story. I will NEVER quit it. This will not go abandoned, unfinished, left behind. I made a commitment when I started this, and hell if I'm going to go back on it. That being said, I may need to take some time off. I do know I need to go through and edit nearly all the chapters, especially some of the first ones and most of the recent ones (that's what I get for working without a beta). I need to find that spark again, that little idea that got me so excited and got my fingers twitching. Trying to force anything now wouldn't be fair to you, me, or the story. And so I need a little time, and I wanted to let you know that.

This does not mean that I'm going to stop writing, though it will most likely be for other fandoms (mostly through my tumblr page-find the link on my profile). I've signed up for a writing event in a different fandom and will be committed to that until December. For those of you asking, "If you have time to write for that fandom, why not write for this story?", I am not sure what to tell you. Writing is a fickle thing, and just because I'm blocked on this story doesn't mean I can't write at all. I need some time to stretch my legs elsewhere before I can return and give this story its due. (Also, I started this story almost two years ago. I like to think I am an exponentially better writer now, so I'd like to go back and have this whole story reflect the writer I am now. As I go back and immerse myself in chapters past, I want to fall in love with this story again).

Hopefully, this will not take long, but I will make no such promises regarding the time of my return. If you'd like, subscribe to either myself or this story to be notified when I return.

One last thing: Thank you. To each an every single one of you: those who review nearly every chapter, the silent lurkers (I see and appreciate you), the ones who favorite and subscribe, or even those who pop in every now and again. I could not anticipate the audience I have earned, and your dedication and support mean the world to me.