Hey all, sorry about the wait, the website went spazzy on me and wouldnt let me publish anything...this has been done for a WHILE. ENJOY


This story is only going to be a few chapters long, it's my ending to Flower and Prongs and Green and Hazel. It starts late in Lily's pregnancy. Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter but I do own this story line, all three of them.

If you looked through the little window on the far side of a cottage in Godric's Hollow, you would see a heavily pregnant Lily Potter, glaring around her small usually clean kitchen, her husband cowering in a corner.

"Lily I know it looks bad," he said, looking at her warily. Her eyes were narrowed to slits as she eyed her usually spotless kitchen, which was now covered in flour.

"What the bloody hell have you been doing?" she hissed, turning to James, her narrowed eyes shining with anger. James flinched as she took a step towards him; hormonal Lily was known to hit, "You know I have no time to clean up! I'm pregnant James!" she shrieked, gesturing wildly to the balloon on her stomach, exaggerating her point.

"I know," James muttered, looking down at the floor. There was a moment's silence before a shriek sounded.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION!" she screeched, and James winced, biting his lip

"I was, er, trying to make you brownies," he said, looking anywhere but at his wife, whose eyes widened despite her anger

"You were what?" she breathed incredulously.

"Er, trying to make you brownies," he said, looking down at the floor, which was coated in flower. He had tried to open the bag of flour with magic, and it had exploded everywhere, causing the heavily pregnant redhead to rush down the stairs only to see a mess.

"Why?" she asked, frowning slightly

"Well, I know how much you've been craving them lately, and, well, I wanted to do something sweet for you," he said awkwardly. This was followed by another silence, which was in turn, broken by heaving sobs. James looked up, bewildered, to see Lily holding the edge of the counter, crying her eyes out, "Lily! Lils what's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and allowing her to cry into his chest, "Lily don't cry! Why are you crying?"

"B-Because you were trying to be s-so sweet and I w-w-was s-so harsh on y-you," she sobbed, and James rolled his eyes. The sooner the baby was out, the happier he would be, "Y-you pro-probably really h-hate me," she sniffed, and James shook his head

"Lily don't cry," he crooned, kissing her on top of her head. Suddenly, Lily froze and James winced.

"If all you were doing was making brownies, why is there flour all over my kitchen?" she hissed, looking at him, suddenly irritated. Her mood swings were going to cause James to spontaneously combust.

"Well, I was, er, trying to make it from, er, scratch," he mumbled, his hand flying to his hair.

"STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR HAIR!" she screamed, and James's hand fell quickly, "AND SO YOU FELT THE NEED TO COAT MY KITCHEN IN FLOUR?" she shrieked, returning to their previous conversation.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" he yelled back, finally cracking.

"Oh a likely story," she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Yes Lily, I spilt flour all over the kitchen floor and myself because I felt like it," he said sarcastically, and Lily's eyes widened

"I knew it!"

"Merlin Lils I was being sarcastic!" he said, exasperatedly, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Prove it!" she screeched, and James's jaw clenched. He was tired of their fights, this was their fourth one this week. They were so ridiculously pointless. He was tired of her hormones! He had had enough, so he did what any respectable man did when their wives were leading them to insanity.

He grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at her.

He froze as he measured Lily's reaction. Her hand came up to her face and drew a line, before she looked down at her finger. She slowly looked up at him and James's face split into a mischievous grin to see that she was laughing, "James!" she laughed, and he chuckled

"Yes?" he asked cheekily, and she rolled her eyes, which were suddenly sparkling. She reached over and took a handful of flour, and threw it back at him. As the flour hit James full in the face, he could hear her peals of laughter, and grinned. That, of course, was a wrong thing to do, as the flour coated his teeth. He began to spit it out, and Lily burst out laughing, "I'll get you for that," he said, looking at her, and she saw the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and squealed.

"You have to give me a head start," she said, holding her hand out, as she walked around the counter, and he started to walk towards her, "James it's only fair! I'm pregnant!" she laughed, and James rolled his eyes.

"Fine, you have a five second head start," he said, crossing his arms, and Lily gasped

"That's not enough!"

"Deal with it," he winked, and she huffed in acceptance, "Five!" Lily's eyes widened and she turned around, running out of the back door of the kitchen, that led to the backyard, "Four!" he yelled.

Lily looked around her beautiful backyard and grinned as she found her weapon of choice, "Three!" she waddled over to the weapon and picked it up, aiming it at the door, "Two!" she grinned and looked down at herself, congratulating herself on not wearing white, "One! Ready or not Lils!" he yelled, and the back door of the kitchen opened

"ARGGH!" James yelled, as a jet of water from the garden hose she was holding got him in the chest, "Lily?" he yelled incredulously, and she laughed

"Yes?" she said cheekily. James narrowed his eyes and ran at her, causing her to scream, "No! James!" she yelled, turning around, but she was too late. James grabbed her with one arm and attempted to grab the hose with the other, but Lily was resilient. She screamed through her laughter, and continued to hold onto the hose.

"Lily!" James yelled, as she twisted the hose, so it sprayed him in the face. He let go of her and carefully took off his glasses, placing them on the floor some feet away, and wiping his face, before turning back to her. He had been wearing a white shirt and dark sweat pants, which were all now soaked, his shirt completely see-through. Lily could see the outline of his perfect six-pack of muscles and grinned at him.

James looked over his wife, who had been in a large Puddlemore United Quidditch jersey which Hestia had got for her and long black maternity tights. She was completely soaked and her hair was plastered to her shirt, which was clinging to her, highlighting the large baby bump. She was glowing. James had never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

He grinned and sprinted towards her and Lily shrieked, pointing the hose at him, but it didn't manage to stop him. James sprinted right up to her and grabbed the hose, pointing it at the sky, so it rained down on them. He grinned down at Lily, who crossed her arms, her eyes still sparkling. He leaned down and kissed her gently, and felt her lips turn up into a smile, as her hands wondered into his hair.

"Welcome back," he chuckled, resting his forehead against hers, and Lily giggled.

"It's your fault this is happening," she pointed out, "If it hadn't been for you I wouldn't be fat and hormonal," she said, and he chuckled

"Lils you're not fat," he grinned, "You're just, large," he winked and Lily rolled her eyes, causing him to smile.

"Fat, large, same thing," she said, resting her hand on her stomach.

"No, you're pregnant, completely different category," he said, covering her hand, and Lily grinned at him.

"Wasn't it you who called that woman in Diagon Alley fat when she was pregnant?" she asked innocently, and James flushed.

"That was a mistake!" he said defensively, and Lily laughed. The rain seemed to multiply and Lily looked up and grinned

"James you're making it rain on us and it's actually raining," she laughed, and he looked up.

"Oh Merlin!" he yelled, and Lily laughed

"What does it matter? You're already wet," she said matter-of-factly, and James shrugged

"I was shocked, " he said, and Lily giggled, "Come on," he said, laying the hose down on the floor, "Inside," he said, pointing imperiously towards the house, "I am not having you fall sick two weeks before you go into labour," he said, and Lily sighed before heading off in the direction of the house, as James switched the hose off. He turned around and looked around for his glasses, "Damn it," he swore, looking around the floor. He looked up to see Lily standing, grinning, and holding his glasses. He stuck his tongue out at her and walked towards her. She turned around and walked into the house, and he caught the door, following her inside.

Lily groaned as they walked inside, the water from their bodies drenching the flour-covered floor, creating a weird sort of paste, "I'll clean it," James assured her, kissing her on top of the head. He pulled his wand out and waved it, "Scourgify," he muttered, and the floor was suddenly clean. He grinned at Lily, "Now you can't scream at me," he said, and she flushed.

"I'm sorry," she said, and he shook his head, "I'll try not to yell at you again today," she grinned, and James snorted

"That would be a record," he said, and she shrugged.

"Once again, this is not only my fault," she said, and he chuckled, shaking his head, causing it to rain water, "James!" she yelled, as water showered down on her. He grinned and kissed the top of her head, and Lily rolled her eyes.

"What have we here?" a voice said, and Lily turned around quickly to see Sirius standing smirking in the doorway.

"Sirius!" she said happily, and threw herself in his arms, "Oh sorry!" she giggled, taking a step back, "Now you're all wet," she said apologetically, and Sirius shrugged

"How irresponsible of you," James teased Lily, "Now the house is going to smell like wet dog," he grinned, and Sirius grasped his chest dramatically. James took a step towards Sirius, who pulled his wand out and dried James, before he hugged him, "So what brings you here?" James asked, as he and Sirius let go of each other.

"I just wanted to make sure he was still alive," Sirius shrugged, and Lily flushed as James laughed, "she has been known to do some nasty things when provoked," he said, and Lily grinned

"I don't provoke her!" James said defensively, and Lily shrugged

"It was you who dirtied the kitchen," she said, and Sirius grinned

"She must've killed you mate," Sirius said, clapping James on the shoulder.

"Yeah," James said bluntly, "But it did lead to a water fight," he said, and Sirius barked a laugh

"I don't want to know what you two do when alone," he chuckled, "So how's the bump?" he asked, looking at Lily, who rolled her eyes. Sirius had taken to referring to their baby as 'the bump'.

"Nothing to report," she smiled.

"Well that's boring," Sirius snorted, and James threw him a threatening glance, "Oh no I'm so scared," Sirius muttered, and James grinned, "So the big day is in two weeks!" he said happily, "Excited?" he asked Lily, who shook her head

"Lily doesn't like pain," James said, and Sirius shrugged

"Makes sense, but think of it this way, after all the pain you'll have a baby," he said and Lily grinned, "Anyway," he said, clapping his hands, "I came to take you two," he said

"Why?" Lily asked, and Sirius sighed

"There's been another attack, and Dumbledore's calling a meeting," he said, and Lily looked at James worriedly, "I doubt there's fighting, just an Order meeting," he said reassuringly, and Lily relaxed

"I'll just go get changed then," she said, and Sirius nodded

"Prongs you should go change too," he said, and James nodded.

"Come on Lils," James said, and picked Lily up. Sirius raised an eyebrow and James grinned, "It takes her years to get up the stairs," he said, and Lily spluttered as Sirius laughed

"Not being able to see your feet has it's disadvantages," she said, and James grinned, before heading out of the kitchen and up the stairs, followed by Sirius, "Are you lost?" she asked, looking over James's shoulder at Sirius.

"Ha bloody ha, lost puppy jokes," he muttered, and Lily giggled. James put Lily down in their bedroom and grabbed his clothes before stealing a kiss and walking out of their room to Sirius who was waiting outside. Lily heard the two of them, talking of course, walk to the extra bedroom and shook her head. Those boys.

She grabbed an emerald maternity shirt, and some maternity pants, and pulled them on. The pants were basically tights that ended right below her knees and the shirt had elastic around the bottom, which ended below her bum. She quickly dried her hair and pulled it up into a bun, before walking out of their room. James and Sirius were already downstairs so she made her way down, careful not to fall, and came to a stop in front of them, "You're alive!" Sirius said happily, and Lily rolled her eyes as James hid a grin. She knew she hadn't taken that long, "Shall we?" Sirius suggested, and James nodded

"See you there," James said, and Sirius saluted, before disapparating, "you ready?" he asked, holding his hand out to Lily, who nodded and took it, "Oh Lils," he said, and she turned to look at him, "I love you," he grinned, and Lily laughed

"When I'm not screaming at you?" she asked, and James shrugged

"I like you better when you're not but I love you through the screaming," he said, and her eyes twinkled, "Let's go," he said, kissing her nose before holding onto his family tightly and disapparating.

They landed at the Auror Headquarters, where they held the meetings, and walked into the room where everyone met. It was already bustling with people.

"Lily!" she turned and Hestia pulled her best friend into a hug, "Oh I haven't seen you in weeks! How's the baby?" she asked, looking down at the stomach

"All fine, Merlin I've missed you!" Lily squealed, hugging her friend again. She let go and looked up at James, who grinned at her.

"Should we find somewhere to sit?" he suggested, and Lily nodded. He put his arm around her shoulders and Hestia walked with them, chatting away.

"Merlin Lils you'll never believe what happened. I got back to the flat yesterday to see Sirius and Remus blowing things up, I had no idea how to react, honestly," she said, and Lily laughed, "and then your stupid husband walks out of your old room and hands them fireworks, which they promptly decide to light inside the house," she said, looking at James, who grinned and ran his hand through his hair

"Don't yell, just because we're older now doesn't mean we ever stop being Marauders," Remus said, coming up in front of them, "Hey there!" he said happily, hugging Lily, "I haven't seen you in a long time, how's life stuck in the house?" he asked, and Lily rolled her eyes

"Boring," she said, and Remus grinned

"What do you do all day?" Sirius asked suddenly appearing next to Hestia.

"Read, cook, my mum or Emily usually stop by," she said, and Sirius scrunched his nose

"Sounds boring"

"It is boring," she giggled, as James pushed her down into a seat, "Honestly James I'm allowed to stand," she said, looking at him and he shrugged as the rest of them laughed.

"Can't be too careful," he said, and Lily shook her head fondly. Just then, Dumbledore entered the room and they all sat down, James on one side of her and Sirius on the other, as they began their meeting.

"I'm so tired," Lily sighed, as James placed her delicately down on the sofa. James grinned and sat down next to her, pulling her into him.

"Why are you so tired?" he murmured, brushing some of her hair out of her face as she leaned against him.

"Because I'm so heavy now," she mumbled, burying her face in his shirt, "And I have to walk everywhere," she sighed, and James chuckled

"That does sound tiring," he said, playing with her hair. Lily yawned magnificently and James smiled, "Bedtime," he said, standing up and holding his hands out to her. Lily smiled at him drearily and took his hands, allowing him to help her onto her feet. She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face in his chest, sighing in contentment as her eyelids fluttered close, "Lils you can't sleep like this," James said quietly, and she moaned in response, "Alright, let's go," he said, pushing her away from him and scooping her up in his arms.

"You don't have to carry me," she said sleepily, resting her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes. James grinned down at his sleeping wife as he climbed up the stairs, "I'm really heavy," she continued, "That's why I'm so tired," she added, and James chuckled

"It's not a problem," he said, laying her gently down on her feet in front of her wardrobe.

"You do need to stay in shape somehow," she agreed musingly, and James laughed, "I wouldn't want you losing your muscles or anything," she said, and James snorted

"And that's why you love me isn't it?" he teased, and she grinned

"Of course,"

"I feel so loved," he said, rolling his eyes

"You should," she smiled, turning around and looking cheekily up at him. James chuckled and put his arms around her, pulling her into a hug.

"What happened to your hormones? I haven't had such a normal day with you in a while," he teased, and Lily giggled

"I like water fights," she smiled, and James grinned

"I rather enjoy them myself," he said, "Remember in our fourth year when I was unceremoniously thrown into the Black Lake?" he asked, and Lily giggled

"Well, I didn't do anything to you for a week after that," she said, and he chuckled. They stood like that for a few minutes, not talking, when Lily suddenly jumped, "Oh Merlin!" she squealed, and James frowned down at her

"What?" he asked. She shook her head and waited for a few minutes, before jumping again

"Bloody hell!" she yelled, and James looked at her worriedly as her hands flew to her stomach.

"What? Lily what happened?" he asked desperately, looking worriedly at her stomach and back up to her face. She looked up into his face with tears in her eyes, and a large grin on her face.

"It's kicking!" she breathed, and James froze, his worry disappearing and a loving smile growing on his face

"It's what?" he asked incredulously, and Lily nodded her head vigorously

"Here," she said, grabbing his hands and putting them on her stomach, and closing her eyes, a smile of anticipation lighting up her features. There was pressure against James's hands, and he gasped

"I felt it! It kicked!" he yelled happily, and in response, there were a few more kicks, "Merlin!" he laughed, "Do you think he or she likes my voice?" he asked, looking at Lily with bright excited eyes

"Probably," she smiled, and the baby kicked

"Likes your voice too," he grinned, looking down at Lily's stomach, as if realizing for the first time that there was a baby in there. The baby kicked again and he looked up at Lily, "Does this hurt?" he asked, rubbing the spot where the baby had kicked.

"Not really," she said after a moments thinking, "It just feels really odd," she laughed, and James chuckled.

"I can't believe that's our baby in there," he smiled, and Lily grinned

"Speaking of, we have a healers appointment tomorrow," she said, and James nodded, "Do you want to know what sex the baby is?" she asked, and James shook his head

"I'd rather not, it's more magical this way," he smiled, and Lily grinned

"What do you want?" she asked and James shook his head fondly

"I don't care"

"Come on Lily!" James yelled, jumping up and down in the kitchen as Lily frowned into the fridge, "We're going to be late!"

"James calm down, we're the only appointment today," she said calmly.

"What are you doing?" he huffed, leaning against the fridge, tapping his foot impatiently.

"I'm craving something," she said

"Then get it,"

"But I don't know what I want!" she whined, stomping her foot.

"What do you feel like?" he asked, and Lily shrugged, "Okay let's do this some other way, er, sweet or salty?" he asked

"Salty," she said confidently, and James nodded

"Cold or hot?"

"Er, neither," she said, and he sighed

"Then it wouldn't be in the fridge," he said matter-of-factly, shutting the door of the fridge, "Soft or crunchy?" he asked, and Lily frowned

"Crunchy," she said, and James nodded

"So you're craving crisps," he said and Lily's eyes widened

"How could I be so stupid?" she laughed, and hugged her husband, "Thank you," she squealed, and he chuckled. He reached up and opened a cupboard, handing her a bag of potato crisps.

"Better?" he asked, as she ripped open the bag and shoved a crisp in her mouth. She moaned and nodded and James chuckled, "you crave brownies one day and crisps another?" he asked incredulously, and Lily shrugged, "Come on," he said, taking her hand, "Do you want to disapparate or Floo?" he asked, and Lily sighed

"Apparating is the lesser of two evils," she muttered, and James grinned

"Ready?" he asked. Lily quickly shoved the crisps in her purse and nodded. James turned on the spot and Lily felt herself sucked into a vortex of darkness and nausea. Their feet landed in the lobby of St. Mungos and James left her standing there, as he sprinted to the blonde lady manning the counter, "Hello, we have an appointment under Potter," he said politely, flashing a charming grin, causing the lady behind the desk to swoon slightly

"Oh, yes, go right on up," she said, batting her eyelids

"Thank you," James smiled, before holding his hand out to Lily, who threw the witch a scathing look before allowing James to drag her up the stairs, "That was rude," he chastised, trying to hide a grin.

"She was flirting with you!" she said defensively, and James chuckled

"You have nothing to worry about," he said, kissing her on top of the head, and steering her into the ward, "W-what?" he stammered, as Emily waved at them.

"Oh you finally got here," she said, taking Lily's hand and dragging her towards a bed, followed by James, "We got here twenty minutes ago," she said, gesturing to all four parents. Lily grinned and hugged her mother, the two squealing

"Oh god I cant believe it's your final checkup before the big day!" Jane squealed, and Lily's smile faltered, "Nothing to worry about," Jane soothed her daughter quickly, "you'll be absolutely fine,"

"Of course you will," Emily said, smiling, "look at us, do we look permanently damaged after giving birth to children?" she said, gesturing to Jane and herself, and Lily grinned

"It's just scary," she said, and they nodded

"Can't deny that," Andrew chuckled, pulling Lily into a one armed hug, "You're huge," he said, and Lily stuck her tongue out at her father.

"What are you all doing here?" James asked, as Daniel hugged Lily, careful of the baby bump.

"I'm going to be a grandpa, you think I'd miss the final appointment?" Daniel scoffed, and James shook his head. The people he had to deal with.

"Lily and James Potter?" a trainee said, and Lily turned around. The trainee smiled at her and gestured to a bed, "Please, make yourself comfortable," she said, "the Healer will be with you in a minute," she said with a smile, and turned around, heading back to where all the nurses were.

"You heard her," James said, and Lily glared at him, "Sorry," he squeaked, as the parents chuckled. Lily threw her purse at him irritably and got into the bed. She crossed her arms and glared at James, as he stood there, unsure of how to handle the situation with the parents around. He had no food to smear in her face! "Are you still craving the crisps?" he asked, and Lily's eyes brightened, and he laughed. He opened her purse and handed her the bag, which she accepted with a grin.

"Nice going," muttered Andrew, clapping him on the back, and James chuckled as his father gave him two thumbs up.

"Excuse me?" they turned around to see a healer and James narrowed his eyes, "Are you Lily Potter?" he asked politely, and Lily nodded, her eyes on James, who looked like he was going to kill the man for even assuming he could check up on his wife.

"HELLO!" Sirius yelled, running in and throwing himself on James's back, in true piggyback style. James stumbled under his best mates weight and laughed as he put Sirius back down on the floor.

"Hey," James chuckled, and Sirius grinned, "What are you-?"

"Doing here? Well Hestia wanted to come, and then I thought I should as well, and I brought Moony," he said, as Hestia and Remus walked in, chuckling.

"Hi!" Hestia squealed, running over to hug Lily.

"Who's this?" Sirius asked, pointing to the healer

"I'm Healer Marks," he said, and Remus bit his lip as Sirius narrowed his eyes

"You got a bloke to check her up?" he asked, smacking James in the arm, and James winced

"Healer Laura is not coming in today," Marks said, and Sirius crossed his arms.

"Can we have a different healer please?" he asked, "No offense to you mate, it's just, you're a bloke, and she's a girl you know?" he said, and James grinned at his best mate.

"Er, I'm the only one on call today," Healer Marks said, amused, "And I'm pretty sure my husband would tell you that I wont do anything," he smiled, and Sirius and James flushed as Lily burst out laughing.

"Oh, then, never mind," he grinned, and the Healer chuckled.

"Shall we start over?" he suggested, and the two boys nodded, as did Andrew, who only Jane saw, "Mrs. Potter," he said, turning to Lily, who smiled at him, "I'm Healer Marks and I'm here to perform your final check up," he said. He took a few steps over to Lily and then cleared his throat, "may I?" he asked, and Lily laughed as James punched Sirius in the shoulder. She nodded and the Healer, after smiling politely at Andrew, walked over to stand beside Lily, "I'm going to check your heartbeat," he said, and Lily nodded. He looked over at James, who nodded and he began to perform the checkup.

Hence began the most awkward checkup known to mankind.

James kept fluttering over Lily

Sirius was watching over the Healer like a hawk

Remus was standing with the mothers, who were crying on his shoulders, one on each

The dads were looking, awestruck, at the baby monitor

Hestia was braiding Lily's hair.

"Here is your baby," Marks said, and they all froze, looking at the monitor.

"It's so big," James breathed, looking at the monitor. Lily grinned at the screen then pat her belly. James sniffed and she looked up to see him wiping his eyes

"James," she smiled, and he turned around, "Come here," she said, and he shook his head, "James," she said testily, and he turned around, looking down at her with red eyes. In normal circumstances, Sirius would have made fun of his best mate, but he was too busy staring, dumbstruck, at the monitor.

Lily gestured to the side of the bed and James sighed, sitting down on the edge, his eyes glued to her stomach, "Sorry," he sniffed, and Lily chuckled

"For what?"

"Being a baby," he said, and then burst out laughing, and Lily rolled her eyes

"Honestly James, I wonder which baby will be more mature," she said, looking between James and her stomach, and James snorted

"The baby is going to win," Emily grinned, ruffling her son's hair.

"Mum!" he said, hiding his face in Lily's shoulder.

"It's okay," Lily said soothingly, "She's right,"


"So then I ducked, and the spell hit the wall, which exploded everywhere, and I of course came out unscathed and sexy as always," Sirius said, dancing around the Potter living room, reenacting the scene, two days before the baby was to be born. He had just come back from a mission for the Order and was buzzing with adrenalin. James had been forbidden to go by his baby-laden wife, and had been especially worried about his stupid best mate.

"Then what?" James breathed, leaning forward, intrigued.

"Well what else? I cursed the bastards and disapparated," Sirius finished dramatically. James whistled and fell backwards, leaning against the back of the sofa.

"Intense man," James said, taking his glasses off and cleaning them, "You're not hurt are you?"

"No," Sirius scoffed as Lily walked into the room. She took one look at Sirius and sighed, "Yes m'dear, I am alive," he said, holding his arms wide, and Lily grinned.

"I'm glad,"

"Really?" Sirius asked, double taking, "Do mine ears deceive me?" he asked James, who laughed, "The Lily Evans is glad I'm alive! Merlin I never thought I'd see the day," he said dramatically, 'fainting' onto James's lap.

James rolled his eyes and turned to smile at Lily, and Lily nodded, biting her lip in anticipation

"Well I wouldn't want you to die now," she said, walking over and leaning against the back of the sofa next to James's head. James stood up quickly, causing Sirius's head to fall onto the sofa, and stood next to his wife, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Why now? Oh because of the baby, obviously, it needs to see the majesty that is Sirius Black at least once," Sirius said solemnly, and James snorted, "Oi!"

"Well Sirius it is because of the baby," Lily said, and Sirius rolled his eyes

"I know, I just predicted remember?" he said, looking at Lily, who grinned

"Padfoot we're trying to tell you something here," James said, and Sirius's eyes widened

"Oh! Okay, er, I'll be serious," he said, and then burst out laughing, "Success!" he said, and James burst out laughing. Lily shook her head and covered her mouth, laughing.

"Sirius!" she said, placing her hands on her hips, "I don't want you dead because then if I die then the baby will have nobody!" she said, and Sirius rolled his eyes

"Sweetheart if you die it will stay with Prongs, I know that sounds bad, but he does get primary custody," Sirius said, and Lily sighed

"Okay let's say James is dead as well," she said, and Sirius paled

"What are you saying?" he choked, and Lily's eyes widened

"No! Merlin this is coming out all wrong," she whined, and turned to James, who grinned.

"Alright I'll do it," he said, rubbing her arm gently, "Padfoot if we die, if, we want you to be here for the baby," he said, and Sirius frowned

"That's why the baby has godparents," Sirius said, "Honestly you two, do you not know anything about this?" he teased, but his two friends only looked at him, small smiles on their faces, "What?" Sirius asked, his stomach flipping

"We wanted to ask you," Lily smiled and then looked at James

"Mate, will you be godfather?" he asked, and Sirius's eyes widened.

"F-for real?" he choked, and James nodded, "R-really?" he asked, turning to Lily, who grinned, her eyes shining with tears, "Y-you really want m-me?" he stammered, looking at James, who chuckled and let go of his wife, walking over and putting his hands on Sirius's shoulders

"I think you'd be a great godfather, nobody better, and Lily agrees," he said earnestly, and Sirius's eyes widened. He turned to look at Lily, who smiled and nodded, as if to confirm it for him.

Sirius's face split into a large grin and he threw his arms around James, hugging him fiercely, laughing, "you will not regret this!" he exclaimed, letting go of James to run over to Lily, pulling her into a delicate hug. He let go of the pregnant redhead and looked down at her tummy, "Hear that?" he yelled in the direction of the stomach, "I'm your godfather!" he laughed, and then turned to James, "not that I want you to die or anything," he said, and James snorted. Sirius laughed and ran over to James, throwing his arms around him once more, "Thank you!" he yelled, and James chuckled, clapping Sirius on the back.

There was a gasp and both Sirius and James turned around to see Lily standing there, frowning.

"Lils what's wrong?" James asked worriedly. Lily looked down and both Sirius and James followed her gaze, and froze

"Why is the floor wet?" Sirius asked, his voice quaking

"Lils did your water just break?" James choked, and Lily whimpered

"I'm going into labor."

Hey guys! Hope you liked it (: So obviously, you know that in the next chapter we will meet baby Harry. Stay tuned!