![]() Author has written 13 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Merlin. My name's Ellie, and I currently reside in the top floor flat of an old cloth mill. Featuring such decadent luxuries as unsafe floors, an old motorised bed frame, and a dusty shower that only works on low power providing of course, that the boiler is switched off. I am the perpetual student, have been at university for the better part of a decade and am unlikely to ever leave. I was warned off academia, and in retrospect probably should have listened... I mainly write friendship and adventure. Usually short stories, the occasional epic length funfest spews forth from my brain cavaty now and again. I write for my own pleasure, and the pleasure of others, and love all the possibilities that stories can give. There's nothing better than creating characters and watching them develop over time with challenges and relationships. Also, messing with narrative. I love messing with narrative! THE POWER! THE ABSOLUTE POWER!!! Some 'interesting' things about me: ͼ I married my childhood sweetheart ͼ My mother is the local witch who specialises in healing, palm reading and curses... She likes variety. ͼ I share my birthplace with Merlin. ͼ And I share my birthday with Elvis, Stephen Hawking, David Bowie, William Hartnell and Kim Jong-Un :/ ͼ I have a retired army gecko named Barry, a tuxedo cat named Patch, and a geriatric arabian horse named Solo with only Stuff: (For which delicious copypasta must be utilised as not all links to 'the ouside' work suddenly) Character art, covers, illustrations for stories. It all ends up here: My LJ, for tales of travel and photographs from the land of legend that is Wales, and various filming locations: This: Covers: Full sized versions of the cover images seen below. /art/Cover-In-all-but-blood-539470651 /art/Cover-Crossing-Paths-550213054 /art/Cover-Crossing-Paths-Alternate-550215663 Accompanying images etc: Crossing Paths: Image for the epilogue - /art/Crossing-Paths-Epilogue-576539395 Balinor's cheeky/creepy/malicious smirk And his peed off/beaten in an arguement/general displeasure face News: 11/12/15: Well what a couple of weeks of pure, unadulterated shite they were. I do so hope that the next pick up and things are a tad less irritating/unnecessary/downright horrid. Work used to be a lot more enjoyable than this :( 'Crossing Paths' is now complete. Bonus chapters and all, though I'll be continuing to post some cover images and such for it over the next few weeks on my deviantArt account, so enjoy! I'm also getting round to posting the next chapter of 'Royal retreat' sometime in the near future. As I always say, it is not abandoned. The same goes for 'In all but blood', some of the second part chapters are giving me jip, but will be up soon. I also have a new story that's complete in rough draft and will begin posting in the new year and should be good fun - Dragons and rogues and cages, oh my! Christmas party tonight, however, so am going to party like it's 1981! This month's recommended reading: Arthur and Merlin on the cliff by the sea by lunchee. A fusion with the movie Ponyo. Touch of light future slash, and the best, absolutely out of this world and off the wall take on Hunith and Balinor's relationship ever! I want a story about just these two as they are here XD - /works/322207/chapters/518599 ͡ ͽ ͜ ϿOϾ͜ ͼ ͡ ٭ In progress (Merlin): ͼ Ffurflenni (Returns) After Camlann, Merlin must wait for Arthur's return. But this is a great, wide world, populated by souls old and new. Eternity is a long time, and Arthur is not the only one destined to return. A set of drabbles and shorts on the intermittent returns of some familiar faces... ͼ Royal Retreat - Following the backlash of one of his bright ideas, Arthur and Merlin find themselves stranded in Lot's kingdom. With an enemy patrol, and an entire camp of wronged bandits blocking their escape through the woods, they've no choice but to get word to Camelot and wait for rescue. Yet, that may be easier said than done... (set between series 4 & 5, diverges from canon later on) ͼ In all but blood - No child comes into the world without a destiny. Even when that destiny it is to bring about the start of another greater than one's own. The lives of a difficult prince and a laid back dragonlord-in-waiting cross and their individual destinies are set in motion, neither realising just how closely tied their predetermined purposes truly are. The formative years of two friends so close that they consider themselves brothers in all but blood. Whose lives lay mapped out before them in more ways than they know, nor would ever want to. ͼ The Red Dragon (Book one) - Camelot is abuzz with excitement. The time is finally at hand for the peace talks towards the unification of Albion to begin. Gwen must play her part as the regal ruler, and Merlin is run off his feet ensuring that everything goes smoothly. But with so many former enemies gathered together in close quarters, how much of his old suspicion is justifiable, and how much is paranoia? Will Albion come to pass and the next part of his destiny be fulfilled? Or are there those who conspire against the golden age of prosperity foreseen since ancient times? ٭ ͡ ͽ ͜ ϿOϾ͜ ͼ ͡ ٭ Complete: ͼ (Prologue) Forbrecan ond Gestrician - A year has passed since Camlann and the loss of Arthur, and Guinevere has settled into her role as sole ruler of Camelot. Magic has returned to the Kingdom, and the people are at peace. But more was lost with Arthur's death than the man himself. For the past year, something else has been missing from Camelot. A situation that may soon be remedied. ͼ Bear-faced cheek - It was supposed to be THE grand commission. A celebration of his hunting skill, physical prowess and wit. A painting to end all paintings: King Arthur, brave, strong, regal ... gorgeous... It was going to be great. So how the hell did THIS happen!? ͼ Crossing paths - Getting his father's knife reforged was meant to leave him out of pocket, not with a bounty hunter's prize slumbering in his arms with a fistful of his coat. Close to five years without unecessary human contact, and now this? Balinor swallowed, and huffed to himself. What sort of idiot was he? What was he supposed to do with a tiny, hungry, possibly traumatised child? ٭ ͡ ͽ ͜ ϿOϾ͜ ͼ ͡ ٭ Coming soon: The Red Dragon Trilogy ͼ (Book two) Réod ond Hwíte - News has reached Camelot of an army massing just beyond the Northern borders, led by a warlord feared through the whole of Albion. As worst fears come to pass, and new journeys begin, how can magic prevail when its very foundations are thrown out of balance? ͼ (Book Three) Throw down the sword - ??? ;) Other ͼ How to train your Dragonlord - Collection of one shots, missing scenes and short tales from 'The Red Dragon' and 'In all but blood' continuities. ͼ The uncanny- 'I am possessed of the knowledge, dear sister, that you will read this account with belief, convinced of its truthfulness for you are aware that I bear no propensity towards falsehood.' The end of season ball was nothing more than a necessary evil to the reclusive Emily. But the unbelievable events of that night will shatter the ordered and constrained world she has known thus far. What of the polite young gentleman so dull and ordinary to the eye, but not as earthly as he first appears? For even the wild and windswept landscape of her native Yorkshire will seemed tamed and ordinary compared to this one uncanny Hallowe'en night on the streets of ancient Bath. (In progress) ͼ Blue Butterfly - They say that one tiny thing can change the course of the future: a moment in time, a misplaced raindrop, a decision taken sends out ripples that can alter the way things are meant to be. That day as he made his way back from town, her words sprang unbidden to his mind from their chance encounter not so long ago: 'When you reach the old game trail, turn uphill, around the back of the resurgence pool, not downhill, to the stream.' Downhill was quicker. Safer. But something told him to heed her advice. So he did. And ended up clapped in irons for his trouble. (In progress. To be posted when complete) ͼ My pet rock - Arthur had always tried his hardest to please his father. Being heir to Pendleton Power, the future of Uther's precious company rested firmly on his shoulders. So when the chance to head up a project of his own came around, Arthur practically throttled it to death he seized it so hard. What a chance to impress! And it would be easy to boot. How hard could it be to dupe the homely, hippy headmistress of Fforest Fach Primary school? And convincing her son would be a walk in the park. He was clearly an idiot, after all. (Coming eventually) Continuity guide A few stories fit into the same continuity and occasionally refer to one another. It's not neccesary to read them all, but for those interested in the reference points: Red Dragon: (Following the show canon without divergence) In all but blood Bear-faced cheek Forbrecan ond Gestrician The Red Dragon Réod ond Hwíte Ffurflenni The Uncanny Throw down the sword How to train your DragonlordStandalone: (May have AU elements or total divergence from canon) Royal Retreat My pet rock Blue Butterfly Crossing Paths (can fit into the IABB timeline also) |