Reviews for The Obeisance of Memory
Cbatologin chapter 35 . 4/21
...damn. This is probably the best spn fic I've read (ashamedly, I've read a lot).

Your writing style is spot on, the way you wrote the characters really feel like it's coming straight from the show (Bobby's smiley face takes a back seat). The twists and progression of the story was great - and it was hard to put this story down. Good job!
Guest chapter 35 . 3/25
I really like your writing style, specially how you wrote Dean's thoughts. Your beginning was just mind blowing! Srsly this is one of the best fics I've read, really well written. I know how hard it is to write a story with pov of an amnesic character, but wow you've done a really great job. Going to recommend this for my friends for sure.
Guest chapter 35 . 3/25
Omg this is soo good! This is like the best fic I read in a long time. Thank you soo much for writing this amazing piece of work.
Leaf Green Tea chapter 35 . 2/27
PrincessMagic chapter 35 . 2/8
wow! wow wow wow! this ffn was absolutely amazing!
Re'Becca Jamison chapter 18 . 12/2/2019
Oh heck off Ruby
Re'Becca Jamison chapter 17 . 12/2/2019
I remember reading somewhere that Supernatural is Sam's story told through Dean's eyes. I don't know if I fully agree with that, or if it was even real, but this story feels exactly like that. I love it.
Re'Becca Jamison chapter 16 . 12/2/2019
I've furiously shaking with so many emotions while reading this so far (mostly from laughter mostly from dread most recently from HORROR) but what the heck? Now? I'm just shaking. What the HECK
oldcroneofawitch chapter 35 . 7/31/2019
You are an excellent writer. You captured Dean's personality so well. Thanks for the great story.
aRTsyisAwesome chapter 35 . 7/23/2019
Spanglish chapter 35 . 7/9/2019
Lo más seguro es que no leeras este comentario. Pero, debía dejarlo igual. Son las 8:37 pm empecé a leer tu fic la mañana del día anterior. Me dormi temprano y me desperté a las 4:00 am para seguir leyendo. No pude parar. Estoy con lágrimas en los ojos. Uno de los MEJORES fics que he leído. Y he leído mucho y soy muy exclusiva. Renovaste mi amor por el fandom. Amé toda la historia. leí por la comedia, y luego empezaste a sacar tramas profundas acerda de identidad y persona, luego metiste un pony, y me tuviste los últimos diez capítulos como una loca persona discutiendo conmigo misma si Dean era Dean, o no. Bravo! Lo amé. (Lamento no escribir en inglés, mi cabeza está muy cansada para pensar en tiempos verbales en inglés)
Black Fungus chapter 9 . 4/3/2019
LOL, Dean thinks Sam has a boyfriend! That was funny.
Black Fungus chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
That was so funny. "lets just ditch the car" wow he is off his nut. I cracked up with "I saw a tunnel"
Black Fungus chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
I loved the whole I am a zombie do I feel the need to eat brains. LOL
Shishcabob22 AO3 chapter 35 . 2/28/2019
I believe this is the best fanfiction I've ever read, and quite possibly one of the best ever written. Honestly, it's better than most books and novels I've read. Everything about it was genius-the overall plot, of course, with it's many twists and turns that often caught me off guard and had me gasping out loud. Seriously, call me gullible, but I was really concerned that Dean wasn't Dean for a while there. When I figured out Zach was lying to carry out his schemes...just wow. And don't even get me started on the pseudo ending, where Dean dies and we find out he had his memories all along-I actually cried, and I do NOT cry easy. The impact your writing has is incredible. I also loved your writing style throughout-generally quirky, creative, and funny as hell. I've only begun experimenting with writing over on AO3 (unfortunately do not have an account due to technological issues) and I wish I could write like this. At some points in your writing, I get an incredibly strong Rick Riordan vibe: centralized around one POV and distinctly unique and in-character (absolutely LOVED what you did with Dean). I have so many thoughts I can barely put into words, but generally, this was beautiful. I hope you continue to write and maybe consider a career in it, because I would read anything and everything of yours religiously. Thank you so much for sharing!
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